the fluttering butterflies, the eagerness to be touched and the protecting nature of it all..that's what girls are supposed to feel right?
His arm lay over my side,
pulling me close to his body. The couch we lay on never seemed so
small. His chest pressed to my back was warm and I could feel his
heart racing. My first sleepover with a boy, and not a hint of
lust in sight. No want to bed him other then to lay my head on his
chest. Pure. Its never been that way before. I hadn't felt
this way ever and I liked it. He asks to kiss me, writes about me
in his native tongue. See's beyond my glass exterior, ready to
slice anyone that tries to get too close. My concrete walls that
keep everyone out. He climbed it, places the pieces of myself
together with kisses. He's in love with me. Taught me to shoot
to defend myself from other men. Neglects the fact that if I
started to love him id take him down too. He cant handle me. He
wants to try. I let him. I keep hoping I'll feel something. The
weird thing about sleeping beside boys isn't the comfort. Its that
sometimes you feel everything.. And sometimes you feel Nothing.
This has a lot of conflicted feelings swirling. It starts off as a sort innocent prepubescent doe love, but the speaker seems much more mature, or maybe even distant or jaded.
Then enters the somewhat violent symbols of guns , defense and agression
Yes, i remember my first night with a girl, and nothing but laying next to each other, but then somethings enter in the way that just ruin the moment from there on, perhaps we should go back to it, and feel what it felt like before, when things mattered
Ok. Well that didn't end like I thought it might. I'm glad. I like to read along and stay interested since my attention span resembles the tip of a pen. This story is kind of sad though.