![]() Chapter III - Unite or PerishA Chapter by Andrés Danilo Hedkvist Muñoz![]() Heroes are not entirerly immortal nad could it be that the threat is bigger than they thought?![]() THE THREE
MERCENARIES were walking around the Sphinx, they had tried walking different
directions, but they never saw any village or any pyramid. “Where
the hell is everything? I thought there were more pyramids and s**t around
here, but nooooo, those fuckers had to disappear?” Jason shouted, Keira glanced
at him but she somehow could not take her eyes off Jack. “Listen,
I guess we’ll just have to wait here at the Sphinx for someone to show up, we
can’t walk around all day without finding anything… Let’s just rest here in the
shadow of the Sphinx, shall we?” Jack said, while he sat down in the shadow of
the huge Sphinx whose head was missing. Jason leaned against the wall of the
Sphinx, standing next to Jack; Keira sat down next to Jack, quite close to him. Not far
from where they were, next to the wall a dark mist appeared. Out of it, four
creatures stepped out. “What in
the goddamned hell is that?” Keira whispered as she stood up, aiming her weapon
at the dark mist. “I have
no f****n’ idea, but I ain’t gonna find that out too soon” Jack replied as he
fired his weapon at the four creatures. Somehow the bullets missed the four,
but that did not stop the three merc’s from firing their weapons. No matter how many rounds the merc’s fired
off, no matter how many grenades they threw; it still did not affect the four
creatures. “F**k me,
I’m out!” Jason shouted, a few seconds later, both Keira and Jack were out of
ammunition as well. “Any
ideas… Anyone?” Jack asked, both Jason and Keira shook their heads,
“hand-to-hand? Knife versus something that looks big and scary a small distance
away?” Once again, Keira and Jason shook their heads, they just stood there.
The four creatures started walking towards them. “Are they the ones who are going to save
the world? They’re way too few, don’t you guys think?” Ililsa asked, Assadar, whose
tremendous powers had weakened, did not reply. Instead, he walked faster
towards the three, “by the way, Assadar, thanks for placing me in the shadow…
Good to know you still remember that sunlight kills me!” Assadar
stopped and turned around, “does sunlight kill you?” He kept
on walking, the three stood there, frightened. “Don’t kill us, whatever you are, we mean
you no harm!” Jason shouted as he got down onto his knees. “Yeah, we
did not just fire around six hundred bullets and waste ten grenades on them,
now did we? Smartass” Keira whispered. The
creature spoke. “I am
Assadar, a Fiend, I come from hell in order to help you with saving the world,
these are my three friends, Maravi the werewolf, Ililsa the vampire and Aili
the gargoyle, we have come to help you with stopping the war which will break
out in two days.” “First
question: is this a joke? And second question: what war?” Keira asked as she
looked down on Assadar. “You do
not know about the war that will wipe out humanity from the face of existence?” “No, I’ve
never heard of it, I thought the apocalypse wasn’t going to happen until
millions of years!” “My
friend, this is not the apocalypse… It is worse.” The ground started shaking, it seemed like
an earthquake, but it was not. The whole Sphinx began sinking into the ground;
the group ran away as fast as they could. After a
long time, a time which seemed like hours which only lasted for seconds, the massive cloud of sand settled, the three
merc’s managed to get away before they were sucked into the ground together
with the Sphinx, so did the demons, only problem was the sunlight. “Where is
Ililsa!?” Maravi shouted, he turned to the merc’s, “have you seen her?” “I’m not
too good with… Anything, but if she was a vampire… Well maybe she burned to
death, I mean, after all, it is quite sunny…” Jason replied, Maravi grabbed
Jason’s shirt, lifting him up. “You
insensitive human! I shall rip you apart and feast on your flesh!” “Maravi,
stop… He did not mean it… But you know he is right…” Assadar said as he walked
closer to Maravi, “Drop him, Maravi.” Maravi
let go of Jason, Jason who was unprepared for the landing accidentally landed
on his back. “I’m
sorry… It’s just that… I loved Ililsa…” Maravi said, looking down on Jason who
was still lying on his back. “Oh… I am
so sorry, Maravi, I didn’t mean it! But… Between you and me, I know what it
feels like to lose those you love… I became a merc after my parents died, shot
to death, point blank range… I wanted to find the guy, but I couldn’t, still
looking for him though.” “I am
also sorry for your loss, human.” A moment
of silence followed those last words from Maravi, the merc and the werewolf
stared at each other, and eventually stared at the empty desert. Pyramids and
villages had been sucked into the desert landscape, was this going to happen to
the rest of the globe? Reunited “Let’s see here… Hmm… Sixteen of us, we
are all gathered, even though we are not” Constantine said, the samurais,
ninjas, the thief, the assassins, the monks and Juvenal stared at him, not
understanding what he meant, “right above us, three mercenaries and three
demons are trying to find their way back to civilization. The demons escaped
from hell to help us, now, the mercenaries on the other hand accidentally appeared
here… We could use them, after all, they are a lot more modern than us and do
know the world a bit better than us as well.” “Constantine,
we’ve lived for over eight-hundred years, we know quite a lot about the world
as well!” Gaetan, one of the assassins, replied. “Well,
Gaetan, you are right about that, but there’s one thing we are missing… Why the
Gods are starting a war against earth, the Devils are joining the war too but
for different reasons, one of the mercenaries knows what is going on, he just
doesn’t know that this war is related to what he knows, we must find them
before sunset, or else the demons will get them first!” The cave,
or their headquarters started shaking, it was about to collapse, or so they
thought. “Oh… And
hello John, good to see you again! That weird fellow told me that I was going
to meet a good ol’ friend!” Constantine was filled with joy, John, like always
did not seem as happy. “Good to
see you too, Constantine, it’s been a while since last time…” Their hideout
started shaking again, worse than before. “This is
not right… Something’s wrong…” Gaetan said, the two other assassins, Jerome and
Azim took a step closer to Gaetan and slapped him in the face. “Of
course something’s wrong if it’s not right, retard!” Azim shouted, the ground
started shaking again, pieces of the roof started collapsing, “what the hell is
going on out there!?” “It
appears that someone is summoning the darkness… My God, they’re going to send
out the demons to capture the others!” Juvenal responded with panic in his
voice, “We must send up at least five brave warriors to save them!” “What
about those who stay?” Kame asked. “Those
who stay will be teleported by me to another location, Juvenal will stay here
and wait for those who return, we will
probably end up in two different locations, but we must find each other once more… But for now, I need five if
not more to save those above!” Gaetan,
Unaduti, Nishiken, Michio, Renjiro and Makoto stepped forward. “You know
that a few of you might not return… I suggest that you say goodbye for the last
time, who know what those demons are capable of…” Constantine said, the six
said goodbye for the, hopefully not, last time. Search Party A portal
opened up on the wall, each of them entered, and each of them were transported
into the desert, where the sky had gone dark, swarms of bug like creatures were
flying around, scouting the area for the demons and the mercenaries. “If the
Flies haven’t found them yet… Something has to be wrong” Unaduti said, as he
focused to hear the ones who were out in the desert, but he could only hear the
buzzing sound of the Flies. The six
started walking, it seemed like the Flies were either unaware of them or they
just did not care about them since their priority was the demons and the
mercenaries. The six
noticed that the Flies were flying around a certain area, from time to time the
Flies dived down behind the sandy hill, but they never reappeared. “I
believe that our missing ones are where the swarm are circling” Gaetan said,
the other ones nodded, they started running towards the swarm, they were
running at an incredible speed. Once they were close enough, Gaetan jumped, he
was ready for an airstrike at the Flies who were on the ground, as he flew over
the sandy hill he saw something weird. In the
middle of the thousands of dead Flies there was a small sphere, a small dark
sphere. Gaetan landed on a dead Fly, he slowly walked towards the sphere, when
he was close enough the sphere disappeared and he saw six figures, three demons
and three mercenaries. “Come
with me, I will get you to safety!” He told them, when he had finished his
sentence a Fly caught him and flew up high in the air. Gaetan started kicking
his legs as the Fly was holding his arms; Gaetan noticed that other Flies were
gathering around him. In an
instant, they charged, they flew towards him; he kept on kicking, although it
was in vain. The Flies tore him apart, limb by limb. On the
ground, the other five stared up into the dark sky, they saw Gaetan being torn
apart, but there was nothing they could do. The
demons and mercenaries approached the other five. “I am
truly sorry for your loss” Assadar said as he stared at the remaining five. “Do not
worry; he did not die in vain, at least he bought us some time” Unaduti
replied, the mercenaries were shocked. “You
don’t care that one of you just died, he was f*****g torn apart, and you don’t
give a s**t!?” Keira shouted at the five who seemed untouched by the loss of
Gaetan. “Yes, we
do care, but we already said goodbye, now follow us unless you don’t want to
end up like Gaetan.” The nine ran as fast as they could,
Unaduti was first in the line, he was the biggest, and so he would provide cover
in case something would attack. Which happened, a swarm dived towards the
group. Unaduti
was the first one to be swept away, Renjiro and Makoto were next, just like
Gaetan, they were torn apart and eaten. The
portal leading into their temporary headquarters opened up, Nishiken, Michio,
Jack, Jason, Keira, Assadar, Aili and Maravi made it to the portal, it disintegrated
into nothing. “Where
are the rest?” Juvenal asked when he noticed that four were missing. “They
fell… Well, they were taken by the Flies, torn apart and eaten” Nishiken
replied. “Oh, well
no more time to lose; we must get out of here before everything collapses… Or
they find us” Juvenal said, like the others, he seemed untouched by the death
of the others. Juvenal
opened up a new portal which led to a jungle, the others had already been
teleported there; Juvenal was unable to teleport because he was weaker than
Constantine, so his only choice was to open up portals which were highly unsafe
since anything could get through if it was not shut down in time. A bright
light filled the room, once it was gone; the nine in the room were amazed once
they noticed what else had joined them in the small room which was hidden
bellow the sandy surface of the desert. Three
angels, tall, muscular, deadly angels stared at them. The
angels pulled out their glowing swords from their sheaths; each angel was
covered with a heavy, white armor which covered every single part of their
body, including parts of their wings. Nishiken
and Michio turned around to the rest. “Go
through the portal, we’ll keep them busy!” Nishiken ordered, Juvenal nodded,
and then used telekinesis to push the rest through the portal. Nishiken and
Michio stayed. “Juvenal,
once you’re through, shut the portal so the angels or the demons won’t track
you down” Michio said, Juvenal nodded once more, then entered the portal, a few
seconds later, the portal shut down. Nishiken got his Katana ready; Michio got
his spear ready, they stared at each other, then at the angels. They were
thinking the same, they knew that they were going to die, but they were going
to take at least two of them into the grave with them. Time
slowed down: Nishiken
ran towards the angel to the left while Michio ran towards the angel to the
right, the angel in the middle waited for them. Nishiken
dodged the swing of the angel’s blade, he let his Katana cut through the armor,
slicing through a few organs " The result; the angel got down on his knees,
Nishiken quickly turned around and let the Katana cut through the spine, then
the whole neck including parts of the wings. Michio
ducked when the angel charged his blade, the angel’s blade managed to cut into
the wall where it got stuck, while the angel tried to pull the blade out,
Michio focused all of his powers to perform the perfect attack with the spear. The angel
managed to pull the blade out from the wall, but it was too late, Michio
charged his spear right through the faceplate and helmet of the angel, right
through the head. One angel
remained. Michio
and Nishiken were circling around it; the angel was standing in the center of
the room. The two of them charged simultaneously, but none of them managed to
cause any damage to the angel, Nishiken’s Katana barely touched the angel’s
armor, while Michio’s spear gently cut through the angel’s feathers. Five
feathers slowly fell to the ground. While they were in mid air, falling towards
the ground, the angel grabbed Michio’s spear, with a quick flip of the spear,
Michio’s spear penetrated his own head. Michio
fell to the ground, dead; the spear had gone right through. Nishiken
was shocked, but he did not stop attacking the angel, but he did attack with
rage. Missing every slash, there were times where he caused more damage to the
walls than the angel. The angel
became tired of playing around, he grabbed Nishiken’s Katana, and the Katana
did not even cut through the angel’s hand. “Impossible…”
Nishiken whispered as the angel broke the Katana with his hand. As Nishiken
stood there, shocked, the angel walked closer to him. The angel grabbed
Nishiken’s head. Nishiken
tried to kick free, but it did not take long for his head to pop. The angel
dropped the pieces of Nishiken’s head before turning to the point where the
portal had been. “The hunt is on…” The angel whispered, the
angel picked up the weapons from the dead, angels and the two humans. He pulled
the spear out from Michio’s head and placed it in a small sack in which he
always put the weapons of his dead opponents, including his dead comrades. The weapons
from his enemies are kept as a trophy, while the weapons from his dead allies
are but a reminder that he could have fallen with them. Story Time Seven
people walked out from the portal, one who was untouched by the death of his
friends, six who were shocked. Ten more walked up to them, no one said
anything, it was quiet for a long time. “I need
someone to tell us what the f**k is going on!” Jason shouted, his face was
pale, since he had never seen angels, demons, or anything beyond this world. “Light a
fire, John, we shall all sit down and rest for a while… I think we all need it”
Juvenal said, ignoring what Jason had said. Jason who noticed that everyone
ignored him could not help but pull out his knife and rush towards John,
everything happened way too fast, Keira had never seen Jason move that fast
before, ever. John turned around and grabbed Jason’s wrist just when Jason was
about to stab John in the back. “This
solves nothing, kiddo, I will explain what is going on during the evening, as
Juvenal said, for now we all could use a rest…” John whispered as he slowly
twisted Jason’s wrist, causing him to drop the knife. John pushed Jason away; Keira
walked up to Jason and told him to calm down. It was evening; the sun had disappeared
behind the tall trees in the jungle, the only remaining light source was the
campfire John had made. The only
ones who were awake were the merc’s and John, Jack glanced at John, and someone
had to break the silence. “So…
Going to tell us what this is all about?” Jack asked while moving his focus
from John into the warming flames. John
sighed: “It is a long story… But I’ll try to keep it short…” Eight
hundred years ago a war was about to break out, the Gods and Devils had had
enough of each other. But that was not it; there was more to it than we
thought. Each and every God created their own so called Hero, the ones they
were going to use during the war. Thor,
Loki, Zeus, Hercules, God, Rah, Anubis, every possible God joined forces to
fight the Devils. Of course
the Devils did the same, Beelzebub, Hades, Hel and so on. Many Gods
chose to pick already powerful people and give them a few special abilities. I
was one of them; they chose people from around the world and created their own
Heroes as well. The
Devils created a few “Servants” as they liked to call them. They believed that
the ones they had were going to be able to succeed, alas, the Devils were
wrong. The
Devils thought that their army which consisted of fifty Servants were going to
defeat the Gods one hundred Heroes, actually, they were close to winning. During
the last stand, the Devils had twenty Servants left, and we were only sixteen. “Constantine, what are we going to do!?” I
asked, I was worried that the Servants were going to win, since we were fewer
and whoever won the war would receive the universe as a prize. “First of
all you must steal the mighty crystal which the group leader is holding; the
others will distract the rest of the Servants.” “What
good will that crystal do!?” “That
crystal is like a powerful bomb, unfortunately, when it goes boom the only ones
who’ll die will be us… It has been created for the purpose of destroying us, if
we get hold of it I will be able to change its effect and cause it to destroy
the Servants instead.” I was breathing heavily, so did the rest of
the group. “Ninjas,
samurais, assassins and monks, listen up, Juvenal and I are going to stand back
here and cast spells to help you, the rest will charge and create a diversion
while John charges the group leader among the Servants and steal that crystal!”
The rest nodded, so did I, I looked deeply into Constantine’s eyes, realizing
that this might be the last time I ever see him again. I took a
deep breath, “CHARGE!” I shouted it out loud, battles cry. Everybody started
running towards the Servants; the two wizards were still in the ditch, creating
balls of fire and electricity which they launched at the Servants. The
Servants looked like a mixture consisting of humans and demons, most of them
were tall and quite muscular, their eyes glowing red underneath their solid
black-steel armor. I
remember the fight before I managed to get close to the leader of the Servants. The Four
Samurais running past two of the Servants, while Nishiken and Katsuoshi were
running past the Servants they sliced their legs off, while the Servants fell
to the ground, Kiyoshi and Michio delivered the finishing blow, Kiyoshi pressed
his spear up the throat, through the spine of one of the Servants while Michio
fired two arrows which pierced the eyes of the second Servant and into the
brain. The Three
Assassins were a bit simpler, they just distracted the Servants, and so did The
Three Ninjas. The Three
Monks on the other hand delivered devastating blows to four of the Servants,
braking armor, bones, necks, heads, basically every part of their bodies. Juvenal
and Constantine were trying to distract the Servants, but it mostly ended up in
them frying or electrocuting the Servants, as I recall it, the Two Wizards
killed three of the Servants before I managed to get to the crystal or the
leader. Once I
was close enough I saw how the leader was about to lift the crystal in the air,
meaning that he was going to set it off. I noticed that I was close enough;
with the worthless acrobatic skills I had, I tried to do my best to get the
crystal. But I did not realize how huge the leader was until I was standing in
front of him. The
leader looked down on me and laughed, an evil laughter, dark and hoarse,
frightening and deafening. “What
will you do, ant?” He laughed, while he was laughing I took a few steps back
and ran towards him, I placed a foot on his right thigh, pushing myself up
while I placed the second foot on his chest plate, it gave me a big enough
boost to launch myself into the air, grabbing the crystal from out of his hand.
In mid air, while holding the crystal, I noticed the facial expressions
changing on the leader’s face, from happy to incredibly angry. I threw the
crystal to Constantine before I landed on my back on the ash covered ground. The
leader placed his right foot on top of me. “I am
going squash you like the ant you are, freak!” he yelled, anger filled his
voice, I felt how the pressure on my chest increased and I felt the bones
breaking, I roared, but all the sudden the pressure disappeared together with
the leader. Constantine
had activated the crystal and killed the remaining Servants. The Servants had,
like the forest, turned into ashes. Juvenal
quickly healed my cracked ribs, I stood up, stared at the battlefield, what had
been. That beautiful, green, animal and life filled forest was now gone. A bright
light appeared in front of us, a voice spoke: “I am
God… I gave you the few abilities you now have… I am going to give you another
one, the ability to age without aging. You will live until the next war is
unleashed, for the Devils are far from done, and we still have not defeated
them. My messenger, the Angel of Death will appear once the war is about to
consume the world… This war is far from over…” The light faded away and so did
the voice. And so we
lived for eight hundred years, we saw the world change, but no one ever cared
about the fact that we never died. I guess the Gods protected us… Some Answers The
merc’s and John sat there quiet, staring into the fire, the flames were playing
around, sparks shooting from the camp fire which was slowly dying. Maravi
woke up, stared at the group who sat there, next to the fire. “Humans…
There is something which we’ve forgotten to tell you… The gates to hell will
open up in approximately one day.” John,
stood up, anger in his eyes, he woke the rest up. “It seems
like this Werewolf has something to say to us!” he stated angrily, “repeat what
you just told us who were awake!” “What is
it?” Kame asked, confused and still tired. “Umm… The
gates of hell will open in approximately one day…” The Heroes exchanged angry
expressions. “You have
got to be f*****g kidding me!” Azim exclaimed, “the f**k are we going to do
now!? I mean, we are not strong enough to fight the demons; the heavens are
going to rain down hell upon us… We are safe nowhere!” “How can
heaven rain hell down?” Aili asked, fascinated over the thought of something
like that ever happening. The group ignored him; an argument broke out between
the demons, Heroes and the merc’s. “SILENCE!” Constantine shouted, annoyed
over the argument, “we are not to fight each other, the enemy is out there!” The rest
stared down into the ground, ashamed of themselves, they apologized, basically,
“now, kiss and make up.” A few chuckles were heard from the group, after a
short while they went quiet once more. They were all about to go to sleep again
when suddenly… “Wait,
you guys, do not fall asleep! John told us that the Devils created Servants and
the Gods created Heroes… Well what we’ve met so far have been neither Heroes
nor Servants, am I right?” Keira exclaimed as she sat up, it was like she had
realized something, which she had. “True,
there used to be Servants and Heroes, but now these are ordinary angels and
demons… Wait, I think I know what you’re thinking!” Constantine replied, Kame
asked: “Enlighten us, Constantine… Or Keira…” “You say
it, Keira.” “My point
being that this is not like the war you were prepared for, what if they don’t
send more Heroes or Servants, what if this war is about something else? I don’t
know, maybe the Gods or the Devils have done to provoke each other… I might be
wrong.” “No, no,
that is a great idea!” Juvenal said, a big smile cracking up on his face. “Great?
More like perfect, but we do not know what they have done, now do we?” Jerome
said, “I mean, sure, your theory is probably right, but how do we know for
sure?” “What if
neither the Gods nor Devils started this…” “What are
you saying?” Keira asked. “What I’m
trying to say is that what if we humans did something to piss them off!” “That’s
quite impossible, I think it’s unlikely.” “Shh,
Keira, listen to what he has to say… He actually might be right” John silenced
Keira, with this Keira responded by stretching out her tongue. “Nothing
is impossible, Keira… What if the Gods and the Devils are seeking revenge for
something… Maybe for humanity’s way of forgetting them, like the Egyptians did,
their Gods disappeared, didn’t they?” Jerome replied. The group
started discussing the options or reasons for which the war could have started. After an hour of discussion they all
decided to go to sleep, unaware of the fact that somebody was watching them. In
the bushes nearby somebody was watching them. The whole
group had fallen asleep, it was silent, whoever was watching them was now gone. The sound
of raindrops smacking down into the ground, leaves and rocks, the faint sound
of the wind was all of a sudden, replaced by a massive boom. The group
of sixteen woke up at the sound of the explosion, the ground was shaking, and
the camp fire had died out long before they woke up. “I see
black smoke behind those trees!” Maravi pointed it out, the others saw it,
“maybe we should check it out?” The whole
group ran as fast as possible to the position. It did not take long to them to
find the origin of the smoke, the problem was knowing from where it came from.
They saw the smoke from where they were standing, it was an open field, trees
grew in a perfect circle around the grass spot. Black smoke rose from the
ground but no source of anything that created it. “Magic?”
Sequoyah asked, staring at Juvenal. “No…
There is something here… Something which we cannot see…” Assadar whispered. A
few seconds after he had finished his sentence, two humans suddenly appeared,
walking out from the dark smoke. The two
persons were dressed as scientists, one male, one female; both of them were
carrying something underneath their arms. “You…
You… You must stop it…” the male scientist said before collapsing to the
ground, dead, the female fell to the ground as well. The cause of death was two
major cuts over their backs. Another
figure appeared from the dark smoke, it was a male, dressed in black, two
holsters hanging from his thighs, two major not too normal guns holstered. On
his back he had something that looked like a long sword and another big gun. His eyes
were glowing yellow and looked like cat eyes. Not too muscular and not too
tall, but he looked very dangerous. “Who are
you?” Keira asked as she slowly approached him with her gun drawn, she looked
down at the corpses and noticed the laptops underneath the scientist’s arms. “You have
no ammo… Don’t try to scare me… Check the computers which the scientists were
carrying and you may enter the City as well” the male replied. “The
City?” Keira responded as she looked up and saw that the male with the creepy
eyes was gone, “where did he go?” “I don’t
know… Check the laptops and see what he was talking about…” John picked up a
laptop, handing another one over to Jack and Kame as the four sat down and checking
what was on the laptop they found at least some answers. © 2010 Andrés Danilo Hedkvist Muñoz |
Added on October 13, 2010 Last Updated on October 13, 2010 Author![]() Andrés Danilo Hedkvist MuñozGävle, SwedenAboutI'm a 16 year old boy, I like to write just to kill some time. I love horror and sci-fi, but I'm not good at writing horror so I stick to writing sci-fi/action/adventure stories. I write stories both.. more..Writing