and i'll always leave with a smile on my face and a tear in my eye, but i'll blame it on the better times; though all i'm trying to prove is i'm strong. Truth is I'm not and when the door closes and i find myself alone, I break. shattering into the smallest pieces known to man. I become dust, a mere speck on your memory; an afterthought for when the lights go out. You'll only wonder who i was for a second, think about the silly things i've said but never how i cared; because you never knew.
I'm the stars. Not the brightest one, but the furthest one, undiscovered to the human eye, but there all the same. You won't notice me, won't see me sparkle; because I'm not there. Not until time passes. And as time does pass you'll remember me, but by them i'll be faded. Leaving this time on my own accord because Im tired of the fight. Of struggling to be a player on the stage, rather than sitting on the sidelines.