An Alphabet of Thought

An Alphabet of Thought

A Poem by Monners

bored in class.


You act, you ask, you answer, you argue

You're born, you breathe, you're broken, you bleed

You cry, you climb, you crawl, you can't

You dive, you drink, you drive, you drown

You engage, you emerge, you expect, you escape

You fight, you fail, you fall, you're free

You grow, you gain, you give, you grieve

You hop, you hope, you huddle, you hug

You invite, you initiate, you invigorate, you imagine

You join, you jump, you juggle, you judge

You know, you kneel, you knit, you keep

You learn, you love, you laugh, you live

You manage, you're meant, you meet, you're mistaken

You're normal, you negotiate, you need, you're new

You organize, you're overcome, you're open, you operate

You pretend, you practice, you ponder, you pounce

You question, you quit, you're quick, you quote

You reason, you run, you ride, you rise

You sleep, you swim, you speak, you scream

You treck, you trip, you travel, you take

You unite, you understand, you uphold, you're upset

You vote, you vary, you vindicate, you versify

You walk, you weep, you win, you write

You yearn, you're young, you yell, you yield

The x's and z's are the route of disease

I eliminate for sanity sake


Life is complex

No one can explain.

You live, you love, you hurt, you die, you sleep, you fight, you learn to deal...

I guess I just have issues with the last one.

© 2008 Monners

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Liking it, here's to being bored in class :-) A lot of creativity & imagination put this together. "You walk, you weep, you win, you write" Nice.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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Woh! Man, that was really brilliant and extremely creative, sweetie ;) Very awesome work!! I couldn't think of these- it take me a year or somethin lol. Very amazing!


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like it. :)
Cool form.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow that was amazingly original and well structured. Yeah I don't know what else to say besides "wow". Great job there Monica!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on February 11, 2008



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