Our Topics.

Our Topics.

A Story by RED

This article shows what we are interested in our normal life.

Unfortunately, our topics are no longer talking about Global Warming and Pollution!! 

We are nowadays, not concerned with what really matters, but we are only concerned how to build relationships with each other!! " Girlfriends & Boyfriends"!! 

I receive a huge condemnations because I focus on other activities to engage in and you will easily figure that out (laughs). 

Well, I am not saying that there should not be any shallow relations if you needed help in some courses, but I say that we should respect and apply our religion view of this whole topic, and what really amazes me that we do not notice it a lot in every single faculty at the university, we just notice it in some certain faculties, Nursing, Medicine, & Engineering, make the best instance for our topic!! 

And, actually, I see that a bit awkward because I am nearly, the only one who finds it difficult to believe how dare a girl who was sent by her parents to the campus so that she can study and have a better chance than they did, she stabs them in the back cheating on them instead of repaying them on how much they suffered upbringing her, so she can be special in her future!!!

I, sometimes, suffer from convincing people about my own perspective of that, especially, my brothers and family members because they just do not get it,and they will not!! 

I have been called several nicknames because of that, like: " Old-fashioned, Rocky-minded, ......" and many others, and what I hate most in this era is that when you say the truth, you will be the liar and vice versa.

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© 2015 RED

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Added on February 28, 2015
Last Updated on February 28, 2015



Amman, Abu Nsair, Jordan

I am a young passionate writer who seeks to spread and share his own writing world-widely. more..

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