As I sit down... Looking down at the earth. For all these years i have been looking up off of this ground staring into outer space wondering what would be like if I can get out there in that dimension. While having the chance to look down on while I use to look up not only to, but at what I believe was a beautiful universe.
While getting up there by any means necessary was my intentions. Trying to see the good in world. I soon realize that there is not a damn thing beautiful about this world. It is full of ugly, hate, with small diamonds hidden that are begging to be found in the core of its heart.
Although as I catered to those who I believe were diamonds they all showed me that just like real diamonds they all have counter fit that were covered in blood. As we all walk in dried up pool of blood that were spilled by the innocent, and the damned. Leaving me to notice that as I walk I have found gems that I should keep in my pocket known as my heart.
Countless people have tried to make a fool of me. Make a fool of it... As the clock in my mind counts down, and brings me back down to this earth... To this life I realize that finally, and slowly this life is counting down to it's end. Then when this life that I lived has been good; time will eventually end for us all.