In the distance, riding the waves of the sea, reflecting the golden rays of the sun, drifted a large glass bottle. It was the sheer symbol of infinite hope, the desperation of a single soul waiting to be discovered. Hope, is what gives humans strength to persevere, to love & to dream. This, was the ultimate manifestation of that so-called hope, for as long as hope exists, so was the chance to survive, to keep going & take that extra step. People hope for many things in life; good health, children, wealth and love, but in the end, it all comes down to desperation, a message in a bottle. Expectations are made from hope, they are hope itself. People expect things, especially from each other, in the hope that they will deliver. What happens when these expectations are not met? They hope it never happens again, because in the end, just like this ever drifting gleam of light, hope is always there. Who created hope? God? or is hope just another name for god? For it is to god we look when there is nothing else, when we are in absolute darkness, we look for the light at the end of that tunnel. We carry on because of hope, because of a message in a bottle. So, I write this in hope that someone will find this & know my tale, a legacy that should not be forgotten & pass it on to you my dear reader, as a message in a bottle.