Chapter 1 - Moving Forward

Chapter 1 - Moving Forward

A Chapter by ~AziianCutie~

This might be a bit boring at the beginning and I was a bit sleepy when I wrote this but enjoy anyway!


Chapter 1 – Moving Forward




Dear Dad,

When are you coming back from Africa? I miss you so much. It’s been lonely here in Edmonton. I know that there’s an Edmonton mall here but I have nobody to hang out with here. It’s hard when you just move. I hope that-

  “Rachel! Come downstairs it’s time for dinner!” a voice yelled. “I’m coming just give me a minute mom, but I-“she cut me off. “No buts young lady, now come downstairs!” “Fine.” I yelled back in a mad tone.

  It was quiet at the dinner table. It was awkward that my little brother Max wasn’t annoying me in any way. Finally I finished eating. Now I can finish my letter.

I hope that I make tons of friends at my new school but I don’t think it’ll be that easy. I’m just afraid of the bullies there. High school is like a zoo.

Well anyways see you at Christmas Eve. That’s in… 1 month. Better get the Christmas shopping done. See you soon.


Love, Rachel

  Ring!  “Omg! I have ten minutes left until school starts! Why didn’t anyone wake me up?” I screamed. Max came in my room. “Ha-ha!” he laughed. “I knew that watching you freak out about being late would be fun so I changed your alarm clock to the time it rang.” He explained. “I am so gonna kill you!” “Not if you can’t catch me!” He ran. Ugh! Maybe I should just get dressed. I’d rather not be late than kill my own brother. I’ll just do that later.

  This school doesn’t look half bad. This might work out. “Hi are you Rachel, the new kid?” a strange voice asked. “Um, yeah. And you are?” I asked in a sweet tone. “I’m the student body president. Welcome to McNally High School. I’m Austin.” He whispered. A girl pushed me away from Austin. “Hey Austin, who’s your little friend?” she asked loudly. “Veronica, this is Rachel, Rachel this is Veronica the fifth most popular girl in the school.” Austin hollered. “It’s nice to meet you Rachel.” She shook my hand but not in a gentle kind of way. She crushed my hand like it was a thin twig. She also gave me an evil look. I tried to smile like she wasn’t hurting me.

  At lunch I started walking toward Austin so I could eat with him and ask him questions until Veronica pulled me to a chair next to her. “We need to talk.” She yelled in an angry tone. “Listen very carefully Rachel. Austin is mine so you better stay away or else. Got it?!” I shook my head. “Hey guys. What are you doing?” Austin wondered.  “I was just telling Rachel…some rules.” Veronica explained quickly. “I see… mind if I sit with you guys?” he asked. “Sure. Well you two can be alone. I was just about to leave anyway.” I whispered. “No, stay.” He pulled my arm. I stayed. We all chatted for a bit. When ever Austin looked away, Veronica would always give me an evil look.

  I Had Science next. Mr. Cullen introduced me to the class. The whole time I wasn’t really paying attention. Finally I was in the hallway walking toward my locker when I suddenly bumped into Austin and my books fell. “Sorry, I…” I interrupted him. “No I’m sorry I wasn’t looking.” I picked up my books and he helped me. He gave me my science notes and text book then suddenly our eyes met and we stared at each other for about 5 seconds. “You have the most beautiful eyes.” He whispered quietly. “Um… thanks…” I blushed. “Wanna hang out after school?” He asked anxiously. Sure, but what do you want to do?” I asked. “Um… we can take a walk around the park if you want.” “Sure.” I replied quickly. Veronica came and pushed me again. “Hey guys, I over heard you talking about going to the park and I was wondering… could I come?” I stood there for a second. “I think Rachel should hang out alone today. Is that ok with you?” He asked. “I guess.” She answered. She went in front of me and she whispered, “Remember what I said and you better watch it newbie. She bumped my shoulder when she walked pass me. I know I’m a newbie but is that her nickname for me now? If she calls me that in public or anywhere at all, I am so gonna loose it.




© 2009 ~AziianCutie~

Author's Note

Please ignore ANY mistakes I made.

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I'm sorry, but I didn't really edit it. My head hurt because of your font, but it's ok. I think you missed a couple of details in your summary though.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 5, 2009