Free Fallin*

Free Fallin*

A Chapter by Simi Olowofela

In this chapter we meet Andrew's best friend Xavier and learn a bit about them. We are also introduced to Onyx, the love interest.



Free Fallin*


The Marley Café is one of the few places I can go to just get out of my head in just be. It almost soothes me. I order a Mocha and then walk over to my booth in the corner and just breath in the aroma and the atmosphere and it is exceptional. This booth of mine is drenched in darkness but has an excellent view of the town. The darkness keeps people from bothering me when I am in my zone. I feel no need to talk to them, so they should do me the courtesy of leaving me alone as well. As I drink my mocha and listen to my music, I stare out the window and take in the tranquillity of the town; Paramour, London my new home. A much better fit than my last.

Paramour is a little town with a lot to it. The town Centre exudes artistic possibilities whether it be art, or music or as in my case writing. It is built in a circular fashion. In the middle of the Centre is the Paramour Book Parlour; an indie book store that has been around for well over 100 years, with excellent books and simplistic interior. Above it is the Marley Café, my favourite place. Trees encircle the building giving the place country feel and some beautiful scenery, excellent for inspiration. The river Amadeus, islands the town giving Paramour a separate identity and making it place of its own. The Tiberius flower is native to this place; its sharp violet colour gives the town a unique and marvellous glow that I have come to love whole heartedly. It has come to the point where I notice my wardrobe has adopted the colour. Not many people drive in this town so it is quite a tranquil place. A lot of people bike or skate or simple walk to where they need to be and if the need to leave to go into other towns they take the river boat. However one of the beauties that I have come to wait for and expect is that of this striking beauty. She walks the path in front of my window every day to get to wherever she goes. Her beautiful caramel skin glistening in the sunlight. We have become accustomed to acknowledge each other though smirks whenever she goes by. I could try for more, but with the way I am I shouldn’t subject her to all of me, but oh wouldn’t it be magical.

As the minutes of the days go by and I drink my 3rd mocha. Soon enough my silence is abruptly interrupted by someone jumping on me and ruffling my hair. It’s Xavier. Xavier Vacancy, my best friend.

“Hey mate, you still brooding then?” He says while laughing

“Well as you can see, I’m still in my brooding mode.” I reply.

“Well too bad, brood on the go because I got somewhere to go and your bloody well coming with me.”

“Where exactly is this place we need to go?” I ask while smacking his hand of my head.

“A party Drew and you’re going to love it.” He answers.

“I severely doubt that Xavier. Parties are not particularly my thing.” I turn back to the table and I finish my mocha.

“Well too bad because we are going. Plus your girlfriend is going to be there. It’s her party.” He whispers as he tussles his own hair.

“Who? What girlfriend?”

“You know?” He says as he uses his eyebrow to gesture to the window. “Window Girl. The one you swoon for.”

I thought of seeing her and began to get happy about the possibility of attending a party. That’s Xavier for you, he could get a blind man to compete in ultimate charades if he wanted to.

“Alright, I’ll go, but not for too long.” I say sternly with a hint of joy.

“And she is not my girlfriend. Simply a girl I see through a window. And I do not swoon you prick.”

“Yeah, whatever mate, fun will be had tonight if it kills Me.” he says intently, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

I get up and leave with Xavier and began the walk to the party. I always ask myself how Xavier and I work as mates. I don’t know really, but I guess knowing each other since childhood helps a lot. It gets hard to separate.

Xavier is the coolest guy I know. He is the most relaxed person I have ever known, seen or heard of. The first time I met him was when I was 8 and he was in my gifted class. He wasn’t as smart as me; no one was, but he was still vastly superior to a lot of people around. He was also the only other person who looked like me; Mixed race that is. I was sitting alone read my books, and he had just decided that he would come over and sit next to me. The first thing he said to me was, “We are best friends now dude.” The next thing was, “I dig your book, and it’s almost the size of your head. Amazing!” I simply laughed and from then on we were as thick as thieves. As time went on our different academic lives attempted to pull us apart but Xavier would not have it. He would skate over to my house every day with his shaggy dreads, arsenal shirt, ripped jeans and blue vans and consistently pester my father to be let in so we could hang out. As much as my father did not like my studies to be interrupted, he would always eventually get broken down and have to let him in the house. After I was accepted to Arcane University; a prestigious university and the family Alma Mata, I could not see Xavier as much. He had decided to not go to university and just see what life had to offer him. He’s an intelligent man, I never understood this, but I would get letters and phone calls and emails and video chats from him often, just to help me along the way. I was 16 when I went to university so I was definitely out of my depth socially and Xavier helped me bridge that gap. Xavier’s parents were very hands off and once he was off exploring so were they. That was that. On paper Xavier and I are unlikely friends. He is into skateboarding, skiing, football and other sports and these are not really in my wheel house, but he is extremely loyal and takes me for the way I am with no judgements not now and not then. This guy forces me to live a little and I don’t know what would happen to me without his presence.  Anyway nowadays we live together in a great apartment just on the edge of the town centre and it is magnificent. Me and my best mate. Almost makes me exultant. Almost.



On the way to the party we stop off at the apartment to change into better clothing and for Xavier to fix his hair; it’s now shaggy neat dreads down to about the middle of his back and he is obsessed with making sure it and his beard are looking immaculate. I just rustle my hair and walk out yelling, “Hurry the f**k up mate, you’re the one who was invited to this thing. I would assume you are the one who would want to get there before it finishes”.

He runs past me, slaps me on my cheek and says, “Alright mate, let’s do this”.

Finally we leave. We walk past Marley’s and then down the cobblestone of the canal and arrive at an old fashioned red brick building. I assume we are here; being as I could hear the music from the top floor from where I stood.



We enter and before I can say anything Xavier says, “See you in a bit mate, I’ve seen someone that is begging to be wooed by me.” I sigh and carry on.

As I walk through the crowd of people, I block out a lot of what is going on. I see Xavier talking to this girl; he’s put his game face on so I can tell he’s serious. I see a man throwing up out of the window. I see two guys pointlessly getting in each other’s faces; clearly for the attention of the girl by the counter. What I didn’t see however, was the girl holding a cup of drink walking towards me and so I slam right into her; spilling her drink over me and her.

“Oh f*****g hell. I apologise, I did not see you coming, I was not paying attention," I say. “I am so sorry,"

“It’s alright, I didn’t see you either," she replies. “But damn we’re now covered in jack and coke. Let’s go to the bathroom and clean up."

As she grabs my hand to lead me to the bathroom all I can process is how her voice was pitch perfect as she spoke and how her hands feel so soft and perfect and so right in mine. I was losing myself in the thought of her. Once we arrive in the bathroom she hands me a towel looks at me like she’s scanning me. She then begins to talk, “Nice shirt, very blunt”.

“Thanks, I believe the sentence Get the F**k out and Die really speaks to me. You know” I say monotony.”

“My name is Onyx. Onyx Duchess” she says as she shakes my hand.

“Andrew Cloud, it’s a pleasure.” I respond

“So Andrew Cloud, have I seen you around before? You look very familiar." She says with a cute raise of her eyebrow.

“Well in a way. You walk past the window of Marley Café every day and we nod at each other," I say, hoping she doesn’t notice how creepy I sound saying this.

“Oh yes that is you! You’re much cuter in person," she says with a smirk.

“Umm thanks, I guess. By the way when you say Duchess do you mean like the Duchess enterprises Duchess?” I say.

“Yes, unfortunately, but you deal the hand you have been dealt, and I have been dealt a hand where it is hard to believe if people like me for me or for my family. Is that you," She asks.

“Firstly, no that’s not me. I somewhat know what it’s like to try to live up to the family name; the Clouds are big in the classical music world. Secondly, who says I like you," I say with pursed lips.

“I have an eye for these things Andrew and I may like you to, so guess what, we are going to go out soon, but I’ll leave it up to you. Give me your phone.” She says.

I hand my phone over without really thinking too much about it; a rarity for me and she continues to put something in it.

“Here is my number. When you want to stop simply nodding at me through a window give me a call and we can go out. If not we can continue to nod and you can just have another number in your phone.” Onyx says. “Also, nice tattoo, it’s different,"

Before I can answer she winks at me and heads out the door to re-join the party. I follow on after a few minutes in a bit of a daze and bump into Xavier.

“Andy we have got to go, I was making out with this girl and then she starts talking about how she wants me to meet her dad. I can’t deal with that. It’s crazy talk. Let’s go," He says in a panic.

So we leave, me with an actual smile on my face and Xavier with a panicked look on his. Not until we are halfway home does he ask, “What’s up with you?”

“I got a girls number tonight and I actually kind of like her," I say.

“Nice.” he chuckles a little and we continue to walk home.

© 2015 Simi Olowofela

Author's Note

Simi Olowofela
Next chapeter. Hope you enjoy. Feed back would be nice.

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Added on January 26, 2015
Last Updated on January 26, 2015
Tags: Andrew, Xavier, Onyx, Cloud, Trapped, Free Fallin, Chapter, Live, Party, Coffee, Mocha, Marley, Cafe, Books


Simi Olowofela
Simi Olowofela

London, Greater London, United Kingdom
