"Someone one once told me, It not what you have...but what you do with it."-Ivory
Book description-
"Trapped in a world of life and death, of innocence and sin, The one thing I am denied is life, When cold whispers of death haunt my fragile dreams, I pray for it's simple relief, so that perhaps if I am to go to it's wavering light- this relentless pain will lose it's grip on me."-Ivory
Ivory was once a regular young girl, originating from prosperous ancestors and grand tales of adventure, she lived her life as a fairy tale completely halcyon , unafraid and free. When she was suddenly struck with a unidentified illness, No matter the doctors efforts, it appears Ivory is on death row, the grotesque illness eating her alive. Just when she finally begins to accept her fate, a mysterious young man arrives in town, with the claim that he can cure her illness. The cure he has in mind, will not only change her life, but her fate forever.