Her Big, Bright Smile

Her Big, Bright Smile

A Poem by Missy Moooooo

Baby Poem <33333


She touches you with her tiny, chubby hands

you cannot be angry anymore

her big, brght smile touches your heart.

Watching her try to crawl,

shes just flopping around

but you can't help but laugh.

She giggles along wth you

stareing at you,

she loves you.


One day she'll come running up to you

screaming your name

that day, you will remember

her big, beautiful smile as a baby.

You'll remember that

children are cute,

but when they cry the

devil inside of them is released.


But, you're okay with it

you softly sing her a song

until after a few,

she grabs your hair

and smiles up at you.

That big, beautiful and bright smile.


And you will whisper to her

"I love you."

© 2013 Missy Moooooo

Author's Note

Missy Moooooo
this is dedicated to my niece Faith Ann, she's 6 ish months old :)
It pretty much states the truth, just saying that the "you" is based to me.

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This is beautiful TWINNY, and not a bad poem at all!! I loves it!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

Thanks TWINN
touching poem

Posted 11 Years Ago

So touching mellissa ! you made me remember of my love ...!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

Im glad I did, that was my goal. Thank you. For your review :)
awww so sweet!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

Thank you.
Very entitlement given by you that attracts anyone to read. Good work.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

Thank you; my 6 month old niece smiles and giggles and reaches for me when I'm in the same room as h.. read more
Racy Daniel

11 Years Ago

very good thought. Keep going with this kind of deep thought.
Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

Thank you I will
Great dedication!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

Thank you Derek! :)

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6 Reviews
Added on March 23, 2013
Last Updated on March 23, 2013


Missy Moooooo
Missy Moooooo

Cowtown ;) , PA

18, Freshman in College Criminal Justice Major :DDD more..
