![]() It BeginsA Chapter by Miss TilleyAnd it begins... Today started out just like every other day of my boring teenage life. The alarm annoyingly bleeped for over 20 minutes before my mom yelled down the hallway to get my butt out of bed. "You're going to be late and I don't have time for this." I rolled over and slammed my hand down on the irritating little buzzer and stretched my whole 5'1" body to it's max. Then I just lay there some more, soaking up the few extra minutes that I didn't have to spare, letting my body come to life. I hear my brothers outside making tons of noise and my mom running around trying to get them ready for school. Morning's suck! I hate to get up in the morning. I'm definitely not someone that you would call a 'morning person'. Even though I really don't want to go to school, it's almost summer and I'll have a little bit of freedom coming up. I just need to get through the next week and I'll be home free. Well, except for the annoying little brothers that are always running around causing problems, they'll always be there. Again, can you tell me, why did my parents have more kids? Oh that's right, because my mom wanted more kids. Uggh.. brothers!
I pulled into my normal parking spot at school. Some of my friends were already hanging around by their cars. This was one part of my morning that I actually enjoyed. My dad had restored a 1965 Ford Mustang coupe for me. She's baby blue, with a black interior (that burns the heck out of your legs if it's been sitting in the sun too long) but she's beautiful. The boys think she's pretty cool too, and that's always awesome to get a little extra attention. I'm not a really popular kid, but that really doesn't matter to me. I have my close friends and I play softball. I'm not beautiful or have anything overly flashy about me, except for my cool car that the motor-heads drool over, even though it's just an in-line 6 cylinder. (See, I even know some cool car lingo.) I'm 5'1", so pretty short, but not so short that I have to use a booster seat to see over the steering wheel while driving. I have dirty blonde hair, which is almost in a ponytail (come on, I play softball), plus I'll admit that I'm just lazy. I don't really wear any make up, unless you count the Wet and Wild #666 lip liner and a little lip gloss. I have blue grey eyes that change shades with what I'm wearing, or sometimes my moods. My b***s are a little bigger than average, but I really don't do much to call attention to them. My wardrobe pretty much consists of jean shorts and t-shirts. I guess this is also the part where I should admit that I have a bit of an attitude and maybe even just a pinch of an anger issue problem.
My school day is usually pretty boring. I have a couple good friends that I hang out with during the day. Donna, Moni and Nic. We all go through different times where we're closer to one than the other, but we all usually get along pretty well. No major issues. I also have Vero, but she usually hangs out in a different group and we mainly only do things after school. Then there's Dona, who I've been friends with since we were in elementary, but she has her own set of friends at school too. I'm really not too interested in the boys at my school, none of them really catch my interest. Don't get me wrong, there are some cute guys and nice guys, I'm just not really interested. My one true love's family moved up north to some stupid cow-ville soon after we started high school. They still come down to visit and he always stops by and we hang out, we talk on the phone when possible, but it's not the same. I miss him. Everyone thought we would end up together one day. We grew up together, our parents grew up together. Who knows, maybe after graduation we will be together? But this is high school and who waits around for their one true love at this stage in the game? A lot of my day during school hours consists of me day dreaming. I'm not a bad student, I get pretty decent grades, but I definitely don't put a lot of effort into it. I spend most of my day looking forward to 6th period and softball practice. Softball is GREAT! I get to swing a bat and murder the ball. I can take out my aggression on that little white ball and pound the heck out of it. I get to throw and catch, which is also good when I'm angry I can put all of my force behind launching the ball down first base line to get the out. I'm what they call a utility player. I can play third, pitcher (although I'm not so good) and catcher. I'm usually the catcher, it's my favorite position, almost always in play. All the running and drills that I hate during practice, help to keep me from becoming a total chunky monkey. I work at the local pizza place and eat pizza for dinner most nights (come on, I get a free meal when I work). I would be as big as a house if I didn't exercise at practice everyday. After practice, I drive home, hop in the shower quickly and rush back out the door to work. Like I said, I work at a pizza parlor, and no, it's not one of those places where I have to dress up as a mouse or anything. We're a family type place, with an arcade to keep the kiddos busy so mom can chat with the girls, and dad and his buddies can relax with a pitcher of beer and watch the game on the big screen. I'm a pretty lucky though, I was promoted pretty quickly to the supervisor of the delivery drivers. So I handle taking delivery orders, getting deliveries ready for the drivers, complaints from people and help. Oh and when things get backed up, I make pizzas, cut them, help out in other areas of the kitchen and if it's super busy and deliveries are slow, I help in the dining room. It's kind of a cool gig for a teenager. I feel a little important that I'm the one supervising the drivers, but let's be honest, it's just a title and I really don't have the authority to do anything.
Four exhausting hours later, I'm back on my way home. I smell like pizza! I know that doesn't sound so bad, but really, when your clothes, hair and EVERYTHING smells like pizza, it just get's gross. So of course the first thing I do is jump back in the shower and wash that odor off me and out of my hair. Throw my uniform in the laundry room (yes, my mom still washes my clothes), and go into my room since pretty much everyone in the house is asleep and god forbid if I were to wake up one of my brothers, no thank you. I don't want that headache, or to listen to mom and/or dad yell at me for waking them up. Time to do some homework. I sit on the bed, turn on MTV and pull out my books. Do I have homework? Oh yeah, I have some Spanish homework, but I really don't feel like doing it. Oh, and history. I can just steal a page of tomorrow's paper for the current event and write a small one page summary. Yup, looks like I can just lay here and catch up on reruns of The Real World. © 2016 Miss TilleyAuthor's Note
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Added on August 18, 2014Last Updated on February 11, 2016 Author![]() Miss TilleyAboutI read a lot of books, mostly of the romantic variety, but I think I might have something to give back. more..Writing