You’re so concerned with your positioning in the future, the imaginary, that you forget to acknowledge all that you are in the present, reality.
Planning, sculpting, anticipating. Over-planning, over-sculpting, over-anticipating. You’re blind. You think you can see ahead, you’re so sure of it, but, you’re blind. Your hopes, your dreams, your fears are obstructing your view. So fixated, so obsessed with something that’s not promised, not guaranteed, and much more in your immediate control than you think, more than you could ever imagine.
You’re lost, trapped in time, ahead of yourself.
You don’t even look back at yourself, you don’t even grant yourself
the civility of checking in on yourself, making sure you’re okay, back
there, in the present. You’ve sped too far ahead, you’re out of control.
See, all that was with you, the realities that reassured you, encased
you, embalmed you, in the present, you left behind; Unsatisfied and
unwilling to embrace. You should have taken it for what it was, for,
after all, the present is what you are.
Enjoy it.