FearA Poem by MissMaureenJust a poem on my view on fear.What is fear? Fear is… tragic, oppressive. Fear is different for everyone. Fear, to me, is the millisecond my heart stops at the sight
of a spider, Original right? Irrational? Quite possibly. It’s the sense of aloneness in the dark, With nothing and no one to guide you in the absence of
light. It’s the frightening reality that my own father doesn’t
remember my birthday, Maybe it’s because he wasn’t present for my birth. It’s knowing I’ll still love him no matter what, For I cherish the few times I see him a year. It’s the feeling when you ride your first rollercoaster; exhilarating,
horrifying, But you find yourself saying “Again!” Because you’re intoxicated by the rush, The freedom of the wind, the feeling of weightlessness… Fear is knowing that my grandmother will forget me before
she forgets herself… But fear, Fear isn’t always a bad thing. It causes us to excel, to fight. Fear is black and white. It fuels our desire to succeed in work, life, and love. To brighten our children’s future from the darkness we
endured. It’s the hummingbirds inside our stomachs before we perform, When we meet new people, Go for our first jobs. Fear will wither pull you back or push you forward. It all depends on if you can make fear... Fear you. © 2014 MissMaureenAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorMissMaureenUnited KingdomAboutThere isn't really much to say other than I enjoy writing, and that I hope you enjoy what I do write. more..Writing