Chapter 25 [Kris]

Chapter 25 [Kris]

A Chapter by Isabella Ballman

“Who’s Ana?”

I wake up. Oh wow, hello morning wood.

“What?” I ask. And I look to Lydia, who is sitting next to me on my bed.

“You kept saying ‘Ana’ in your sleep.”

“Did I? She’s my Fiancé…”

“You cheated on your fiancé with me?” Lydia says, and hits me in the back of the head.

“No! She’s alive!” I tell her.

“Oh… So then she’s not your fiancé anymore.” Lydia says, matter-of-factly.         

That’s weird to think. It’s so crazy that we aren’t really technically even dating anymore. I mean, eventually, Ana will start dating again. I’m an unbelievable a*****e. Ana probably won’t date for years. I know she fucked that one Justin guy, but she was just lonely. Me, I’m already chasing another girl. That isn’t fair… at all.

“Well… No, I guess.” I say. Lydia gets out of the bed, and walks out my door.

“Where are you going?” I say, getting up from the bed, covering myself with my sheets. I follow her into my living room, where she watches Ana on the TV. I’m surprised to see her with another guy. The guy looks very young, and a little goofy looking.

“She’s cute.” Says Lydia. I agree with her. Ana is cute. No, she’s more than cute; She’s adorable. And beautiful, and also amazing. Lydia asks me how I died, and I tell her. Then I ask her how she died.        

“Hit and run. Some stupid little a*****e hit me with his car and was too afraid to tell anyone, so he ran away.” Say tells me.

“And how long have you been here?”

“F*****g 15 years. I died when I was 18, so technically I’m 33.” She says. Is that how long I’ll be here, too?

“Well damn, that sucks.” I say. She laughs a little.

“F**k yeah it does, but I got pay back. I still haunt the little b***h.”

“What? How?” I ask her.

“I blew Keith. Blow the Devil, and you can haunt anyone you want.” Lydia says, running her hand through her straightened hair.

I should be shocked. I’m not though.

“Well,” I say, “That seems healthy.”

She laughs, “I’m out. Not a fan of talking to the men I f**k. Later, babe.” She says. I watch her nice a*s as she leaves. I don’t have work today, so I decide to go hang at Aimee’s a while.


I knock at the door.

She opens it. Aimee has her hair pink now. It looks good.

“You’re dumb.” She says.

“You look cute, I like the new hair.” I say, walking into her house, my hands shoved into my pockets. I sit on her old couch. “So what did I do this time?”

She walks over and sits next to me. “Made Charlotte cry, you dumbass!” She says.

“I did not! She was already crying when she came to my house!”

“Oh. That’s fine then.” She says sarcastically, and hits me in the stomach. “Jesus Christ, what did you even do to make her mad? I wasn’t really paying attention to her when she told me.” She says, sounding a little guilty. I laugh, slightly.

“Well… She found out I was going to have sex with Lydia.” I tell her. She sighs, at lays her face across her hands.

“You stupid, stupid man child.” She says. Then she looks at me again. “Well, you’re lucky it’s Charlotte. She’ll forgive you easily. If you did that to like, me or something, I would never forgive you.” She says.

It’s funny that Charlotte forgives so easily. So does Ana, usually. They’re kind of a like.

“Did you ever totally f**k up your relationship with Ana before?” Aimee asks me.

“I made stupid little mistakes all the time, but the only thing that ever made us come close to breaking up was when Celia was in the picture. She was with is about a year, but after she endangered our lives, she was out.” I say.

“Kris?” Aimee asks me, almost naïve sounding.

“Yes?” I respond.

“Can you tell me more about you and Ana?” She asks me.

“Of course, what do you want to know?”

“Like… About your first kiss.” She says.

“Our first kiss. Okay, lets see. She had lived with me for around 6 mouths. Celia was living there with us too, but she wasn’t home. By then we were already great friends. We had so much in common. I didn’t even think Ana saw me like, romantically though. I kind of had this huge crush on her. It was right after her mom visited, and she was a little bummed out. Her mom is a good person, and a damn good mom, but she can be kind of- well… Condescending. She insults Ana a lot. And of course Ana acted like she didn’t care, but she did. After a while she opened up to me about it. I hugged and told her something… I don’t really remember what it was. She pushed away from the hug, and then she told me that she liked me. I was so surprised! Later she told me I looked dumbfounded. So then, she kissed me, with her big, soft lips…” I tell Aimee… getting lost in myself.

She laughs. “You had the dorkiest smile ever when you were telling that.”

I laugh, too. I always put on my dorky smile when I think about Ana.

“That’s so sweet though Kris…” Aimee says, looking away from me. “Now, get out of my house, I need to focus on my letter to Skye.” She says. I stand up, and she pushes me out of the house. “Bye!” She says. At the last glimpse I get of her, I see her eyes are red. Almost as if she was crying.


I need to meet more people. I only have like, one friend in Hell. Aimee. Two, if you count Charlotte, but she’s pissed at me. So I need to meet more people. I go to the coffee shop in Hell, the one where I first met Aimee. It’s kind of obnoxious how EVERYTHING has to be colored red. We all know this is Hell already, and it’s giving me a headache. Everyone in the coffee shop looks boring as f**k, no one really stands out. I order a coffee. An old lady works at the counter. She has scars all over her face. She’s very short, and has spiky, silver hair.

“Hello!” I say to her. Louder then I would say to a young person, because she probably has bad ears. The old people always do.

“I’m not f*****g retarded, kid. I can hear just fine.” She says, her voice raspy. This is not something I would expect. I laugh, and smile at her.

“You children don’t amuse me. What’s your order?” She says.

“I’d much rather have your company.” I say to her. She looks confused, so I elaborate. “You just seem more interesting then anyone else in here, and I need more friends here. My name’s Kris.” I say, scratching my head. “And uh, I’ll have a cup of Joe I guess.”

“I’m Rose.” She says. “And what makes you think that you look interesting to me?”

“Well, I’m freakishly tall.”

She smiles, a devilish smile. I return the look.


© 2011 Isabella Ballman

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Added on June 13, 2011
Last Updated on June 13, 2011

Welcome To Hell


Isabella Ballman
Isabella Ballman

Mpls, MN

So... I'm not sure what to write here. I'm 14 years old and I love writing. But that should be obvious. I tend to swear a lot in my stories. If you're easily offended, I wouldn't read them. I apprecia.. more..

hey hey

A Story by Isabella Ballman