![]() Chapter 15 [KRIS POV]A Chapter by Isabella BallmanI’m at
Aimee’s door, because she’s my friend, and I feel bad. Plus I need to get my
mind of Ana. Last time I saw Aimee I was a dick so I have to apologize. I
should probably apologize to Kale, too. He did save my a*s. But Aimee is more
important to me. I knock on the door. Knockknockknockknockknock, knock knock.
Then I wait, and wait. Like forever… Okay, like 5 minutes. Some random girl
opens the door, only wearing a T-shirt. She has long brown hair, straight
across bangs. “Hello?
What do you need?” She says. “I’m
looking for an Aimee. Is she here?” I ask. The girl looks a little lost for a
second, almost confused. “Oh… Um,
maybe.” She says, “Is an Aimee here?” She yells back into the house. A girl
with pink hair walks over. When she lifts her head I see its Aimee. “That would
be me.” She says, bags under her eyes. “Okay,
well, Aimee, this man seems to want you.” She tells her, me watching. I bet they
hooked up. Oh, that would be so hot, I can picture it. Just super drunk and
making out, then bangs girl starts to- “Kris?” “Yes!” “What do
you want?” Aimee asks. Both of the girls look at me, weirdly. “Well… uh,
first of all, who are you?” “Ruby
Tompkins, who are you?” She asks. What I meant was why she was there… but…
okay, that’s good, too I guess. “Kristofferson
Bishop, thank you very much, but please, please call me Kris.” I plead. She
laughs. “Did we… do
it last night, Ruby?” “Probably,
I don’t really remember, Aimee. It’s Aimee, right?” “Yes,
Aimee.” “Well I
should go… Nice hooking up, maybe.” “Yeah, see
you…?” Aimee says, awkwardly. Ruby walks away, and gets into some car. “So,” Aimee
says, “Why did you come here?” “I wanted
to apologize. I was being a dick.” I say. She sighs. “Okay fine,
come in.” Then we
talk for a long a*s time. She accepts my apology. She gets to talking more
about Skye. Her eyes, they light up when she’s taking about her. She tells me
about how they met, there inside jokes, everything. After a while, I stop her. “Aimee, I
have to ask you something.” “What is
it?” “Are you
okay with your death? Like, have you accepted it?” “I haven’t.
But I need to ask you something now.” She responds. “Anything.”
I say. “I was
wondering if you could tell Skye that I was sorry. Like, in a dream.” “Of course
I will, Aimee. What all do you want me to say?” “Thank you
so much Kris!” she says, and hugs me. “Here, I’ll write her a note, and you can
read it to her.” “Sounds
good,” I smile, “Just tell me when you’re done!” “Great!
You’re amazing, Kris!” She says, and hugs me again. I see she has tears in her
eyes. “Oh come
on, you aren’t going to cry on me, are you?” I ask. She hits me in the stomach,
hard. “Shut up!”
She says laughing. I laugh, too. Then I hear something fall off the shelf in
Aimee’s room. “S**t!” I
hear a fairly familiar voice mumble. Aimee and I both look at the shelf, only
to see Ruby, the girl from earlier who was with Aimee, standing next to the
shelf. She stands there for a second, looking guilty. “Um,
hello?” She says. “Okay,
Maybe I was ease-dropping a little. I came back to get my underwear, cause I
left it here. And, I walked in the back door of your room, to find you guys
talking. So, I don’t know, I decided to listen. And then I overheard you guys
talking about how you, Kristopher,” “Kris”
Aimee and I both say. “Yeah, You
Kris, can go into peoples dreams?” “I can.” “Wow. Could
you help me out, too? It won’t take long, I swear.” Aimee
and I both look at each other, dubiously. Aimee crosses her arms. “Why
should he help you?” She asks. “Yeah.
Why?” I add. “Well,
if you help me… I’ll… have sex with you.” “Okay-!”
I say walking closer to her, and Aimee grabs my shoulder. “Hell
no!” Aimee says. “That’s f*****g prostitution.” “Whatever,
I don’t care. I need this.” Ruby says. “Well
I do. You need some self-respect. Who do you need to contact, anyways?” Aimee
states. “My
father. He didn’t know I was a lesbian, because I have a religious family.
Please, I’ll do anything.” “Okay,
okay. I’ll do it free of charge.” “Really?”
Both of the girls ask. “Really
really.” I say. “So, what’s your fathers name?” “Christian
Tompkins. Just tell him that I send my love to the family, and that I’m a
lesbian, and proud. So he needs to accept it.” “Alright,
cool. I’ll even do it right now, if you want.” “That
sounds great!” She smiles. Maybe if she like, holds onto me or something, she
can come with.” “Maybe
you can come with, into the dream. If you hold onto me or something.” I say,
and then explain the green button to her. But then I realize that it’s morning,
and then I can’t go into his dream yet. “Well
you guys can just stay and hang, if you want. You know, until it’s night.”
Aimee says, clearly wanting our company. “I’m
down for it!” Ruby says, smiling. “Same
here, I guess.” I add in. So Aimee goes to get us some tea, and we sit down on
the couch. “So
tell me about yourself, Ruby.” I say. And she does. Turns out she’s 23 years
“young,” as she puts it. She’s known she was a lesbian since she was 10. She
had a super religious family, so at first she hid her sexuality. But when she
turned 16, she turned rebellious. Started stealing things, first just food, and
then it got more serious. At 18 she’d been arrested four times. She and her
girlfriend at the time, she had many girlfriends, decided one day that they
were going to rob a bank. They bought guns from people at school. They had it
all planned out, and they would have gotten away with it. But the cops came,
Ruby pointed her gun at one of them, and they shot her. “Tell
my dad I’m sorry.” She tells me. “I was fucked up.” “Ha-ha,
no offence, but yeah, you were. But it’s alright, we all got our bad days.” I
say winking. “Were
you bad, Kris?” Aimee says as she enters the room with her tea. “I
was pretty bad.” I say, taking the tea. “What’s the
worst thing you’ve ever done?” Ruby asks. The worst
thing I’ve ever done. That’s easy. “Well…” I
say. “I feel a
story coming on.” Aimee says, bleakly. She’s right.
So first I explain to them who Celia is. And how she ruined a big part of my
life. “Alright,
now I can begin. Ana and I had lived together about 8 months. Celia had moved
in, too. She was completely fucked up. She was high all the time. What Ana and I
didn’t know was that she was actually hiding. Hiding from drug dealers, which
she hadn’t paid. The a******s found her, somehow. They found her at my
apartment. Well, actually, they didn’t find her, they found Ana and me. But I
guess Celia told them about me, or something, because hey knew who I was. One
man, and one girl, both looking grimy and skinny, knocked at my door. I didn’t
know who they were, so I opened the door. Ana, behind me, not knowing either,
trying to see whom it was. Right as I opened the door the guy punched me in the
face, making my vision blurry. I fell to the floor because I didn’t see it
coming. I would have kicked his a*s if I knew he was going to punch me. Maybe,
I would have. Anyways, after he did that, they both grabbed Ana. She was
kicking and screaming like hell, so they taped her mouth, and tied her up right
in my living room. I got up and threw a punch at the dude, but missed. They did
the same thing to me they did with Ana, except tape my mouth. I asked them what
the f**k they wanted, and they said they wanted their money. When I told them I
didn’t know what money they were talking about, they responded by beating Ana
and I. Finally after a while, I gave them all the money I had in my wallet,
which was about 100 bucks. They said they would be back. They left us there in
the chairs, tied up. We were there for hours, until Celia got home. She was
just sober enough to call 911 and split. Ana was really hurt. Bruised five
ribs. So, I guess the worst thing I’ve ever done was allow Celia to move in
with us because it endangered Ana’s life. Looking back at my life, I guess
that’s what I regret the most.” It
gets silent after I tell my story. “That
must have sucked.” Ruby says, awkwardly. After that we all go silent again. The
Aimee tells Ruby the story of her and Skye, and we go back and forth telling
old stories, some funny, some sad, and some really creepy. We talk till 9:00. “Well,
my dad goes to bed early. He’ll probably be asleep. Can we do it now?” Ruby
finally says. “Fine
with me” I say. I just hope it works! I stick my arm out and she grabs hold of
it. I smile at her and she smiles back. “See
you later Aimee!” I say. She waves. I pick up the green button, and press it
hard. Almost
immediately after we get to the room, the setting changes into the inside of a
large house. A mansion, more or less. “This is
where you lived?” I ask Ruby. “Yeah… I
know it’s lame. Shut up.” She says and hits me in the stomach. “Hey! I
didn’t say anything!” I say. Then a man walks up to us. He’s short, but
otherwise good looking. He has a full head of brown hair. The same shade as
Ruby’s. They actually looked quite alike. He looks at her. Then he hugs her.
They both start crying. “Dad,
before you start thinking I’m alive, remember, I’m not. I’m just in your
dream.” Ruby says, trying to calm herself down. They break from the hug, and he
cups her face in his hand. “Also, I have to tell you something.” “What,
dear?” “I’m gay.”
Ruby says. That’s when
I start to space out. This bores me. I’m not that attracted to Ruby or
anything, and we just met, so why should I watch this? I just run everything that’s
happened in Hell so far through my head. For some reason I just thought of
something. Charlotte has an English accent. But Sam doesn’t. I need to ask her
about that. As I run everything through my head, I realize something. All of my
thoughts are leading back to Charlotte. I keep thinking about her. I’m f*****g dead;
it’s not cheating to have a crush on another girl. I still love Ana though. Charlotte,
Charlotte, Charlotte. Her name’s so beautiful. Just like her. I feel like every
time she smiles, I want to smile with her. Okay, I’ve only met her like 3
times. But I need to see her again. New
mission. It’s called Operation Charlotte. Step 1: Make her think that Kale is a
huge d****e, and she can do so much better. Step 2: Help her say goodbye to
someone, so she can get over being dead, which leads us to Step 3: Helping her
say goodbye will get her to like me, because, you know, she’ll see what kind of
guy I am, and then we will be together! “Kris?”
Ruby says, snapping me back to reality. We’re standing in Aimee’s house again. “What?” I
say, loudly. “You were
spacing out like a dumbass.” She tells me, and then impersonates me. Aimee
laughs. “So how did
it go?” Aimee then asks Ruby. “It was
great! I feel really good. Like I got closure, and my dad was totally okay with
it.” Ruby says, and coughs. She starts to cough a lot. Why is she coughing so
much? “Do you
need some water… or something?” Aimee says, awkwardly. Ruby can’t say anything
because she’s coughing so much, so Aimee just walks into the kitchen, and gets
some water. While she’s away, Ruby falls to the floor coughing, and finally,
stops abruptly. “Are you
ok-” I start to ask, but then, she disappears. © 2011 Isabella Ballman |
Added on May 14, 2011 Last Updated on May 14, 2011 Author![]() Isabella BallmanMpls, MNAboutSo... I'm not sure what to write here. I'm 14 years old and I love writing. But that should be obvious. I tend to swear a lot in my stories. If you're easily offended, I wouldn't read them. I apprecia.. more..Writing