Chapter 3 [KRIS POV]

Chapter 3 [KRIS POV]

A Chapter by Isabella Ballman

“That’s bullshit. Everyone says that.” The purple haired girl says.

 “Well what are you ‘in’ for?” I ask her.

“It’s a funny story actually. I tried to kill my girlfriend. But instead I was the one who died!”

“That’s a HILARIOUS story,” I say, with sarcasm.

“Hah. They call me Aimee.” Did I ask?

“Nice to meet you Aimee. I’m Kristofferson, but I guess you can call me Kris.”

“What a name, Kristofferson.” I have always hated my name. Its like some fairy tale creatures name. It sounds gay too. Kristofferson. I don’t have anything against gay people [lesbians are hot] but I’m definitely NOT gay. Hey. Aimee’s a lesbian.

“So you’re a lesbian?” I ask.

“Bisexual, thank you very much.” She responds.

“…So… who did you chose for your TV thingy?” Oh, small talk.

“My girl, duh. Her names Skye. I love her. You?”

“But you tried to kill her.” Girls are confusing.

“You?” she says again.

“My fiancée, Ana.” Saying that makes me want to throw up. I’m disgusted that I left her alone. I’m an a*****e. Why would she marry me?

“I’m going to go…” I tell her, and then leave. I need to get back to Ana.


So, somehow, like 2 hours in Hell, is like 2 weeks on earth. My baby is in the hospital. She hasn’t been eating. I basically put her there. She never eats then she’s upset. I wish she would just forget about me. I can see the hurt in her big brown eyes.


I remember the first time we met. It was pouring outside, and I was walking through the park. It was very dark outside. I was upset because my girlfriend Celia just dumped me.

“Is that the rain?” I heard a voice say. It made me jump.

“What?” I said.

“Is that rain on your face or are you crying?” the voice said. Then I see the girl talking. She’s sitting down on a bench that’s soaking wet.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked.

“Sometimes I come out here to think. So is that rain on your face or are you crying?” She said.

“Uh… both I suppose… But girl, you should be getting home. Something could happen to a pretty girl like you.” I said, trying to be all smooth. She looked down.

“I don’t have anywhere to go,” she admitted.

“So stay with me!” I blurted out.

“I don’t want to impose.” She said. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her seat. Then I put my arm around her, and we walked home, without saying another word. She fell asleep as soon as she touched my bed. I slept on the couch because I didn’t want to scare her.


Maybe there’s some way to live again. I could ask the devil. He seems like a nice enough guy. Wow, that’s a weird thing to say. So I go to the devils office. It’s a big building. There are lots of people working there. I walk up the main desk at the front of the place. I see a little man working there; he looks like he’s in his late 40’s.

“Do you have an appointment, sir?” He asks. His voice is high. Of course, an appointment. I should have made one.

“No, but I need to see the devil” 

“And I need to lose my virginity, but we can’t all get what we need, can we?”

“You didn’t even do that right. It would have worked if I said I ‘want’ to see the devil, but I said I ‘need’ too.” He doesn’t respond.

“Fine. I’ll just go then…” I say, and then run to elevator. Before anyone can catch me, I get in, and the door closes. There are many buttons in the elevator. I’m just going to guess that the devil is on the floor with the red glowing button with stickers of horns on it. How threatening. Now I’m at the right floor, the doors open, and I walk in. before I can knock on his office, he yells,

“Come on in, Kris.” So I walk in.

“Yes?” He says.

“Hello sir. Uh, Mr. uh, Keith devil…” I say nervously. I don’t usually get nervous….

“Call me Keith, kid. Now take a seat.” He says, laughing at me. “Now, what can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if I could like, do anything, to like, come back from the dead” I can’t stop saying like. He just laughs.

“Ha-ha! No. You should know that, kid.” 

“But what the hell am I suppose to do here? Do I stay here forever?” Suddenly I’m yelling. I jump up from my seat.

“You’ll ‘get out’ of here when you let go!” He tells me.

“But I don’t know what you mean by that!” I yell. Let go? Of what!

“Exactly my point. Now leave. And kid, get a job. It may surprise you that you can get jobs in hell, but you can. Maybe one here, perhaps? You’re pretty strong and, I need someone like that.” He says.

“F**k you” I tell the devil. Then I feel someone’s hands around my neck, but nobody’s hands are. The hands start choking me. They feel clammy and sweaty.

“Apologize” The Devil says. I can’t breath. Actually I don’t need to breath, but it still hurts.

“I’m sorry! Let go!” I yell. I feel my throat swelling up. Then he lets go. I gasp for the air I technically don’t need. But still, air might be the last thing that connects me to Ana. I have decided I don’t like the devil.

“Go now,” Says Keith. So I go.


My mother and Ana have always gotten along great. Ana is going to see for the first time since I died. It’ already been 2 months for her, and 1 month for me. I haven’t left this room.            

So I’m 27. That makes my mum 43. She had me very young, at the age of 16. My mom never ages. She could pass for 25. When were out together people think were dating. I look a lot like her. We both have pale skin, blue eyes, and black hair. She is outgoing and carefree. Almost the opposite of Ana. But that’s why I love them both so much. I have to say I’m a little worried about Ana seeing my mum again. She’s so delicate right now, and always, and my mum could break her. Actually, thinking about it makes me very nervous. Ana is in our car driving. I can see her shaking. She talks to me.

“Kris, if you were here, you would know what to do. Just send me a sign… Anything, please! I miss you so much”

“I miss you too baby.” I tell her, but she doesn’t hear me. I hate myself for dying! It’s so selfish of me. I get very frustrated and hit the TV. As I do this, Wind blows in Ana’s face. It’s not a windy day out. I did this. Ana knows I did. I see her smile.

“Kris! You are with me!” She says. Then I smile. 

© 2011 Isabella Ballman

My Review

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Very good chapter, still a few issues with grammar that need clearing up also present in this chapter but the context is excellent. Its very well written.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 13, 2011
Last Updated on May 13, 2011

Welcome To Hell


Isabella Ballman
Isabella Ballman

Mpls, MN

So... I'm not sure what to write here. I'm 14 years old and I love writing. But that should be obvious. I tend to swear a lot in my stories. If you're easily offended, I wouldn't read them. I apprecia.. more..

hey hey

A Story by Isabella Ballman