Month of Fools

Month of Fools

A Poem by Miss Astarte

Account of an actual prank played upon me by mischievous companions. T'was a month for fools.


Tick-tick-tick Old Grandfather lazily snores

‘Tis but one in the morn, rest your droopy head

And be lulled by my chime; close your eyes,

Take sacred rest upon the cherry sleigh bed . . .


Two a.m. green text


Missing, have you seen her
Tall, blonde, eyes fair blue?
She met a man so soon, and
Last we heard, he’s with her too.


Please, have you heard from her?
Words, slurred by a buzzing high
Was the last message she left upon
This warm nightly morning of July.


Our friend! Our friend! Hurry!
Gather your clothes and make haste,
I am on my way towards you, dress,
That we may her text-steps retrace!


Mismatched calico patches adorn her shapely form,

Hair matted by an hour’s doze, eyes paralyzed, flesh pallid

Cheeks shimmer with salty tears of nightmares birthed real

Whilst Old Grandfather resumes his early morning ballad


Two-Thirty a.m. green text


My God! My God! In dress am I
Hurry, please, I fear the worst
Of the best friend I lovingly adore
To be cruelly harmed, manly coerced,

Broken, scarred, left an empty spirit
Bruised for an intervention’s failure.
My prayers I hoarse in broken tongue
That she not bleed for a deceptive allure.

She answers not her cellular device,
But drunkenly types to his defense,
How age matters not with maturity,
Forsaking my heart in bleak suspense


Sweaty palms clap together while feet pace

In a pendulum’s motion, anticipating resonances

Of the destined arrival of friends colored saviors,

Yet shaky steps cease at news of faulty appearances


Three a.m. green text


Our missing friend, you know,
Tall, blonde, eyes fair blue?
Said to have met a man so soon,
Who was last heard to be with her too.


Be not enraged or distraught, grin broad
For t’was a simple jest of the sleepy mind
Bored at this restless hour by we insomniacs
Our lies multiplied, grew, and intertwined


Tis I, my friend, alive and well within her room
With our friend beside me, quite the helpful tool
In creating this fabrication of rape and anxiety
Come, laugh with us on this month of fools!

© 2008 Miss Astarte

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very confuseing...... is this true?????

Posted 16 Years Ago

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This is a bit confusing and dizzying, but I'm drawn in more with each read.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 10, 2008
Last Updated on July 10, 2008


Miss Astarte
Miss Astarte


You can call me Astarte, or if you are into personals, Whitney will do just fine. For basics, I am a Junior in college double majoring in English and Psychology. Interesting combination, yes, but it .. more..
