The Mystical Sakura Tree

The Mystical Sakura Tree

A Story by Missy

One Family one love. Two strong bonds forever together fate tied together.


The Mystical Sakura Tree

       There was once a kingdom named Glendovia. Glendovia had a monarchy and was the capital of Bolarado country. The royal family included the king, queen, and with three children of theirs. The king had a wife and a mistress his wife’s children will inherit the country his mistress Veronica had one child named Laurance nobody paid attention to the b*****d since he wouldn’t inherit anything. The family to inherit the kingdom Queen Katerina and her loving children Annette, Malachi, and Levin. Queen Katerina’s family is very special her blood belonged to a very important tribe called the warriors they had very special powers that no one else had and only the bloodline can inherit these mystical powers. Lucky as that may be Katerina had the power of foresight (to see the future) and all of her children had powers as well. The first family that ever had all their children to have powers some were more powerful than others but they all have the destiny to have them.  The King is named Beval and is very intelligent man with amazing silver hair. During his spare time he reads or he spends it with his family. Queen Katerina is a beautiful woman with blazing red eyes. She loves to play instruments and to sing. She has a beautiful voice. The Prince Levin is eighteen years old exact he is sophisticated and took right after his father. He loves reading and classical music, he is the simple kind of guy but very handsome. Prince Levin had the power to manipulate objects. Prince Malachi he is seventeen years old right behind Levin by one year he is the playboy of the family and the bad boy. He gets in trouble everyday and is a risk taker. Prince Malachi had the power to shapeshift into any animal or human being just not objects. Princess Annette is the youngest about fifteen and a half years but she is the most powerful she is a natural beauty like her mother with fiery red hair. She had many powers one is the power to see auras so she can tell what people are feeling and when they are lying. She also had the power of mind reading and control of elements. She also is very serious but very cheerful when she wants to be. Mistress Veronica wants her son to be the ruler of the country she would do anything. She wants the good life with servants and just wants the kingdoms alliances and the money she is a very selfish person. Laurance Veronicas son the b*****d is handsome but not recognized because of his step-siblings. He is the same age as Annette. They all live in the beautiful castle surrounded by a large lake. At the south east side of the castle was a beautiful sakura tree that always stays bloomed no matter the weather conditions, at the stroke of midnight is the best to go see it. At midnight the tree gets surrounded by forest fairies and they always sing a small lullaby to the tree so it can rest at night. All the children loved to come right before midnight to see the whole thing at the end the tree went to rest with limping branches and with once bright pink flowers now were silver white flowers. All the children gathered around the tree holding hands and promised to the tree and to themselves that no matter what happens all the siblings will always stick together. Levin, Malachi, Annette, and Laurance went back into the castle and went to sleep in their rooms. After that night they always went to the tree every night no matter what. If any of them didn’t feel good they would all talk for hours right under the tree until they were all happy. One day their mother got suspicious and followed the children.  What she found was very surprising the children were just all talking to each other, their mother never had seen them all together like that. She didn’t interrupt them but she still stayed awhile to see what the children would do. Queen Katerina noticed that Annette looked like she had a real smile filled with happiness.  She stayed for hours and learned that all the boys loved Annette she seemed like the glorious moon in the night sky shimmering with passion. The boys all seemed like the stars surrounding the moon like praising a goddess. The clock struck five o’clock in the morning and all the children walked inside holding hands like a true family. The mother went inside not letting the children know that they were there. That afternoon all the children were gathered all in one room. Levin was playing the piano as normal, Malachi was practicing his powers he shapeshifted into a lot of animals it looked like a show. Annette was practicing her dancing with the music Levin was playing. Laurance was just watching all of them with an amazement look.  The King walked in and hugged all his children then went to sit by Levin to show him a new song to learn on the piano. The king afterwards sat next Laurance and talked and talked and talked. Malachi walked up to them talking and showed them the new shapeshift he learned. He learned to become his father. Malachi looked exactly like his father but with fiery red eyes. The king was really surprised he jumped up from his seat and all the children looked over to look at him. The king immediately took Malachi out of the room and into Beval the kings office. Laurance felt alone after that moment that his father only loved it when his other children got all the love because they’re “special”. Laurance left the room and ran to his room a minute later he saw Annette following him running as well so he stopped. Annette caught up not even tired and she asked what was wrong, Laurance as usual said he was fine but Annette saw his aura and sensed he was lying. Annette went really closed to him and hugged him with lots of love and said “We all love you no matter what.” Laurance surprised pushed her away with a smile she asked “You’re still going to the tree? If you don’t we will all be sad.” Annette walked away singing a little lullaby. Stop thinking about the easy way out theres no need to go and blow the candle out because youre far to young and the best is yet to come. Laurance entered his room drenched in tears he layed on his bed thinking about what Annette said. He eventually fell asleep with tears in his eyes Annette walked in layed down by his side looking at his aura worried of his aura turning bloody red. At the stroke of midnight he ran to the tree he knew that he would never stop going that was the only place that he truly felt safe and loved. At the tree Levin, Malachi, and Annette were waiting for Laurance right under the tree. Laurance looked at them under the beautiful tree they all looked like gods he put his head down he couldn’t look at them he felt like the outsider. He started walking to the tree with his head down still and sat down by Annette. They started talking about how Levin is going to be the king soon while Levin and Malachi were talking about it Annette noticed the Laurance hasn’t spoken a word this whole time and that his head was down. Annette looked at his aura and noticed that it was completely covered by a bloody red color. Annette got terrified and jumped from her seat and looked at Laurance.

Both the princes noticed that Annette must’ve looked at his aura. Annette with a frightened tone asked Laurance “What where you thinking right now?!?! WHY DO YOU WANT TO SPILL BLOOD!!!”

       “SHUT UP ANNETTE WHY DON’T YOU JUST READ MY MIND DON’T YOU HAVE THAT POWER GO ON!!!” furiously screaming with tears in his eyes.


       “ You want to know why because of you and your brothers and your mother that I will never be loved neither my mother!”

       “Laurance we all love you, right brothers?”

       “Yes forever and always no matter what.” Proclaimed Levin.

       “You will always be my little brother Laurance.” Calmly said Malachi.

As Malachi ended Laurance pulled out a knife that he was hiding in his jacket. Levin Malachi saw the knife and guarded Annette putting their bodies in front of her.Levin and Malachi asked why he was doing this, and why does it have to go like this. All Laurance said was “Im sorry I love you all I just cant live like this anymore I don’t belong here!” That instant he impaled himself right in the heart seconds later he died with tears in his eyes. Annette crying her eyes out ran towards Laurances body. His body was surrounded by blood. Annette crying looked up to Levin and Malachi screaming “GET HELP WHAT ARE YOU DOING STANDING THERE GET MOM GET DAD GET SOMEONE!!!” That instant Levin and Malachi noticed that Annettes tears were black as the bottom of the sea. Frightened Malachi ran to go get their father running as fast as he could. Levin stayed back to try to help Annette. Levin took out the knife from Laurances body and threw it as far as he could and started to cry with Annette and Even Levins tears were pure black as well as Malachi when he started crying when he was telling his father to come to the tree. His father surprised ran with Malachi back to the tree as fast as they could. When they got their Levin and Annette were both crying Levin holding Annette in his arms next to Laurances body. Beval ran to Laurances body holding him weeping screaming not my son not my son why did he have to die he was to young. The next day Annette locked herself in the room and didn’t come out not even to eat her worried mother Katerina she brought Annette food but she still didn’t let her in. The only ones who were able to enter was Levin, and Malachi. That same day Mistress Veronica tried to murder the king blaming him for their sons death of course it didn’t succeed. Trying to kill the king is a felany payed by death. She was hanged that same day she was buried with her own families grave. After that retched day Annette, Malachi, and Levin, they all slept together in Annette’s room. The following three days was Laurances funeral Levin, and Malachi convinced Annette to go to his funeral. During the middle of the serrimony she left and went to the tree when she got there she couldn’t control her tears anymore she burst out crying her tears pure black. Her tears hit the roots of the tree and the tree immediately turned pitch black. The fairies came and slowly made a human body of all of them it was Laurance Annette ran towards the figure and hugged it tightly the figure said you will see me soon again but live on just don’t forget our promise okay never leave this tree alone right Levin Malachi? Yes said Levin and Malachi both coming side by side. “I love you all my amazing siblings, Levin don’t ever give up on your dreams become the king that everyone loves, Malachi be careful with girls hearts don’t be hasty , Annette my loving sister Annette dont forget our promise protect this tree always and I will see you again and next time I will always stay with you, but you will be the only one that will be able to see me and hear me. For now farewell my siblings never forget our promise.” The fairies disappeared and the tree was back to normal. Two months later Levin was going to have his coronation. The day before the day Annette went to the tree to say if only Laurance was there to see Levin’s coronation. That instant something bright appeared on the branch of the tree the next moment the light disappeared and a figure was shown on the branch smiling….

      Has he appeared..?



© 2016 Missy

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Added on January 29, 2016
Last Updated on January 29, 2016



logan, UT