Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

A Chapter by Misguided-Ghost

Chapter Nine is here, sorry for the wait! :)


Chapter Nine: Cell Call, Kiss and David.

I couldn’t feel anything at first, like my body was numb.  Was I dead?!  Slowly, all feeling crept back into my body.  I was lying on something soft, and a headache thumped in my head.  I groaned and shifted, I realised I was lying on something hard, and it was cold.  My arms were above my head, wrapping around something.  I really didn’t want to open my eyes; I was content with just lying here.  A felt someone’s arms wrap around my waist and I smiled a little, snuggling closer to the person lying with me, my top half on my body draped over their chest.  I felt a pair of cool lips touch my forehead and I sighed happily.

“Morning,” whispered Ash’s sexy voice. 

I chuckled a little and finally opened my eyes, only to be greeted by Ash’s bare, muscular chest.  I diverted my eyes from the perfect chest and to his face.  His eyes were blood red and a small smile was on his lips.  I smiled at his face as I looked at his face.  We were sat up in my bed, me lying against Ash’s chest.  I wondered if he’d pulled me onto his chest or whether I’d rolled onto him in my sleep.  One of his hands moved up my back " barely touching my skin and making my shiver " to cup my face.  His other stayed at the bottom of my back, resting on the skin lightly.  I smiled again as his touch as he leaned forwards and pressed his lips back to mine in our second ever kiss.  Even since the first kiss we hadn’t really talked about it, we had talked about other things, but when he came to talking about us we’d both shied away.  I smiled into his soft kiss and kissed him back, my skin on fire wherever it touched his. 

The kiss got stronger and soon his lips were crushing to mine as he pulled me onto his lap, his hand slid off my cheek to the back of my neck, at the same time the hand on my back pushed against me, pushing my body against his.  I didn’t care, I was concentrating on his lips, that were crushed against mine, making my lips feel like they were on fire.  I wrapped my arms around his neck in a tight hold and slid my legs either side of his.  I was barely breathing and my heart hammered in my chest.  His soft, cool tongue swept across my bottom lip, begging me to let it enter my mouth.  I was about to let it when there was a knock at my front door, us easily hearing it because my bedroom door was wide open.

I broke the kiss at the same time as him, the both of us breathing heavily.  I looked at his face as he stared back at mine, his red eyes darker than a moment ago.  I looked at my bedroom door and then back at Ash.

“Stay here,” I told him, my voice a little shaky from the kiss.  “It’ll be one of my friends.”

I climbed off his lap, upset from the loss of contact that set my skin alight.  I walked straight out the bedroom, a little dizzy, but otherwise fine.  I realised I was wearing a white tank top and some shorts, and then blushed at realising how I’d gotten in them. Oh I was going to kill him when I got back into that bedroom.  I slid the bolt off the door and unlocked it. I yawned and closed my eyes as I opened the door.  Someone pushed me back and I heard the door slam.  I opened my eyes and saw David standing in front of me, scowling, his arms crossed over his chest.  I did have to admit, in those baggy, blue jeans, and tight white t-shirt, he did look hot.  I smiled internally; know Ash was listening to my thoughts.

“Hey, David,” I said, smiling and stretching.  “What’s wrong?”

“You didn’t answer your cell last night,” David said, his tone of voice laced with anger.  “Why?”

“I was tired,” I quickly lied.  I didn’t even know my cell had rung; the loss of blood must have knocked me out pretty good.  “I went to get early.”

“Jackie told me that you never go to bed early and that you always answer you cell,” David said.

“And?  I’ve been out of proper action for weeks, I might have changed my sleeping habits,” I snapped.  “And what are you know?  My personal stalker?!”

I folded my arms over my chest as my tone of voice matched his.  I couldn’t believe this, David had barely been back in my life a month and he was already acting like my best friend.  I barely knew him now; we hadn’t seen each other in years.  It was almost like he thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend again just because we were both now in the same boat.  I scowled at him.  His eyes scanned over my body and I sighed.  I heard a growl from my bedroom and froze.  Oh my god!  Ash!  I looked at David’s face in time to see him look at my bedroom door, a puzzled look onto his face.  He looked back at me, one eyebrow raised.

“Must be next door,” I lied smoothly.   “They have a dog and it’s very disobedient.”

David scowled at me.

“Who’s here, Ayre?” he asked.

“No-one,” I said.  “I was asleep.”

“You’re a terrible liar, even after all these years.”

“There’s no-one here, now get out of my house.”


He went to grab my wrist but I pulled back before he could get a firm grip on it.  I stepped back and pointed to my door, a stern look on my face.  His expression was… pained?! 

“Just leave, David,” I said, folding my arms.

“Ayre,” David said with controlled anger.  “Who’s in the other room?”


I didn’t even wait for him to say anything.  In all our times together in the past " as both friends and boyfriend and girlfriend " I could never remember shouting at him like that, probably because I never did.  I wasn’t the sort of person to shout a lot back then.  I pushed past him and yanked open my door before grabbing his arm and pushing him out.  I left him there, mouth open, and slammed the door shut.  I was breathing a little too hard for my liking, like I’d just run for three miles, or I’d been kissing Ash to forcefully for more than a minute or so.


I turned around to see him standing there, a worried look on his face, standing there like a Greek god in only his dark jeans.  I nearly melted at the sight of him.  How could anyone be that gorgeous, even if they are my worst enemy?  I saw his soft lips curve up into a smile and blushed when I realised he’d heard my thoughts.  I playfully tried to push past him but he grabbed my arms softly and pulled me against him.  I grinned and looked up at his face.  I saw his eyes running all over my face and neck and I blushed a darker colour.  He smiled playfully down to me and pushed my messy hair out my face.  He moved my hair out the way and pressed his lips to where his fangs had been the night before.  I closed my eyes as my legs started to turn to jelly, his arms around my waist were the only things keeping my standing.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and swallowed loudly as his lips kissed up my neck to my jaw, setting my skin on fire.  I’d never felt like this towards anyone in my life.  No other boyfriend I’d had set my skin alive, or made my legs turn to jelly at just one touch.  Even when I’d had sex for the first time, that was a drunken mistake and I always wished I could go back and stop it.

Ash pulled back to look at my face and smirked at me.  Oh God!  I flushed a dark colour again when I realised he’d heard that though.  I really needed to find a way to block my thoughts, or at least keep them away from him.  I laughed a little and tried to pull away from him, but he kept me crushed to his chest, not that I was complaining, I don’t think anyone would complain about being pressed up against this god that seemed to like me.  Why the hell did he like me?  I was a Demon Hunter, his natural enemy.  I’ve probably killed friends or companions of his in the past, and why did I feel like I was in…. I mentally shook my head.  I might feel it, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it or even think it.  It went against everything I’d been brought up training about.  After years of killing Demon’s and sticking to all the rules " sometimes bending them every so often " and now I was breaking rule one, which was the most important rule.

I’d fallen in love with a Demon. 

But how?! How had I managed to fall in love with a Demon in a matter of one day?! 

I had no idea how, or why, but I couldn’t care less whether my job was in jeopardy through falling in love with Ash.  I was the happiest I’d been in years, Ash made me happy just by touching my warm, pale skin with his own pale and cool skin.  But could I really throw away everything I’ve built up in the past years just for him?  For the love of my life?  If I wasn’t a Demon Hunter and I had a boring job in a café somewhere, I’d say yes, but I’m in a job I love, but I also love Ash.  I bit my lip a little as I looked at his perfect face.  What was I doing?  I’d sworn to take down Ash’s kind, but now I was falling in love with one of them.  I bit my lip a little harder as Ash’s cool hand slid up my neck to my face and cupped my cheek.  He looked at me, a little frown on his face.

“If you want me to leave, I will,” he whispered, but it was clear by that look in his eyes that he didn’t want to go.

And I didn’t want him to go either.

“I don’t want you to leave,” I said quickly, “I just… don’t know what to do.  Everything I’d grown up around is telling me I shouldn’t be doing this, but my heart is saying that I should.”

I swallowed loudly and I watched his eyes flicker to my throat in time to catch the swallow.  I watched as his eyes flickered back to mine and a sudden question struck my mind and I asked it before I could even stop myself.

“What did I taste like?”

It was Ash’s turn to swallow loudly, although I didn’t look at his throat, I kept my eyes locked on his, seeing past the red iris’ to the undecided look behind them.  I knew he was wondering whether to tell me or not.  Maybe he didn’t want to, I had no idea how good my blood might smell or taste to him.  He might be resisting the urge to bite me again right now.  His cool fingers brushed my hair behind my ear and he smiled.

“Better than anything else I’ve ever tasted,” he muttered, looking down a little, his eyes resting on my lips.  “I’ve drunk a lot of blood over the years, but yours is the only one that’s tasted like that, yours is the only blood that smells so…. delicious to me.  I’ve never smelt anything like it before.”

I watched him bite his plump lip as I bit mine.

“Truth is, that’s how I first found you,” he admitted, looking down more so that his gaze rested on my throat.  “When you were getting attacked by that vampire, I smelt you, your adrenaline, it made your blood smell so… sweet.  I couldn’t resist following it to try and find it so I could drink it.  But when I saw you, lying there, him on top of you, drinking your blood and you putting up a fight… I couldn’t help but pull him off you.  At that moment in time, all I could think about was draining you dry.  And then I saw your face.  Your face stopped be from killing you there and then, even though I could smell the fresh blood.  I fought against the bloodlust that slammed into me and watched your face, so full of determination and fight.  I asked myself why, why did someone who looked so full of life deserve to die?  I saw the weapon in your hand and knew instantly what you were, what you did.  You killed me kind and every other Demon around.  But I couldn’t bring myself to kill you.  I just couldn’t, something stopped me.”

He lapsed into silence and I looked at his face, smiling a little.  So that’s why he didn’t kill me, that’s why he made sure that I was safe before leaving.  And he’s still doing it.  He followed me back from England to look after me, not that I needed looking after.  I grinned suddenly and shook my head, causing him to c**k one eyebrow and tilt his head to the left.

“You don’t have to look after me, you know,” I told him.  “I’m pretty capable of doing it myself.”

“Oh, really?” Ash asked, raising one eyebrow and grinning with me.  “I was under the impression that the first time we met you were about to die.”

I flushed, embarrassed.  Damn him. 

“Well, I would have gotten out of it, you know,” I said defensively, my cheeks growing hotter with the way he looked at me with that sexy smile.

“Really?” Ash asked, tightening his grip around me.  “Okay, then, show me what you got, try and get out of this.”

He gestured with his head to his arms, tight around me.  I grinned and saw an easy exit from his arms.

“Okay,” I said.

I ducked straight through his arms, my small, thin body easy slipping down through the gap in his arms.  I laughed as I dropped down to one knee and then rolled back onto my bum. I grinned as I rolled onto my side, well, I tried to.  Ash dropped to his knees and grabbed my hips, pressing them against the floor, keeping me where I was.  I laughed as I felt the soft, carpeted floor press into my back.  Ash leaned forwards and kissed the tip of my nose, settling my skin alight wherever my skin touched his.  I shivered a little and my breathing sped a little with him so close.

“Okay, that failed,” he said, grinning again.  “Try again.”

I grinned up to his gorgeous face and shook my head.

“Maybe I don’t want to,” I said, smirking now.  “I quite like the floor if you have to know.”

“Really?” Ash asked, smirking as well.  God damn he looked hot with that look on his face.  “So, you’d willingly stay on the floor all day with me on top of you?”

He raised one eyebrow and I flushed at the double meaning in his words.

“Ash "” I started, but I was cut off by the cell in the kitchen ringing. 

I sighed as he moved off me, allowing me to get up.  I leaned forwards onto the balls of my feet and stood up at the same time that Ash flashed to his feet.  He smirked and winked at me, I rolled my eyes and grinned at him before heading into my kitchen and picking up the cordless, black cell from its base until.  I pressed the button and held it to my ear.

“Hello, Ayre speaking,” I said, going over to my fridge and opening the door, I hadn’t realised ‘til now how hungry I was. 

“Oh, now you pick up your cell,” David’s voice said. 

I scowled and slammed my fridge door shut, gripping the cell.

“Look, David, we’ve been over this,” I said, getting pissed.  “I was asleep so I’d be worried if I actually got out of bed " whilst asleep " and answered the f*****g cell, okay?”

“Look, Ayre,” David said, “something big is going to happen soon and I want you to be safe.”

“What? What something big?” I asked, frowning.  What was he on about now?

“I can’t say, just something big,” David said, his voices cracking a little because of static.  “Just be careful, okay?  I’m sorry I snapped and demanded things of you, I just want you to be safe.”

The line went dead before I could ask anything else.  What the hell?!  What big thing?  Why was the line bad?  The line had never been bad on this cell, even when people went through tunnels on car cells.  Something must have been happening near him, something with a strong energy signal.  I frowned and looked at my cell.  What the hell was going on with him? He’s barely a Damon Hunter yet, only just tapping his training, how could he know about something big?! And as a higher Demon Hunter, it was his duty to tell me, whether he wanted to or.  Clearly, I hadn’t read the rules yet.  I shook my head and put the cell down.  I leant against the cold counter, my hands on the cool marble, leaning forwards, deep in thought. 

I smiled when I felt a pair of cold hands wrap around my waist and pull my against him.  Ash buried his face in the crook of my neck and kissed it softly, smiling against my skin.  I smiled too, leaning against him, the thoughts of David and whatever he was doing slowly disappeared from my mind as I concentrated on Ash’s cool lips against my skin.  I heard him inhale and smirked.

“Good God, Ayre,” he whispered against my skin.  “You have no idea how good you smell to me.”

I laughed a little.

“Do I really smell that good?” I asked, tilting my head as he kissed up my neck. 

He didn’t answer, he grinned against my skin and I took that as a yes.  Wow, I’d have to be careful around him in future.  I wonder what he would do if I got a paper cut or something.  I grinned to myself and spun around in the protective grip his arms had on me.  I smiled up to his face as he smiled back.  I caught sight of one of his fangs and bit my lip.

“You can have some if you really want,” I said, leaning my head to the side again, showing I was willing to give him more.

Wow, Ash had really changed me within the space of a few weeks.  I was never like this before, willing to give blood to something that was meant to my enemy, yet I was in love with him.  It must be the love, I guessed, I’d seen love do funny things to other people of the years.  I watched it turn a Demon Hunter from a killing machine into a guy that was now a father to two children.  People had always hoped that once I found love, I’d calm down a bit, change, to chill out on my training.  I bit my lip a little, waiting.  I felt Ash’s lips press to my neck and he smiled against my skin, setting my skin alight once more.  The fire travelled down my spine to where his arms were, making me shiver out of delight.  I heard his break catch as something sharp pressed against my skin.  He gripped me a little harder as my legs turned to jelly, keeping me standing up.  He lifted me onto the marble counter so my head was level with his.  I braced myself, waiting for what was going to happen.

When he finally broke through my skin, desire and lust burst through my body, all over, making my skin tingle as he pulled me against him, groaning against my neck at my taste.  My breathing hitched as I felt his muscular chest against mine, sending hot flashes down my skin, making my shiver again a little bit.  I felt Ash start to suck, drawing my farm blood out of my body. He was being careful, I could tell.  He must be worried about me after last night.  I couldn’t even remember how much he took last night, only the pleasure that rushed through me when he did.  The said pleasure rushed through my body now, setting everything alight.  I felt lust swirl around the pit of my stomach, making me feel on top of the world.  I gasped a little when he removed his fangs.  He drank my blood at the same time I felt a drop of blood slide down my shoulder and over my collar bone and down to my tank top, staining it.  I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his waist. 

With a groan, Ash pulled back, denying me the pleasure.  I whimpered and looked at his face, a small drop of blood sliding down his chin from the corner of his mouth.  He looked at me, his eyes locking onto my eyes.  The unmistakable blood-lust showed in his eyes, making me shiver.  Maybe giving my blood up that easily wasn’t a good thing.  I’d have to watch myself in future.  I reached up and cupped his palm with my hand, wiping the blood away with my thumb.  I pressed my thumb to his lips and he took it in, his tongue wrapped around my little thumb, licking away the rest of the blood.  I shivered at how cool his tongue felt.  I tried to pull my thumb back, but he grinned and playfully trapped it in-between his teeth.  I laughed and tried to slid my thumb past his teeth, I didn’t get far before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him, our faces inches away from each other’s.  He smirked when he saw a fiery blush make its way up my face.  He pulled my thumb from his mouth and slid his fingers in-between mine, locking me too him.  I grinned a little and locked my eyes to his.  Something swirled in his eyes, something I’d never seen before.  His blood-red eyes broke from mine and traced my face slowly, starting at my eyes and making their way downwards before they stopped on my lips.  I bit my lip a little and his eyes snapped back to mine.   He leaned in a little closer, my skin burning stronger as his touch set it alight.  His bottom lip touched mine a bit, but that was still enough to make my lips heat and a shiver to rock through my body.  He pulled away as we both hurt the buzzing in his pocket.  He pulled out a silver, flip cell cell and stepped away from me to answer it.  He didn’t say anything the whole time the cell was at his ear.  I leaned forwards, my hands either sides of my legs on the counter.  I hadn’t realised how cold the counter was until now.  I looked down at my hands and saw they were paler than usual. 

I bit my lip and looked up as he snapped the cell shut, his eyes locked onto mine, the raw lust that I’d seen only moments ago removed and replaced by sadness.  I knew what he was going to say before he said it.

“I have to go,” he said, coming and standing in-between my legs. 

I sat back a bit so our heads didn’t bang together.  He leaned forwards, his hands either side of my legs, not quite touching the skin.  I shivered and bit my lip as I leaned back, my back hitting the cupboards behind me.  He smirked and stopped leaning forwards when his face was an inch from mine, our noses touching.  I watched his eyes run over my face.

“I’ll be back later,” he whispered, his sweet smelling breath making my head spin.   “I’ve just got to sort out a few things.”

“Like what?” I muttered, not really wanting to let him go so I didn’t have to stay here all day on my own.

“Just some… vampire things,” he muttered, grinning, probably having just read my thoughts.

Stupid vampire.

“Okay,” I mumbled, looking down at my knees.


He lifted my face up so I was looking at him.  My eyes locked onto his at the same time his lips brushed against mine.  I shivered and squeezed my eyes shut.  He pressed his lips to mine again, harder this time.  I swear you could fry an egg on the fire that coated my skin. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands clasped my hips, pulling me forwards so my legs were either side of his hips, our bodies pressed together.  His arms moved to wrap around my waist as our lips moved furiously against each others, not letting up once.  Not one part of our lips were disconnected from the others lips.  I felt fire in my heart and all over my body, pulling feelings from the depths of my body that I’d never felt.  Love.  Lust.  Need.  And so many more.  I couldn’t even keep track of what I was feeling and what I wasn’t.  all I cared about was his lips on mine, his body against mine, the fire that rushed over my skin.  I wrapped my legs around his waist.  He pulled back from the kiss a few moments later and I whimpered at the loss of my lips on his. 

Hang on, I just whimpered?!

I looked at his face, realising that Ash really was changing me every second I spent with him.  Changing me for the better, making me more… human, I guess, instead of this anger, revenge filled little girl that I’d been for years now.  I watched him lick his lips and grin at me. 

“I better go,” he said in that sexy voice of his.

He winked at me and disentangled himself from my arms and legs.  He pressed a delicate kiss to my forehead and made me smile.  I watched him walk out of my kitchen and then heard my front door open and close.  I breathed in unsteadily, realising just then how quick I was breathing.  I shook my head at myself and got to my feet, happy to see that my balance wasn’t affected by him at all.  I looked around my little kitchen and sighed. 

My cell rang and I picked it up before holding it to my ear.

“Yeah?” I said, leaning against the very counter I’d just been sat on.

“Ayre!” came Jackie’s frantic voice from down the end of the phone.  She sounded… angry? Upset?  Urgent? 

“Jackie? What’s wrong?”

“Ayre, we’re in deep s**t!”


© 2010 Misguided-Ghost

Author's Note

Ha ha, I left you like a chiff hanger! xD xxx

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Added on September 19, 2010
Last Updated on September 19, 2010
Tags: demons, love, harsh, difficult, biting, bites, vampire, vampires, werewolves, werewolf



Stoke, Middlands, United Kingdom

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