Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Misguided-Ghost

Chapter Seven!


Chapter Seven: Werewolf and Kiss

Okay, I really was going insane now.  I was sitting on my sofa, trying to watch the TV, but getting nowhere.  I was only three days into my six weeks off.  The hospital had let me out a couple days after I woke up, and they told me to come back every week so they could cheek on my wounds.  I had this weird waterproof dressing over my stitches, this meant I could have showers and baths without having to change the dressing afterwards or get the stitches wet.  I sighed as I cupped the cold cup of tea in my hands.  I thought back to the day I’d got out, Ash hadn’t kept his promise that he’d whispered in my ear.  I shivered when I thought about him.  I hadn’t seen him since the day I woke up, five days ago.  He’d broken his promise.  I sighed again as I thought about him and searched for the remote. 

I found it wedged under the couch and pulled it out.  I changed the channel and sat back against the back of the couch.  God, I was bored.  I threw the remote onto the seat next to me and stood up.  I went into the kitchen to pour my cold tea down the drain.  I’d made that an hour ago and had never drunk any of it.  I went back into my living room and sat down again.  Pain shot through my side and I winced, my hand shooting to my side where the dressing was.  I could feel it through my thin, purple pyjamas.  I pulled my feet up and tried to watch the TV.  I thought about practicing my karate, but the last time I’d tried that " two days ago " I’d ripped my stitches.  I had to make up an excuse at the hospital, telling them I’d been reaching for something in a high cupboard.  That had hurt, both when I’d ripped them and when they’d put new ones in. 

So, I’d made a mental note not to do it again.  I went into my small bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror above the sink.  The bathroom itself wasn’t bad, with both a bath and a shower, along with a toilet and sink.  The white tiled floor was cold underneath my feet and the ice blue walls looked nice against the white floor. I sighed and tried to sort out my hair, I had bed head. Ever since I’d been given time off " against my will " I’d been sleeping ‘til late into mornings.  I brushed my hair out of my face and pulled it back into a pony tail to keep it out my face.  Then I splashed some cold water on my face and sighed, looking down at the sink as the water drained away.  I looked up at my face in the mirror.  Okay, I didn’t look good.  My face was paler than usual and my hair was a mess.  I didn’t have any make-up on so I looked plain, boring.  I padded out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.  My iPod was once again playing, the soft music filled the room, making me relax.  I felt tense at the moment, probably because I hadn’t trained in a few days.  When I trained it loosened all the muscles in my body, allowing me to be flexible with my kicks and punches, making me a better fighter. 

When I fight, I focus on what I’m doing, on how I’m fighting, nothing else gets into my brain, hence why I do it so much.  When I’m fighting or gun training or even doing a mission, I’m focused on the task at hand, not on my life, not on my dead parents or my dead brother.  When I fight, it’s just me in there, just Ayre, no memories, no nothing to distract me from the job at hand.  It makes me forget there isn’t a mom or dad at home waiting for me when I got back, no brother to run and give me a hug when I stepped through the door.  All I had was Scampers waiting for me at home when I got in.  All I was when I trained was me, just me and my body, fighting as one.  I don’t have many limits when it comes to fighting, I only stop unless I’m getting beaten up badly, and even then I want to carry on, so maybe they could finish me and put me with my family.  But I realised one day when I got into a fight with a Demon and nearly died, they need me.  No matter how much I wanted to die, I couldn’t leave them, my friends at the training centre.  They needed me, being one of the best Demon Hunters of this century means any big mission that they need experienced Demon Hunters had to go, and I was one of them.  Countless times I’d stopped the bad guys with sometimes the help of friends, and sometimes on my own.  I prefer solo missions than group missions, less people to get hurt, but that means you’re on your own encase anything goes wrong.  Ground missions means there’s more people to get hurt, but there’s other people there to help them. 

Right, that’s it! I stormed into my closet and pulled some clothes down.  I was going out, not to anywhere, just for a walk.  People at the training centre had told me to stay indoors so I didn’t damage myself more, but I didn’t care.  I was going to go insane if I stayed inside any longer.  I yanked on some jeans and a dark t-shirt quickly and then pulled on my trainers.  I grabbed my iPod and headphones before heading into the living room.  I grabbed my phone and keys and headed out, locking the door behind myself.  I quickly walked down the corridor, looking at my watch as I went.  It was nearing nine o’clock, and it was raining still.  It had been raining a lot here, which I couldn’t understand, all the forecasts had said it was going to be dry.  As I reached the lift I yawned a little.  I pressed the button and watched it light up under my finger tip.  I sorted out my iPod whilst it came, plugging in my iPod and flicking it to my favourite playlist.  I stepped into the lift as Hero by Skillet came on through my earphones. 

I nodded my head to the beat as I went down, ignoring the fear I could feel in the bottom on my stomach.  Damn lifts!  When it stopped, I stepped out and didn’t stop.  I heard the lift doors slide shut and then I heard the hydraulics drag it back up the shaft.  I turned up my iPod, blocking out all noise.  I stepped out onto the deserted boardwalk and started walking in a random direction.  I knew New York like the back of my hand, so even if I walked for hours in any direction I wanted and I’d still know where I’d be.  I kept my eyes down as I pulled on my jacket, listening to the music through my earphones.  The streets were quiet, the only thing that moved was the rain, the trees because of the wind and me.  I saw a newspaper, completely soaked, being washed down the boardwalk, in a stream of water that led to the gutter. 

I subconsciously walked towards Central Park again, lifting my hood to save my already-damp hair from getting worse.  I looked at the dark sky again, letting the rain drops hit my warm skin, cooling it down with each drop.  Sighing, I walked on, listening to my music.  I smiled a little as Paramore’s Decode came on, starting off slow and then kicking in.  I bobbed my head a little to the music, singing along to it in my head.  I looked behind me when I entered the Park and then turned back to the park.  It was quiet today, not even any homeless people on the benches wrapped in newspaper to keep themselves warm, which was weird.  I kept my guard up, keeping an eye out for anything " or anyone " close that might be a threat, but I couldn’t see anything.  My dagger was at home so if I was attacked, I’d have to use hand-to-hand combat instead of using weapons. 

Instead of going back home like a human would, I continued walking, not stopping for anything, I wanted some time alone with my thoughts, and damn the Demon that tried to stop me from having time alone to myself.   I walked pas t small pond, with water lilies dancing across the surfacing, slowing moving, the surfacing of the water was constantly broken as the rain it the surface.  It sent ripples across the water, which was hit with another droplet of rain, and once again a ripple ran across the surface of the water.  This happened simultaneously, with many droplets of water hitting the surface at the same time.  I found myself staring at the water, immersed in my own head, watching the water.  

I sighed, my breath steaming up as it rose above my head, heading towards the dark sky.  God, it was cold, I’d only just noticed that my jacket and jeans were soaked, the material of my jeans clinging to my legs.  Water dripping down my legs from my jeans and into my shoes.  I ignored it, I’d been soaked before, when we’d been doing stake-outs on Warlocks’’ hide-outs and when we’d been fighting a Fairy in a school once.  We’d chased it into the pool area and it had thrown me into the pool.  I’d missed the end of the fight and the fairy had gotten away because I had the gold in my pocket.  Demon Fairies only weakness was gold, if it touched their skin or if we shot them with bullets, they had about ten seconds to get the gold off the skin or out of their body before it entered their system and started shutting down their internal organs and stopping the heart. 

I turned away from the pool and saw Ash standing behind me, a huge grin on his face.  I jumped about ten foot in the air when I saw him.  God d****t!  Why did he always sneak up on me?!  I scowled at his face and pulled my earphones out, tucking them into my chain that was around my neck, the small cross on the end.   I put my hands on my hips as he now smirked at me, clearly finding my thoughts amusing to him, even though I was calling him every name under the sun in my mind right now.   I tried to remember something else I was mad at him for, but it was just out of reach from my mind! Either he was pushing it back with his mind skills, or I’d actually forgotten it at the sight of his perfect face.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that,” I said, punching his chest through his black sweater.

He caught my wrist and kept my hand near his chest, my knuckles brushing his abs.  I looked at his face to find him staring at me.  I tugged at my hand, trying to free it, but he kept his grip firm around my wrist, his fingers digging into my flesh, but not enough to cause me pain.  I scowled at his face and raised one eyebrow.

“Let go of my wrist,” I said.

He didn’t reply or let go of my wrist.  He stood there, smirking at me, with me scowling back up at his sexy face. 

Okay, if you’re going to act moody around him, don’t think about how sexy he looks, I said to myself, not giving a damn if he heard me or not.

I was starting to get more annoyed with him now, tugging at my wrist, I averted my gaze from his face down to my wrist, where his pale and cool fingers were wrapped around my cold and pale wrist.  He was paler, I noticed, even though I was pale, against my skin, he was almost white.  I slowly looked at his face again as I tugged at my hand again.

“Are you going to let go?” I asked, scowling.

Ash chuckled at me, which sent a spark of anger through me.  He was really looking for a kick in the balls, and because I hadn’t trained and nearly died of boredom in my apartment, I was annoyed already, and he was adding too it by not letting my hand go.  I tugged at it again and suddenly I was pushed up against his chest, my chest pressing against his, his arms around my waist, my hands on his chest either side of my body.  I could feel his thighs brushing mine as he looked down at me, our faces inches apart.  I swallowed loudly and then remembered why I was angry at him for another reason.  He’d broken his promise.  I’d woken up alone that morning in the hospital and he had been nowhere in sight.  I saw him wince as he shared my thoughts, making them his own.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his cool breath washing over my face, making me shiver. 

With the cold rain and his cool body, I was starting to really feel the cold now.  Ash’s dark clothes were soaked, just like mine, and his jet black hair was soaked, the gel or whatever he used to spike it had obviously been washed away, or he hadn’t put any on.  He moved one of his hands from my waist to put it on my cheek.

“You left me there, after you promised,” I whispered back, not mad at him anymore. 

I couldn’t stay mad at him, it was impossible, especially with that sad look on his face that was full of remorse.  I sighed  and blinked a few times, watching droplets of water hit his face and slide down his pale skin.  I noticed her wasn’t wearing a jacket… again!  I rolled my eyes at him and looked down at my hands on his muscular chest.  I could feel his cool skin through his wet sweater; his muscles were thick under my hands as my finger tips started tracing them without me telling them too. 

His body shivered underneath my touch and I looked up to see a mask of pain upon his beautiful face.  I breathed in and out a little heavier now, sending my breath rushing over his face.  His eyes closed slowly as my fingers barely touched his skin as they moved around his chest, memorizing every inch of his perfect chest.  His face got closer to mine, our lips just centimetres’ away from each others.

Ash was suddenly on the other side of the path from me, breathing heavily, staring at me.  I stared at him, breathing heavily myself, my body shivering against the cold a little.  Oh god, that had been too close.  What was I getting myself into?! I could lose everything I hold dear to me if I got involved with Ash, a vampire,  my enemy, the same kind of monster that killed my parents, but I couldn’t bring myself to think of not seeing him.  I swallowed loudly as he looked at me, our eyes locked, causing my skin to tingle. 

I heard a growl which snapped me back to reality.  I looked to my left, towards the way I’d come in and tried to see through the rain.  Something was there, all I could see was a silhouette of something big before there was a large thud as it hit the ground and started running.  Oh s**t!  I ducked down just as it jumped over my head and I looked to my right, following it with my eyes as it turned around and looked at me before roaring.

F**k, there was a Werewolf here!  And I had no weapons!

Werewolves were rare in New York, they normally stuck to New Jersey, because that was connected to another place, unlike New York, which was an island with a city on it.  They liked to use the sewage pipes to run from Demon Hunters and other Demon’s who go after them for revenge or for just pure fun.  Vampires were the number one enemy of Werewolves, with Warlocks coming close second.  Werewolves and Vampire had a natural enemy status, since the dawn of time when they were both created.  At first, when they were both new, the Vampires had used the Werewolves as slaves, using them to build them castles and even to feed off.  But over the years Werewolf blood became toxic to Vampires, so they stopped feeding from them.  then they used Werewolves to lure humans to the Vampires, giving the vampires something they could drink. 

I gasped and threw myself backwards, straight into the pond, as the Werewolf lunged for me again.  The freezing cold water shot straight up my nose and as my head broke the surface of the water, I gasped for air, greedily sucking it in to give it to my demanding lungs.  I looked up to see Ash and the Werewolf gone, the sounds of growling and fighting came from down the path, out of the darkness.  I swam to the edge of the pond " it was quite deep for a little pond " and dragged myself out of it.  The cold was really affecting me now.  I could feel my muscles tensing up because of the suddenly cold.  When I moved, it was slower than usual, but my adrenalin rush was starting to kick it, and it gave me the extra stamina I needed.  I ran towards the place where the growls, snarls and shouts were coming from.  I heard the sound of bone hitting metal and ran round a giant oak tree. 

Ash had locked his arm around the Werewolves head, grabbing his wrist with his other hand, tightening his grip.  The Werewolf was making choking sounds from the back of its throat, Ash was strangling the Wolf!  His swords lay on the ground near me, the hilts facing me. The Werewolf roared and elbowed Ash in the stomach, sending him flying into a tree.  It snarled and rounded on me.  I looked at its blood covered muzzle and swallowed again.  I was useless without my weapons against a creature this size.  Werewolves were huge, at least seven feet, some even more.  They were completely covered in hair from head to toe, the colour depending on what colour their hair was.  This Wolf had black hair.  It got to its feet, it was too tall for Ash in standing. 

It charged at me and I heard Ash shout something that sounded like my name, but blood rushed in my ears, my head was spinning from the lack of oxygen, my wound screamed in protest and so did my ribs.  At this moment in time, I couldn’t give a f**k!  I lunged forwards just as the Werewolf jumped at me.  As it jumped over my head, my hand closed around the hilt of Ash’s sword.  When I lifted it off the ground, it didn’t feel heavy, even though I could tell that this blade and hilt had been made from the finest metal, it was as light as a feather and swung easily in my hands.  I grabbed the hilt with both hands as the Werewolf charged at me again, roaring.  I screamed as it jumped on my and plunged the sword straight into its heart, not killing it, but seriously wounding it.  Werewolves can be killed in several ways, but the two main ones were to bleed it out, or to cut its head off. 

Blood soaked my clothes as the Werewolf roared in my face, its breath stunk of blood, flesh and his body smelt of sweat.  I gagged at the smell, it was horrible, and not matter how many times I got this close to a Werewolf, it always smelt as bad as the first time.  In fact, the first time I’d smelt a Werewolves breath is when I’d been 14, and a Werewolf had had the nerve to attack the Training Centre whilst the Demon Hunters were there.  Some people wondered if it was suicidal, and that’s why it did it.  I’d been knocked back by it like now and it had roared in my face, the smell knocking me out.  I’d woken up several hours later in my room. 

I screamed as the Werewolf went to bite me, then there was a swish of a blade and the Werewolf stopped dead.  A few seconds past and then the top half of the Wolves head slid away from the bottom and rolled off above my head.  I tried to push the heavy creature off me, but I couldn’t.  I grunted and then felt something pushing on the Wolf.  Ash was stood next to me, hands against the Wolf, a sword in one hand, trying to push the Wolf off me.  Together, we managed to roll the Wolf off me before it could crush me.  Ash grabbed my outstretched hand and pulled me to me feet and against him.  He stroked my face quickly, worry on his perfect face.

“Are you okay?” he asked frantically.  “Did it bite you?”

I shook my head, glad that it hadn’t bitten me.  that would mean I had twenty-four hours until my first transformation.  Werewolves normally changed at a fall moon, but the Wolves that are trained, or are really old, they can change at will, whenever they wanted too.  New Wolves change for the first time after twenty-four hours.  I wouldn’t be able to face being a Werewolf, because I’d lose my title as a Demon Hunter and become Ash’s enemy all in one go. 

Okay, I need to get my head sorted about Ash.  I made a mental note to sort it out when I got home.

“It hasn’t bitten me,” I muttered as he stroked my face. 

“Good,” Ash whispered.  “Are you okay?”

I nodded.

“I’m fine,” I told him.

I was, sort of.  My whole body ached, especially where I’d damaged myself not long ago.  I held a hand to my throbbing ribs and winced.  I don’t think I’ve broken them again, or ripped my stitches, but they hurt like hell.  I hissed through my teeth and closed my eyes for a second.  I tried to calm my breathing down, I knew that would help with the pain in my ribs.  Ash’s fingers still traced my face and I looked up at him.  The rain picked up as I looked at his face, he was smiling a little as his hand cupped my cheek.  I smiled back a little and put my own hand on his cheek.  We were both soaked, water ran off our faces and off our bodies.

I noticed Ash had a cut above his left eye from the fight.  I looked at it and frowned a little, my fingers moving to stroke the skin around it.  Ash shivered a little and his eyes dimmed, turning a darker colour of red.  I looked into those eyes as his hand on my face brought our faces closer.  When our lips were centimetres apart, I closed my eyes and waited.  A pair of cool, soft lips pressed against mine in a kiss, they felt better than when I’d thought of it when we’d nearly kissed in the bedroom.  I kissed him back softly as he crushed my body to his, my skin felt on fire at the feel of his lips.  His hands skimmed down my arms to my waist and his arms wrapped around it, pulling me more against him.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and one hand slid into his hair. 

The rain came down on us hard, but we didn’t notice.  We didn’t care at this moment in time, all that mattered was each other and our kiss.

© 2010 Misguided-Ghost

Author's Note

Please dont kill me! xD Crappy chapter, I know! *Sigh*

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Added on August 14, 2010
Last Updated on August 14, 2010
Tags: demons, love, harsh, difficult, biting, bites, vampire, vampires, werewolves, werewolf



Stoke, Middlands, United Kingdom

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