Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Misguided-Ghost

Chapter Two guys! :) Short, again, I know, next chapters are DEFFO longer!


Chapter Two: Fight’s and Bites.

It was raining....again! Damn this English weather, I’d only been in England three days and I was already missing America.  Why did they have to send me to Cumbria to sort out the damn Demon problem?  I had training to do.  I wasn’t here alone though; there were three other people with me, all at my stage of training.  This was a big job, there had been multiple killings in a small town in Cumbria called Kirkby Lonsdale, it was a small market town.  We had to stop whatever Demon was doing this before they exposed themselves, and, in turn, exposing us as well.  I was stood under the memorial, looking up the bank towards the parking lot opposite Booths.  It was raining hard by now.  I checked my watch, half past twelve at night.  The village was quiet at this time.  No-one was about, apart from a Demon we’d been tracking since we’d got here, we’d barely caught a glimpse of him yet, and we still didn’t know what he was.  I’d seen some of the bodies, they were torn apart, usually the work of a werewolf, but all their blood had been taken before they’d been ripped apart.  The bodies had been found torn apart but without a drop of blood in sight.  That was the work of a vampire, but we couldn’t understand why the body had ended up like a werewolf had attacked it.

I sat on one of the little wooden benches that were on the side of the memorial.  The memorial was tall, but had big holes in the wall where you could look out, and several doorways coming into it.  There were three benches in-between each door way, attached to each wall below the windows.  One of them was broken though, and the wood had disappeared.  I sighed and watched my breath turn white at how cold it was.  My long, brown hair was damp and so were my jeans.  I could feel the cold handle of my dagger pressing into my hip where it was stored.  I looked up and down the street, where the hell was he?! The Demon had entered the pub to my left " The Hogs Head " over three hours ago.  Surely he’d come out soon, or I’d either die of hypothermia or end up falling asleep on the bench. 

I stood bolt up when I heard a door open.  A shape stepped out of the pub.  Got him! He was wearing the same black coat and black jeans as the Demon had.  It was defiantly him.  I watched as he lifted his hood from the rain and walked off in the direction of the Spar, the opposite direction to where I was.  I slowly went after him, my dark clothes helping me to blend into the shadows.  He slipped down the alleyway that came out by the post office and I headed up the main road way, hoping to cut him off.  I reached the post office and looked around for him.  I frowned when I didn’t see him.  Either he was still in the alleyway and walking slowly, or he knew I was here and leading me into a trap.  I carefully walked towards the exit off the alleyway, my hand on the hilt of my weapon.  I entered the alleyway and frowned when I didn’t see him walking.  There was a gap in the houses in the middle of the lane, which led to the door of another house and the entrance to a dentist. 

I slowly made my way to it.  I knew Demon’s, some liked to play with their prey before striking them down.  My feet barely made a noise as they walked over the wet ground. I hadn’t put my hood up so my hair was soaked and rain water ran down my face.  I could feel the cold water dripping down the back of my neck and down my back.  I mentally cursed myself, thinking I’d get a cold if I wasn’t careful.  I reached the gap in the houses and looked in.  Someone slammed into me, sending me flying into the wall behind me.  I was lucky, if I’d have been five feet to my left I would have been thrown through the window of a small shop.  I groaned and slid to the floor.  I whipped out my dagger and jumped to my feet.

My dagger was a couple inches long, and the handle was silver.  There was a symbol on the blade, just above the hilt. There was a design on the handle of interlocking lines and a blue stone at the bottom on the handle.  I had been my mothers; I’d been given it shortly after her death.  I held it in front of me; I knew how to use it.  I’d spent months training myself to use it properly.  It was raining heavier now, making it hard to see more than a few feet in front of me.  I could only hear the rain slapping against the floor and nothing else.  Where was he? Had he knocked me back and done a runner?

No sooner than I asked myself that question a dark figure jumped out at me, knocking me to the ground.  But this time he came with me.  But I was ready.  I managed to get my leg up and plant my foot on his stomach.  I pushed with all my might and managed to get him off me.  I rolled onto my front and jumped to my feet again, but the Demon was nowhere in sight.  I hated it when they did this, playing with me until they actually started fighting me.  I glanced around again, not caring now that I was soaking wet and probably going to end up laid up in bed tomorrow with a cold.

I heard a low growl somewhere and then felt pain.  I looked down and saw my hand was bleeding.  I must have cut it in the fall.  If this Demon was a vampire then it would drive them nuts.  Maybe it was a vampire, and they were trying to frame the wolves.  Vampires and werewolves hated each other, and always have.  There were many wars between them, mostly because one of the vampires had killed a werewolf, or a werewolf had killed a vampire.  Sometimes the wars were for territory.  Vampires wanted most of the territory for their numbers, vampires were the largest kind of Demon’s, with thousands of vampires walking around.   These vampires could walk in the sun, not like the ones who get burnt in the sun that you read in books.  They don’t sparkle either.  They still have fangs, and the only way you can become a vampire is by exchanging blood.

I looked up as I heard the growl again and smirked.  This had to be a vampire, it sounded like a vampire and it had started to growl once I’d started to bleed.  Werewolves attack as soon as they can.  They don’t play with their pray like the vampires.  Werewolves are funny, if they want to turn into their wolf form, they can’t, and when they don’t want to, they do.  They still change whether they want to or not at the full moon, but they can sort of control their turning in-between each full moon.  I’d been up against a few werewolves in my time as a Demon Hunter.  I’d always made sure not to get bitten, or I’d become one of them, losing my status as a Demon Hunter and get chucked out, and then I’d lose the friends that I had. 

I’d been bitten by a vampire before, but a person I’d been working with torn them off me before they could kill me.  I’d managed to get up and finish it off before my partner rushed my back to the training centre to get fixed up.  The training centre acted as a few things: meeting places, a Demon Hunter hospital " normal hospital’s might find it weird if we went in with vampire bites " a housing for the Young Demon Hunters who lose their families " like me " a place where we could eat, and a training camp.  There was also quite a large armoury which everyone got their weapons from.  I kept my mother’s dagger on me at all times, never going anywhere without it.  I’d been surprised by many Demon’s jumping out on me in the day time.  Even though most Demon’s could walk in the sun, they always liked to do their business in the night time.  I have to say, I prefer the night time, it makes it harder to spot me, but also I hated it, because it made the Demon’s harder to spot also.  It was the other way around for me and the sun, I hated hunting Demon’s in it because they could see me, but then again I could see them easier. 

The blood coming from my hand chilled as it hit the air and I looked around again as I felt a drop of it fall off my finger.  There was a menacing growl and someone jumped at me, I yelled out and fell back with them, but I managed to make sure he didn’t land on top of me.  The vampire flashed me a set of pointy, white fangs.  He didn’t look like you would think vampires would look.  He had pale skin which was cold to touch, and was naturally beautiful.  But this was a way for them to lure their pray easier.  I didn’t care what they looked like, they were evil, and right now a vampire was trying to sink their fangs into my neck.  I yelled out again as the vampire’s sharp finger nails caught my arms when he tried to grab them, cutting into my skin. 

I gritted my teeth and pulled my arm up before he could get a firm hold on it.  It was the hand with my dagger in it.  The vampire growled and tried to grab my hand.  It was still raining, and it splashed on my face since I was on my back.  I got ready to shove the dagger into the vampire’s heart and then yelled out.

The vampire had sunk its teeth into the side of my neck.


© 2010 Misguided-Ghost

Author's Note

Please don't judge me!

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few edits: "He was wearing the same black coat and black jeans as the Demon had." how do we know this? it seems random in context. "It was defiantly him." should be "it was definitely him". Also some of the exposition about the vampires and werewolves seems a little out place. In writing there is a moniker, "show don't tell". Meaning most of your exposition should take place in dialogue or imagery. Maybe I'm being picky with the general flow. You can leave it in if you want it's just something to consider. Otherwise interesting.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


It was a good chapter but two things threw me off a little bit. One was the long description in the middle of the fight. I don't know about other people but when that happens I sometimes find myself skimming over the descriptive parts to get back to the fighting. Also that one sentence about vampires not sparkling when they're in the sun. I get it that you are probably one of the many Twilight haters but to put that in your story only takes away from the rest of the work seeing that the sentence has nothing to do with what is going on. I like the fight scene overall though. I would suggest putting slightly more description into how the characters move. Remember that during a fight scene in a book you have to explain every single little thing that is happening. This book has a lot of potential. I will continue to read on!

Posted 14 Years Ago

few edits: "He was wearing the same black coat and black jeans as the Demon had." how do we know this? it seems random in context. "It was defiantly him." should be "it was definitely him". Also some of the exposition about the vampires and werewolves seems a little out place. In writing there is a moniker, "show don't tell". Meaning most of your exposition should take place in dialogue or imagery. Maybe I'm being picky with the general flow. You can leave it in if you want it's just something to consider. Otherwise interesting.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A very strong chapter. You give enough information to keep the story interesting. I like the detail of the looking and the battle. This is a very good story. Always good to insure the characters and friends of the main demon killer have history and purpose. A very good chapter.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on August 11, 2010
Last Updated on August 11, 2010
Tags: demons, love, harsh, difficult, biting, bites, vampire, vampires, werewolves, werewolf



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