![]() spazzing out on the trainA Chapter by Misa UchihaIts been a year since i woke up..i didnt go to hogwarts like me and Draco wanted, instead my mum sent me to that french school, umm..... whats it called...... Beauxbatons Academy, yeah thats it. I mean I wasnt all that upset i was left alone most of the year since they went to hogwarts for the yull ball and three task thingy..i mean i wanted to go but my parents wouldnt let me for some reason.After i heard a rumor saying that voldermort was back i knew why they didnt want me there....i didnt like him and he didnt like me even thought my family was helping him out..i dont believe in killing people for no reason or killing at all.
The day finally came when i would be able to go to hogwarts.I was getting dressed when Draco came into my room
WHOA he said as he closed the door back
I was completly nude.I laughed and put on my clothes then i opened the door and said so how do i look.He looked at me and said like a muggle..i sighed and shook my head as i made my way downstairs for breakfast.
My outfit
Finally i was able to get away from my father after a long summer of his bull-s**t.Me and draco got onto platform nine and three quarters and togetther we went looking for his so called friends.When we finally found them they were still on the plat form. Hey guys said draco with a sneer this is my sister skyla..so treat her with respect.
Hi guys i said as i waved at them.
WHOA said the fat one
you can say that again said the even fatter one...Draco you never told us your sister was hot.
I shook my head as Draco turned red and started yelling at them about being rude.I glanced around and spotted some red hair.I looked closer and saw a girl...where have i seen her before i asked myself.then i remembered i ran over to the group of red heads and stopped a few feet away from them.
No no no ginny is more of a midget said one of the red heads.
how rude i thought to myself..i walked over to ginny who had her back to me trying to stop the idiots from making fun of her.I tapped her shoulder and she turned around.
Can i help you she asked
i frowned...aww i know we only met once and it was about a year ago but how could you forget the person who bought you a bag full of candy i know i wouldnt i said with a hand on my hip.Her face lit up and she hugged me
OH MY GOSH SKYLA ITS YOU she said as s he let go
the one and only i said as i twirled a strand of my hair around on my finger.
oh oh you gotta come meet my family.she pulled me over closer to the group and they all turned around at the same time
how weird i whispered to myself.I waved and ginny started speaking.
Mum,dad,idiots she said looking at the boys of the group.this is my friend skyla the one i told you about..the one that bought me the bag full of candy.the bag that i did not steal she said glaring at the younger looking boy.
I laughed and said nice to meet you guys.
pleasure is...said one twin
all mine... finished the other.
I started giggling but stoped myself..im a Malfoy girl we do not giggle i told myself over and over in my head.
Ginny turned to me and said oh you have to sit with me on the way to the castle pleaseeeeee she begged.i laughed and said ok let me go ask my brother.
I turned and ran back over to Draco hey bro i ah i seem to have found an old friend of mine and i was wondering if i could sit with her on the train ride.he looked at me up and down and said fine but ill be coming to check on you so i better not find you snogging any guys....i rolled my eyes and walked away.when i got back over to Ginny i told her it was ok and we got on the train.I watched Ginny wave bye to her parents along with all of her brothers and then we entered a carpartment and sat down.So said Ron...
How old are you.
oh im 15 im a gemini and my birthday is june 5.
I only asked for your age
well i said what would of been your next question
he went to open his mouth but closed it and sat back in his seat.I laughed along with ginny and the twins.I went to open my mouth to ask a question when the carpartment doors slamed open i looked up to see draco.
I stood uo suprised at why he looked so angry
Draco? i asked.
Dracos pov...I was sitting in a carpartment with crabbe and goyle just talking about things.I gotta go to the bathroom said crabbe as he ran out i shook my head and looked out the window.A few minutes the door was slid open again and crabbe came in.
I have some bad news Malfoy
what i asked as i looked at him....
SHES WHERE..WITH WHO... i got up and told him to show me where and so he did.when he stoped in front of the doors i listened and sure enough i heard her voice.I slamed the doors open looking around.
My pov
draco whats wrong i asked as i walked over to him.
whats wrong..whats wrong is the fact that your hanging out with..with them
Wait you know him asked Ron standing also along with his brothers.I stood in front of my brother and said yeah hes my twin..they looked shocked...
ok ok whats going on here why when i said he was my twin i felt a total diffrent feeling coming from all of you.
Ginny was still sitting staring at me with a mixture of fear hate and sadness.
Ginny are you ok i asked as i went to touch her.
DONT TOUCH HER yelled Ron as he grabbed my hand sqeezing it ah..ow i said your hurting me.He let me go as draco pulled me back behind him pulling out his wand.
touch my sister again weasely and your dead.
I gasped as another wand was pointed and saw crabbe and goyle take out theres.
then the twins along with ginny and ron took out theres.
ok this is stupid i said
SHUTUP Draco yelled at me
whoa whoa dont be yelling at me i said standing in front of him..ou.put your wand down dummy dont start things on the train..besides they are my friends.
we dont talk with malfoys said Ron glaring at me.
why not i asked..even though i knew the answer.
dont play dumb said ron....he glared more when he relized i wasnt playing
UGH NOW INSTEAD OF OF A EVIL MALFOY WE HAVE A DUMB ONE he yelled..him and his friends laughed.
I stared at him with tears in my eyes.
great one mate said fred.
shutup i said
what said ron you cant hear me what are you deaf too was you dropped on the head as a child or something we dont want to be friends with the likes of you.That was it i was done i screamed and jumped on him pinning him to the floor.
shut up shut up shut up i yelled you dont know anything you dont know anything you think its nice to make fun of others yet you get upset when people make fun of you, treat others as you will like to be treated.....i never did anything to you and i wasnt planning on it if my idiot brother ever treated you wrong im sorry ok immm sorry im sorry he treated you bad im sorry my family is most likely the worst family on the planet but does anyone care how the child feels no instead they look down at her with hate and make fun of her push her around make her cry throw things at her they ever went as far as to push her down the stairs!
i stood up my face read and everyone elses full of shock.
they pushed a f*****g 8 year old child down two flights of stairs.and you know what they did after that they laughed and walked away and you know what the parents of those kids did..they walked right over the little girl as if she wasnt ever there.
sky i heard draco say as he pulled on my arm
no let me go let me go i said as i turned and pushed on him he hugged me holding me to his chest as i cried.he lifted me up and carried me to an empty compartment.
im sorry i said i spazzed out again.
he laughed and said like always....
back in the compartment....
its all a lie said Ron as he got up off the floor.
ginny glared at him and slaped him causing him to fall back to the floor
have you gone mentel yelled ron.
ginny didnt say anything but she walked out the compartmenet and to the bathroom.
fred and geroge helped ron up and said i dont think she was lieing mate...ron shrugged and said we could always ask percy im sure hell know something..wait wait wait why do i care...come on said fred lets go ask percy from some details
.....you know i really shouldnt be telling you guys this...oh come on percy who are we going to tell said the twins...alright but you didnt get this from me.
she was four when she was ffirst put in the hospital...for....a broken leg and arm
then when she was six she had a broken jaw and a black eye and when she was eight she was pushed down a flight of stairs or what it says in her records..she fell.
The twins were speecless
thats not the worst part said percy..the reaon why she didnt go to hogwarst with her brother said percy leaning in..the twins leaned in too, wasnt because she didnt want to or she was homed school she didnt even go to school..
so what was she doing asked george
percy shook his head..nothing
whats do you mean nothing asked fred
i mean..she did nothing she was in a coma for the past 4 years she woke up last year and started school at Beauxbatons Academy.now shes here.
so what happned how come she was in coma....no one knows said percy all we know is that draco found her one night on the floor.seemed she fell three stories to the first floor and she just passed out.
the twins looked at eacho other.Theres something not right about that said fred
look said percy dont go putting your nose where it doesnt belong..now go get changed the train should be at hogwarts anytime now. © 2009 Misa UchihaAuthor's Note
Added on March 8, 2009 Last Updated on April 14, 2009 Author![]() Misa UchihaStaten Island ny, NYAboutIm 15 years old my name is charlene ....oh my freind is cyara a.k.a saruno Uchiha...shes my sister in law.her and sasuke are married(again lol)I love to laugh and make jokes i also love to hang out wi.. more..Writing