![]() New life waking old life in the makingA Chapter by Misa UchihaIt was any normal day at hogwarts(hogwarts..normal?)
Harry was trying to figure out when voldermort where strike next along with Ron and Hermione.They all just left the common room and was on thier way to breakfast. It was thier forth year at hogwarts and they werent going to let anything ruion it...ok well maybe Draco will try a few things but i mean whats the worst that could happen...
So said Hermione how are you guys with all the homework so far? she asked as they walked down the halls that were buzzing with studnets.
Gosh said Ron all you think about is work work work dont you have any fun..wait have you even heard of the word fun.
She just glared at him and shook her head as she rolled her eyes.
Harry smiled at his two best friends then
Thats all that was heard through out the greall hall as Harry and his friends entered just in time to see a very happy Malfoy running thier way..he was so happy he didnt see them and ran right into Harry almost knocking them both to the ground
oh im so sorry Harry here let me help you said Malfoy as he picked up Harrys books that he knocked from his arms.The whole great hall had gone silent not only from the face that Malfoy just said sorry to Potter but the fact that he called him by his first name and picked up his books and then ran off like a mad man down the hall screaming things like
Evertone looked at the twins
wasnt our doing they both said at the same time.
Everyone just shook off the feeling of weirdness and went on with thier bussiness not knowing a very special person just woke up fropm a very long nap and was about to change everyones lives along with one special weasely boy...
At the same time Draco was running around the halls acting a fool a girl that shared the same age same birth date and same last name as him was staring into the bathroom mirrior.
This is me? she asked no one, this cant be me...i mean look at the size of my b***s.
ok i know what people out there are thinking well let me explain a few things.
see here our special girl here was in a coma for the past 4 years.sooooo you try waking up to looking in a mirrio to a 14 and haif version of yourself when you last saw yourself as a skinny bearly a women 10 year old. now that thats out of the way im going to take a little break and let our little girl here tell the story for a while.
My name is Skyla Serenity Malfoy that much i know other then that im not so sure anymore.I thought this over and over again as i sat on my bed starring into nothing.Oh man what will mother and father think of me..what about draco or drakey as i like to call him.I missed them all so much i wonder if they missed me...maybe draco but not mother and father all they care about is money and power at least that much i remembered..but what i dont remember is how i ended up here in the first place..oh dont know what im talking about..well lets me inform you im talking to you from a room up on the hundred twenty third floor of St.Mungos Hospital.That i also knew because of how high i was from the ground when i looked out the window and because a nice nurse told me when i first woke up.
I am now sitting on my bed my clothes have been packed and i was now dressed as mom would say...like a striving youg lady..i laughed as i thought about my mum she was nice to me but she was also so obvious to everything.like when me and drakey was 8 and we ate all the vanilla pudding before the guest arrived during a little party mum had thrown together to show off her new living room set.We convinced her that we loved her cooking so much and no one other then her most preciouse kids in the world deserves to taste it..she fell for it...man ..good times.good times
uhhh miss said a nurse as she walked in, your rode is here to take you home.I nodded to her and got up grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder and walking out into the hall.I was lead down the hall into a rather large elevator.My eyes widen at all the buttons and the nurse pressed one that said first floor and i felt a drop..soon i was walking outside and my eyes lit up at how diffrent the world looked to me there were so many questions i had to ask and i didnt even know where to start but i knew i would have to wait to get my answers.
outfit i wore home
along with these shoes
and this
© 2009 Misa Uchiha |
Added on March 2, 2009 Author![]() Misa UchihaStaten Island ny, NYAboutIm 15 years old my name is charlene ....oh my freind is cyara a.k.a saruno Uchiha...shes my sister in law.her and sasuke are married(again lol)I love to laugh and make jokes i also love to hang out wi.. more..Writing