![]() My life....Chapter 7A Story by .CaLL.me.MisZ.bEnZy.![]() T0day was a scary day....5-15-08![]() Today was a Scary Day.... I was scared 0utta my mind... t0day 0n the day of May 15th. i experienced 0ne 0f the w0rst but thrilling experiences of my life wen you get in a car with sum1, u trust them wit ur life... itz basically in their hands.. i was in the car with the pers0n i basically trust the m0st... but sumtin unexpectedly happend.. 70 on a curve is a big mistake... especially on a rainy day... Frankie described the problem as a HYDRO POINT I CALL IT ALMOST DIEING.....=) we hit that "HYDRO POINT" skid off the road onto the grass spun around while crossing over the cemented floor onto the other side again wit the slippery grass and almost hit a tree sidewayz on my side the passenger side i was scared shitless.... Y ME I ASK? is it that big of a risk take to even step fo0t 0utside my house and think that i mite ever come bak never tell my m0m i l0ve u with my last breath be successful and maybe even BE SAVED?????????????? I questi0ned, th0ught, and analyzed MY FUTURE in the matter 0f milisec0ndz... my heart stopped like wen u sneeze... i cried like 0utta fear..and w0rri... my heart still beats fast thinkin ab0ut it... wat b0thered me the m0st is he sayz "THAT WAS FUN" wat kind 0f a response is that t0 a near death experience??? wen b0th 0ur lives were 0n the line... it really wasnt funni.. it was a r0ller c0aster ride with no controlz... imagine that... wanna know the lesson i learned th0... WEAR A DAMN SEATBELT.... cuz unf0rtunately.... I WASnt WearinG it... That c0uld've c0st me MY LIFE.... © 2008 .CaLL.me.MisZ.bEnZy. |
Added on May 16, 2008 Last Updated on May 16, 2008 Author![]() .CaLL.me.MisZ.bEnZy.Mount Holly, NCAboutLetz start off wit my name..... Benzy... Im really laid bak and pretty c0ol... Im basically a cl0set p0et... I d0nt really share much 0f my stuff i make at the top 0f my head... But why n0t.... Im 19 .. more..Writing