![]() My life....Chapter 5A Story by .CaLL.me.MisZ.bEnZy.![]() c0ntinued....![]()
My ex b0yfriend... the 0ne dumped me.. we spark up again... he c0mes visitz me... and i finally had sex wit him.. wh0 ever th0ught it c0uld be amazing.. it was lab0r day weekend... itz juss us at the d0rm... he spends the day...but leaves at night... itz w/e... well i cheated 0n him ab0ut 6 times and i left him this time... it was kinda ridicul0us... i stopped g0in to class on my second week of sch0ol... i failed the semester.... all i did was drink, sm0ke, and f**k... wat have i bec0me... i g0 h0me f0r christmas break, and my parents tell me, i am not g0in bak to UNCP.. i feel as if my w0rld is g0in to c0llapse.. the party, the drugs the sex... wat am i gunna do s0 i 0verd0sed on 0xyc0d0ne and pr0methizine, tryin to kill myself, but 0f c0urse it didnt w0rk.. im still here... i went t0 the h0spital spent 3 dayz 0n the pyschiatric fl0or... cried the wh0le time.. i wanted t0 leave...but c0uldnt..i was 17 and i c0uldnt decide.... My parents decided for me n0t t0 g0 0n anti-depressants idk wat was g0in 0n wit me... well i end up g0in to CPCC where i was doin g0od... i was still sm0kin, and w0rkin wit my m0m.. i started seeing my ex again.. sneakin ar0und every m0rning... until i g0t caught by my m0m... she gave me a at h0me drug test.. 0f c0urse i failed it s0 she kicks me 0ut... bak t0 rh0de island it is... that march 0f 07... here i g0 m0ving again... s0 i d0 nuthing till b0ut july where i end up gettin a cruise line j0b.. w0rked f0r 4 m0nths... made 12000 dollars... and my dad st0le all my m0ney.. put me in debt.... and n0w my credit sucks... s0 wat t0 d0 n0w??
© 2008 .CaLL.me.MisZ.bEnZy. |
Added on May 13, 2008 Author![]() .CaLL.me.MisZ.bEnZy.Mount Holly, NCAboutLetz start off wit my name..... Benzy... Im really laid bak and pretty c0ol... Im basically a cl0set p0et... I d0nt really share much 0f my stuff i make at the top 0f my head... But why n0t.... Im 19 .. more..Writing