![]() Not part of the planA Chapter by Marcy ChavezA few days have passed and Robert continued enjoying his free days, he would go to bed late at night and wake up very late in the morning. His mother continued to think it was for the best to hide the incident from her husband, it was clearly not necessary for him to know about Robert’s suspension. “Robert do you think you can help me this time with the laundry?” Caroline told him as she walked into his bedroom with the laundry basket on her hands as Robert was still in bed. She was just picking up his dirty clothes from the floor. But he barely opened his eyes to look at her. “What’s that mum?” He said with his sleepy low voice. “Robert you just can’t keep going to bed late at night and waking up at his hour, I mean your sister is almost back from school and you still in bed, do you think you can get up now and help me now?” Caroline told him as she walked out of the bedroom. Then he stretched his arms and legs and slowly got up from bed then walked to the bathroom in the hallway. After a few minutes he walked downstairs to the laundry room. “Hey mum” He greeted his mom. “Honey please help me out folding these clothes here and when you are finished please put them in the hallway closet”. She told him and then walked to the kitchen. Robert started to fold the clothes on the top of the dryer and once he was done he did as his mom had told him. Then he went to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich. Then the phone rang and Caroline picked up. “Hello?...oh hello Simon! How are you, yes he is here hold on please. It’s your friend Simon” She said passing the phone to Robert. “Hey Simon how are you?” Robert asked very excited to talk to his best friend. “Hey buddy, it’s been so long since we last talked, I was just wondering if you were still alive” Simon said joking. “Shut up Simon, of course I am alive, and oh, I need to tell you something that happened to me the other day”. Robert said looking at his mother and then looking away. “What is it man, tell me!” Simon said. “Robert I’m going to go pick up Claudine from School, I’ll be right back” Caroline whispered to Robert as she grabbed her keys and walked out of the front door. “Great my mum just left I am alone so I can tell you everything” Robert said to Simon over the phone. “Come on tell me already Rob!” Simon insisted. “Ok remember the girl the last time we talked that I told you there was a girl at my door?” “The lost cat girl?” “Yes, her” “Yeah I remember, what’s with her?” “Well I liked her ever since I first saw her and now she is kind of my girlfriend” “Wha-what? What do you mean with ‘kind of’ exactly?” Simon asked confused. “Well I asked her out the other day and she said yes, and then we spent half of the day together and…” “Please tell me that you at least kissed her Graham!” Simon said interrupting Robert. “Wow Simon you are so hasty as always…yes I kissed her” Robert told him. “Way to go Rob! And does she likes you back, have you asked her to be your girlfriend or what?” “Gosh Simon! Those are so many questions at once, but yes I think she likes me back and I kind of ask her to be my girlfriend” Robert said “You see? Is the “kinda” part that gets on my nerves, I can assure you that If I was there you would be married to that girl by now” Simon playfully said. “Oh please who are you Dr. Heart?” Robert said. “But seriously man you should send me a picture of her, and your parents know about you two?” “A photo of her, what you want it for? And no of course not, my parents have no clue, well my mum is suspecting that I’m in love and my father is away…again” Robert replied. “Just to see what she looks like Rob, calm down is not like I can steal her from you being this far away although I’m pretty sure that if she met me she wouldn’t resist my charms If I was there” Simon told him to tease him. “Like she would even talk to you loser! She would be scared the minute she see you” “Well but, now I have just one question, when are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?” Simon said. “I think very soon, I mean if things keep going well I plan on asking her really soon. And how about you?” “What about me?” Simon asked confused. “Did you finally asked that girl you liked out?” Robert asked him. “Who, Millie?” “Yes Millie! Unless there is a new girl you like now” “No, I still like Millie, she is great and beautiful but no I haven’t asked her out yet” “Why not Simon?” “Because every time I try to ask her out, for some reason the words won’t come out of my mouth and then I just start to stutter like a fool, she makes me so nervous” “Woah then you like her a lot, you know this girl Nerissa, she just makes me feel so weird and so weak at the same time and I was just being a douchebag to her at the beginning…” “Seriously? Why would you do that Rob?” “Because I thought that if the possibilities for her to like me were zero, then I wouldn’t hurt myself so much” “But you didn’t think that your attitude could drive her away from you?” “Of course I thought of that, but she just kept talking to me despite my jerky attitude and it was then when I thought that maybe there were a tiny possibility and there was” “Aww that is so sweet Rob I’m very happy for you!” “Are you being sarcastic?” “No, well kind of, but I am truly happy for you and I really hope this works out for…” Simon suddenly stopped his words. “What’s wrong?” Robert asked him wondering why he had stopped talking. “Robert I don’t want to be a party pooper but, if you fall for this girl what’s gonna happen when you have to move back to England?” Simon asked him as his playful voice turned into a serious one. There was a silence for about a minute and a half. Robert looked down, closed his eyes and sigh. “It’s too late to think about that Simon, I already fell for her”. Robert said with a soft tone on his voice. Knowing him from practically all his life, Simon knew he was serious about his feelings for Nerissa. “I see…” Simon simply answered not knowing what else to tell him. Then Robert saw his mother’s car stopping in the driveway. “Well Simon I gotta go, my mom is here, but it was nice talking to you and I hope everything is great, say hello to your parents for me would you?” “I sure will Rob, take care and whatever you need or want to talk about something just call me ok?” “Thanks Simon, good bye”. Robert said hanging up the phone. He was a little shocked because he haven’t realized how strong he had fell for Nerissa, until that moment Simon made him that question. He walked to the living room and sat on the couch, just thinking about it. He had made plans to date Nerissa and to make her his girlfriend, but he had forgotten about the day he had to go back to England, and now he wasn’t sure about if it had been a good idea to start a relationship with her at all.
© 2014 Marcy Chavez |
Added on August 12, 2014 Last Updated on August 12, 2014 Tags: a million heartbeats, love, friendship, couple, drama, family Author![]() Marcy ChavezAndheri, TX, IndiaAboutObviously my passion is writing. And writing is a gift I have to thank my wonderful father for, because he is a great writer .To me writing is the best way to get out my deepest feelings and to expres.. more..Writing