![]() AchillesA Chapter by Marcy ChavezRobert was trying to concentrate on his math homework, but
his eyes were starting to feel heavy and he could barely know what he was doing
anymore, so he closed his book and decided to go outside to get some fresh air.
On his way out he crossed paths with Claudine on the stairs and noticed that
the distinctive sparkle on her blue eyes was missing. He grabbed her arm and stopped
her as she was going up. “Hey are you all right?”. He asked her concerned. Claudine just nodded and briefly looked up at him trying to
contain the tears that were starting to come out of her eyes. She pulled away
from his arm aggressively and continued walking upstairs to her room. Robert followed her, she had left the door
open and he entered and saw her lying down on the bed crying deeply. It broke
his heart to hear her little voice sobbing. He knew Claudine as a happy little
person that could always find the good in others; he knew it had to be
something very especial to her to make her cry like this. He carefully got
closer and sat on the edge of the bed. “Leave me alone”. Claudine told Robert with her voice that
was breaking between sobs as he placed his hand on her back. “Come on Claudine, tell me what’s wrong?”. “What do you want to know? you never care about me anymore
anyway”. Claudine told him. Ever since their father had told them about moving
out, his attitude towards his family had changed, he was more distant and
apathetic, and of course after knowing him as a loving brother she now felt
like she wasn't important to him anymore. Robert recognized the feelings his sister was having, she
was starting to feel like she was alone too and he was not going to let that
happen, not now that he knew what it was like. And definitely not to a little
sensible and lovely girl like her. If his father was going to fail her just as he had failed him, he
was now old enough to take his father’s place and protect her. After noticing that Robert didn't leave her side even when
she told him to do so,Claudine lifted up her face to look at him as she wiped off
her tears. Robert couldn't do more than give her a warm smile. “So what is it?”. He asked her. “I feel sad because daddy is going to leave on Monday and he
is coming back in six months”. Claudine told his brother with her
voice starting to break again and the tears coming out her eyes. “I see. But that’s okay you know? That’s what he does it’s
his job and he has to do it, but I promise you that everything is going to be
all right”. Robert told her as he extended his hand to wipe off the tears
sliding off her rosy cheeks. “Who is going to protect me and my mommy?”. She asked him
rubbing her eyes. “I know I haven’t been too kind with you lately but, I want
you to know that I will always be here for you anytime you need me, it doesn't
matter if it’s too late or too early or if I am mad for some reason, I promise
you that reason is never going to be you”. Robert said. His kind words put back the sweet smile that lightens up her
face; it had been a long time since she last heard him talk like that. Her
little mind and heart couldn't knew about the changes his brother was going
through, the only thing she knew was that she wanted his loving and caring
brother back, the one she knew from Brentwood. “I love you very much Rob”. She told him giving him a big
hug that touched the deep of his heart. “I love you too duckling". She smiled as he called her by the nickname he used to call
her when she was little, that brought the sparkle back to her eyes. “So where were you going?”. Claudine asked him talking about
when they crossed paths on the stairs. “I wanted to go outside for a little walk I need fresh air,
do you want to come?”. He asked her. “Of course”. She exclaimed excited. They were walking down the street, looking around. There
were beautiful green grass and trees on both sides of the street. “So, you hate your
new school?”. Claudine asked him. “Yes pretty much, but you seem to like yours though”. “It’s all right; I miss my old school”. “But you seem to be ok here, how you do that?”. “I don’t like it here, but I try to see the bright side,
like at school the kids are mean to me because I’m new but the
teacher is funny”. “You are better than me at this; maybe you should give me
advice”. She smiled at him and as she looked away she saw a cat that
was wandering on the street. “Look a cat!”. She told Robert as she walked towards the cat
grabbing it. “He is so cute!”. Robert notices it matches the description of Nerissa’s lost
cat but he didn't want to touch him. “Do you think he lives around here?”. Claudine asked Robert
as she is petting the cat while holding him on her arms. “Yes, I think he belongs to the people that live in that
house”. Robert said pointing out to Nerissa’s house. “We should tell them that we found their cat”. Claudine
says. They walk towards Nerissa’s house and Robert knocks at the door.
He is very nervous and tries to control his emotions, there is something about
Nerissa that makes his feelings go in a twister. “Yes?”. Says a woman that opens the door. She looks at
Robert up and down; she had never seen someone dressed like him or with such a
haircut. Robert looks at her and he doesn't know what to say as he
was expecting Nerissa to open the door. Not a lady in her 40’s. So he remains
quiet for a few seconds. “Hello ma’am, we were taking a walk and my sister found
your lost cat”. He says to her stepping aside to let Claudine give her the cat. “Achilles!” She says taking the cat on her hands. “Thank you
so much, I will call my daughter, please wait here”. As she goes back inside Robert feels nervous again while
Claudine just stand there next to him without a clue of his brother’s
nervousness. Then Nerissa comes out making Robert’s heart skip a beat as
he see her beautiful face so close again. But she is surprised to see him at
her door, she had been trying to avoid looking at him at school and now there
he was in front of her, giving her that cold look again. “Hello,so where did you find my cat?”. She asked looking at
Claudine. “He was on the street; I just didn't want him to get hurt by
a car or something”. Claudine replied. “Yes, thank you so much for bringing him back I really
appreciate it”. Nerissa replied with a smile. “You are welcome, I’m Claudine and this is my big brother
Robert, we just moved here”. Claudine said. She was a friendly girl and she
loved to meet new people. “I’m Nerissa, is nice to meet you Claudine and Robert”. She
replied looking at Robert nervously. It was obvious she felt intimidated by him
and that was exactly what Robert wanted. “That’s all right but you should keep him in a cage or locked
up somewhere in case he tries to run away again”. Robert told Nerissa. He
always liked to speak his mind out, no matter if his opinions were too honest
he would just say what he felt. Of course Nerissa was shocked about his forthright comment.
They basically were strangers, how dare he say something so harsh about her
cat?. Now she was not only scared by the look on his eyes but about the way he
talked too. “Anyway here is the reward I offered for my cat, it’s yours”.
Nerissa said extending the cash to Robert. He looked at the cash and then up at her face and sarcastically smiled.
“Keep it so you can buy the cage for your cat”. He said to her before turning
and walking away. Claudine just waved good bye to Nerissa and followed her
brother. “Why you didn't take the money?”. She asked her brother as
they walked back home. “Because is not okay to take money from strangers Claudine
that’s why”. He told her. “But that girl seems nice”. “She is a stranger still”. Claudine didn't understand her brother’s actions most of the
time, but she trusted that he would always do what was right. As he returned to his room, Robert couldn't do anything but
regret the way he had behaved in front of Nerissa. Somehow he felt the need to
make others feel intimidated; he had a bad idea about the people in that city,
simply because he didn't liked it there. In the hallway he
could hear Claudine’s voice telling her mother about Nerissa, about how they
had found her cat and how she seemed to be a nice person. Robert smiled as he
heard that and thought that she indeed seemed nice, but still she was part of the strange world he hated. © 2014 Marcy Chavez |
Added on January 28, 2014 Last Updated on January 28, 2014 Tags: chapter, A million hearts, one, the unfamiliar, Love, Family, Friendship, Drama, Romance Author![]() Marcy ChavezAndheri, TX, IndiaAboutObviously my passion is writing. And writing is a gift I have to thank my wonderful father for, because he is a great writer .To me writing is the best way to get out my deepest feelings and to expres.. more..Writing