The other side of the door

The other side of the door

A Chapter by Marcy Chavez

After they left, he returned to play his guitar. He was trying to learn “The Lovesong” by The Cure, one of his favorite songs; he was even singing it, something he usually does when he was left alone. The phone ringing off interrupted his concentration; he put his guitar to the side on his bed and walked out of his room downstairs to the kitchen where the phone was.

“Hello?”. He answered.

“Robert?”. A guy with a British accent said.

“Simon is this you?”. Robert replied. It was his best friend Simon calling him from Brentwood in England. This was the first time they talked since days before he moved out.

“Yes, it’s me how are you buddy?.” Simon asked.

“I’m okay I guess, I don’t like it here just as I told you I wouldn't like it here”.

“Come on Bob, it can’t be that terrible!”.

“It is, and my mother make me start school tomorrow, now, you don’t think that’s terrible?”.

“Tomorrow? Wow she is in a hurry to get rid of you dude”.

“Anyway, how are you?”.

“Good, the whole gang misses you man we need that guitar skills of yours for the band”.

“I know, I miss you all too, I wish I could just get away from here right now”.

“Are you really staying two years over there?”.

“Sadly I have to”.

“That’s wrong man; you should run away when no one is at home”.

“Well, I am alone right now, and that is a good idea”.

“Hey! You know I’m just joking right?”.

Then Robert heard someone was knocking at the door.

“Hey can you hold on for a moment, someone is at the door”. Robert told Simon as he placed down the phone.

He walked towards the main door and looked through the peephole. There was a girl with what looked like paper sheets on her hands. He hesitated to open for a few seconds. It was a girl after all. His hands started to feel cold and he could feel his face burning. It was a feeling that was common to him whenever he had to talk to someone he didn't know.

 That have always made him feel uncomfortable and nervous. But as the girl knocked at the door again he decided to open it.

In front of him, stood a girl about his height, slightly curled honey hair that ended just right behind her shoulders, and her eyes were hazel, so beautiful, Robert could just not help but look directly at them. She was wearing a yellow mid length skirt, white flat shoes and a white blouse with black polka dots. She had a pink and white leather bracelet with a silver charm in the shape of a tree on her right hand.

“Hello, sorry to bother you but my cat ran away from my house and I've been going door to door asking if somebody has seen him, this is his picture”. The girl told Robert as she handed him the flyer with the picture of her cat on it.

As he moved her arm to give him the flyer, Robert perceived something familiar. He was sure he hasn't seen her face before, but it was her scent the one he recognized perfectly well. She was the girl he had been spying on the night before.That smell could not be mistaken by Robert, it had been imprinted on his mind. He looked at the flyer pretending he was reading the information about the lost cat, but the truth was, his mind was lost on his hundred thoughts about this girl. She was so beautiful and she seemed just as sweet and kind as he had thought she was. And now she was right there, standing right in front of him.

He looked back at her and she smiled, making Robert’s heart stop for a second, he was mesmerized by her gorgeous eyes and sweet smile that his mind had gone completely blank. Something that haven’t happened to him before.

“So have you seen him?”. The girl asked him again when she noticed he was just looking at her without saying anything.

Then Robert forced himself out of his thoughts.

“No, I don’t think so”. He said taking another look at the flyer. She quickly noticed his British accent.

“Are you British?”.

“Yes…yes I am”. He answered nervously with a slight smile.

She just nodded at him. His lack of conversation made her think that she was bothering him.

“Well, If you see him I would really appreciate if you let me know, I live in the house next door, my name is Nerissa, thanks for your time”. She told him before starting to walk away from the porch.

Robert didn't even tell her his name and he watched her walk away without saying anything else. He closed the door, tossed the flyer in the trash. He might think that she was beautiful and that she had made his heart go crazy, but he still was the same rude boy he liked to be. He didn't want anyone to ever think of him as a kind of sweet guy who could be softened by a pair of beautiful eyes and a sweet smile.

 Then he went back to see if Simon was still on the phone.

“Simon are you still there?”.

“Yes I still here, I was about to hang up, do you have any idea how much a call to the U.S costs?, my father is going to kill me man”.

“He won’t kill you. Hey listen, there was a girl knocking at my door”.

“And what did she want?”.

“She was looking for her lost cat”.

“Are you serious?”.

“Yes, she left me a sheet with the cat’s picture in it”.

“That is stupid man, who in the world waste paper and ink for a lost cat?”.

“Simon maybe is important to her”.

“Okay, but anyway man I need to call you later it’s getting late here”.

“All right Simon, it was nice to say hello, and take care of yourself”.

“Same man, good-bye”.

After hanging up the phone, he walked to the living room and plopped in the couch. He grabbed a magazine that was on the table. It was a home decoration magazine, nothing that was of his interest. But he couldn't fool himself. His mind was set on those hazel eyes and sweet smile that had come to his door a few minutes ago. He surely had been rude by not introducing himself to her. Maybe now she would think that he was some kind of psycho. Or maybe she would think of him as someone who is always on a bad mood.

“What’s the matter with me?”. Robert scolded himself as he thought about it.

He got up from the couch and went to take out the flyer from the trash can. He grabbed it and unfolded it.

“Missing Cat. His name is Achilles and he is very friendly. It has our phone number on his collar. Please return it If you find him or  you can call us, there will be no questions asked and there will be a cash reward for you. He is very important to our family. Thanks".

This time he did read what the flyer said, and realized how important the cat was to this girl. And he also realized this was an opportunity to start again and try to be more kind to her. He had to find her cat. Only problem was, he hated animals.

© 2014 Marcy Chavez

Author's Note

Marcy Chavez
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Haha! The ended makes me damn laugh!

Now "Robert" has to find her cat and the funniest thing is that "Robert" hates animals. Haha! How funny is that. But I think, Robert has've to find out her cat after all, it's a cat of an angel and "Robert" seemed totally mad at that angel, "Nerrisa!" Ha! Well, this's a very great chapter, one by one, you are giving a new turns to your chapters/this book, more you writing new chapters, more my interest's raising to read your all chapters indeed. That's why I call you the best writer in the world because you deserve to be called best by someone...

Hey, I think, you again misplaced something ///Ha! Anyway, am here to make ya help out
have a look below ...

Hey listen, there was a girl knocking at "MY" door
This should be replaced with
Hey listen, there was a girl knocking at "YOUR" (NOT "MY") door.
I think, in the fast typing, you just misplaced and that's not a error, that's just a very lovely error you make and I really, sometimes, love your minor errors too. LOL Ha! ("SMILE")

... O' by the way, when I was reading/watching this chapter, I really felt that "Am Robert" and the beautiful girl "Narissa" is you cause my heart was beating so fast when Robert was looking at "Narissa" and "Narissa" was smiling, OMG! OMG! The smile of "Narissa" is piercing my heart with her beautiful eyes and damn stunning smiles. Ha! If I really were "Robert" and You were "Narissa" then I don't think, I let the chance of praising the beauty of "Narissa" go from my hands because it's an opportunity to praise the beauty of beautiful ones face to face in real to make the smiles or glow on the face of angels. Ha!

So, that's what I think, from this chapter that "If I were a "Robert" I'd never let the chance go from my cold hands to let the angel go without making her smiley with my words at all because "Goddesses never comes to appear to anyone but if when they come to appear as same as in a case of "Robert" then I don't think, I like to let the goddess go without giving them my kind pleasure to make smiles on their faces at all so that they could keep me into the depth of their heart because it's angel's scent that makes the world beautiful and especially when the angel is as same as Narissa then WOW! Such kinda angels really make this earth "Heaven living." Ha!

Great chapter, Marcy!
Now you've raised to be a professional writer!
100/100! Keep on!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Marcy Chavez

11 Years Ago

Haha nice you laughed about Robert not liking animals. And once again very glad you enjoyed it.
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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 16, 2014
Last Updated on January 20, 2014


Marcy Chavez
Marcy Chavez

Andheri, TX, India

Obviously my passion is writing. And writing is a gift I have to thank my wonderful father for, because he is a great writer .To me writing is the best way to get out my deepest feelings and to expres.. more..

Part One Part One

A Chapter by Marcy Chavez

Part Two Part Two

A Chapter by Marcy Chavez

Part Three Part Three

A Chapter by Marcy Chavez