![]() Chapter 2: Shouldn't I Be Happier About This?A Chapter by Minoru Kusari![]() In this chapter Minoru becomes more acquainted with the mysterious girl than he'd like.![]() Chapter 2 Beep! Beep! Beep! Minoru
groaned as he felt through the darkness to turn off his alarm clock. Noisy
piece of crap. It was 7: 20 a.m. Almost time for school. He groaned again,
realizing he had to go through another day of school before the weekend. He
didn’t want to remove the comfortable blue blanket that caressed his body.
Didn’t want to leave the soft pillows. His bed never asked anything of him. In
his bed, all he had to do was sleep, and forget about all his troubles, all the
annoyances in his life. At least it was Friday. Wait a minute? How am I in my
room? Minoru thought as he sat up in bed. He yawned, thinking that he had
probably dreamt the previous day’s strange events. Too many late nights most
likely. Besides, he thought, there’s no way I could have survived all
that. “Good
morning!” Before Minoru could react, a girl popped out from underneath the bed
covers between his legs. She was wearing Minoru’s black school blazer. It was
the girl from yesterday. Minoru was more than startled.
“What are you doing in my bed!?” he screamed, his heart pounding from the
shock. “I brought you back to your
apartment last night,” she said, her red eyes staring deeply into his. “That doesn’t answer my question,”
Minoru said, then sighed. “Look, I don’t have time for this, girl. Just give me
my jacket so I can get to school on time.” “I am not ‘girl’, I am Momo,” she
said with a straight face. Minoru couldn’t tell if she was being serious
or if she was trying to be funny. He wasn’t even sure what she was doing there.
Either way, he wasn’t going to do anything until he got his blazer from her. He
stared her down. Not losing eye contact, Momo said,
“I can take this off if you’d like, but I’m not wearing anything underneath.” “Why not?” Minoru asked calmly
despite the thoughts that were suddenly racing around in his head. “My clothes are in your laundry
machine.” “Really made yourself at home, huh?
Oh well, just take it off, I’ll look away.” Minoru sat on the edge of the bed,
his back facing Momo so she could change in private. “Don’t peek,” she jokingly called. “My name’s Minoru Kusari, by the
way,” Minoru said without looking back. “Here you go!” Momo said as she
threw the blazer onto Minoru. “Uh, thanks, well, I’m leaving now.
Make sure you get out of my house too, o--“ Minoru stopped mid-sentence because
when he turned to look at the girl he realized she hadn’t been joking about not
wearing anything underneath his blazer. Momo stood stretching, completely
naked. “Ah, that feels much better,” she said with a satisfied look on her
face. Minoru face turned red as he
averted his eyes. “Uh, make sure you put on some clothes before you leave…” * * * * * * * * * * “Whew, I made it here on time
somehow,” Minoru said with a sigh of relief. He had made it to school. He was
about to start walking to his first class when a voice called… “Hey Minoru!” Minoru sighed again, this time not
from relief. He turned to see Konata Higyou standing there, with her hands on
her hips. She was an attractive and smart girl, with long dark hair and blue
eyes. Like most people, she was of mixed racial descent. Konata was wearing the
typical girl’s winter uniform of their school: a sort of modified black sailor
suit with a blue skirt. She was slightly taller than Minoru, standing at about
five-foot eight. She looked angry. When she was angry, she was a bit of a pain
to deal with. “What happened to you yesterday? We
were supposed to meet at my house so we could study, but you never showed up.
You didn’t answer my calls either,” she said. “Sorry, Konata, something urgent
came up. Anyway, let’s get to class!” he said as he rushed off towards the
classroom. Best to avoid her questions
for now until I can think up a good cover story. Konata watched Minoru walk off in a
hurry. He’s hiding something, she
thought. Minoru made it through most of the
day without a problem. Then came last period. Mr. Onsoku was giving a riveting
lecture on calculus to the class, but Minoru wasn’t paying attention. What an annoying way to start the day! First
Momo, then Konata. And how did that Momo girl know where I live anyway? Due
to his irritated state of mind, Minoru was making fists and clenching his teeth
while sitting at his desk two seats away from the window. Tomaro Onsoku, who was sitting next
to him as usual, had wanted to ask Minoru why he hadn’t been on Xbox Live the
night before like he promised, but something about Minoru’s body language
warned him not to bother. He decided to just pay attention and take good notes
like he always did. At least in this class anyway, since the teacher, Mr.
Onsoku, was his father. “…and I almost forgot, we have a new student
joining us today,” Mr. Onsoku said. Minoru didn’t care. He was falling
asleep, so he put his head down on his desk and shut his eyes. He felt like he
still hadn’t slept enough. Why would
someone transfer in during the last class of the day? It’s probably just some
guy anyway, Minoru thought. He wasn’t interested in the new
student. Every time he met someone new, he hoped they’d be interesting or
different in some way, but unfortunately Minoru found that most people around
him thought the same thoughts, felt the same two dimensional feelings. He
couldn’t have a deep conversation with 99% of the closed-minded idiots out
there, he thought. Minoru was tired of the mentally encumbered fools he had to
spend five days of the week with. He just wanted to go home and enjoy his
weekend. “Hey Minoru! Don’t fall asleep in
class! You know what happens when Mr. Onsoku catches someone sleeping in class.
Besides, I think you wanna see this!” a student’s voice called from behind him.
Minoru heard the classroom door
open and a person walked in. All the students, despite usually being noisy,
went silent. Minoru opened his eyes to see what was going on. Then they went
wide with shock. “My name’s Momo! Nice to meet you
all,” the new student said. A series of cheers and marriage proposals erupted
from the excited boys in the class room. Except for Minoru. Konata rolled her
eyes at the boys’ behavior. The other girls all commented how cute the new
student was. “Well, now that you’ve introduced yourself,
why don’t you pick a seat?” Mr. Onsoku asked politely. “Sure!” was Momo’s enthusiastic reply.
not sure what she’s doing here, Minoru thought immediately alert in Pensive
Mode, but if this were a manga, she’d
choose to sit next to me. However! On my left is Tomaro who sits next to the
window, and on my right is Konata . Both seats are taken, and Mr. Onsoku wouldn’t
move his son and he wouldn’t dare move Konata. Therefore, I deduce that I am
safe! Minoru smirked. “I choose this seat!” Momo said,
pointing to the seat on the left of Minoru. Minoru chuckled. “So sorry, Momo,
but as you can see, that seat is ta"WHERE THE HELL DID TOMARO GO?!” he
screamed, leaping from his chair. The seat on his left was empty. It
didn’t make sense. Tomaro always sat there, in fact, Minoru had seen him
sitting there a minute ago. He couldn’t have gotten up and left without Minoru
noticing. Yet there his desk was, empty. Minoru turned to look at Konata,
hoping for answers. She would know, Minoru thought, nothing gets by her. “Minoru, what are you talking
about? That seat has always been empty,” Konata said, a hint of worry in her
eyes. She was surprised to see Minoru, who was usually so calm, yelling at the
top of his lungs. “Don’t you look at me with eyes
full of pity! You know damn well Tomaro has been in the same class as us since
last year and he’s been sitting right there for two months!” Minoru was
hysterical, throwing his hands in the air for emphasis. Mr. Onsoku adjusted his glasses and
said, “Kusari that is no way to behave in class, please calm down.” But Minoru wasn’t listening. “Mr.
Onsoku, surely you’ve noticed your son is missing,” he said with hopeful eyes, “You
know, Tomaro?” “ Oh, Tomaro, hmm…” Mr. Onsoku was
in deep thought. “You’ve remembered?” Minoru asked. “Tomaro? Who the hell’s that?” Minoru could have sworn he heard
his jaw hit the floor. This can’t be
happening! Did this Momo person just erase someone from existence!? Minoru,
full of rage, turned towards Momo and yelled, “It’s YOU! I’ll get you for this!”
he took an aggressive step towards her. Momo put a hand on his shoulder and
smiled wryly. Don’t worry, your friend’s
not dead. I just “relocated” him to another dimension. “What?”
Minoru said aloud awkwardly. He had heard her voice, but her lips weren’t
moving! Was she talking in his head? Minoru
decided not to continue making a scene in class, so he sat back down. Momo sat in her"in Tomaro’s seat and
class resumed. After listening to Mr. Onsoku drone on for a while, Minoru
decided to get some answers. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. He was just
going to play it cool. He’d been letting her get under his skin, get him riled
up. That wasn’t like him, he was usually in control. So with a sideways glance
to Momo, while being careful not to let Konata or the other students overhear,
he asked, “How and why did you transfer into my class at this school? For some
reason I doubt you were going to come to school here until after we met last
night.” “My, my, aren’t we conceited?” she
asked with a playful smile, also looking at him without turning her face. “Answer my question.” Minoru was
not amused. “Well then the truth is,” she stopped
and thought for a moment, “that I just want to be with you!” She finished with
a big smile. Minoru
responded with a horrified expression. “What’s with that face? Actually,
we need to talk ab"“ “Class dismissed! You may all go
home now,” Mr. Onsoku said. Minoru didn’t waste any time. He was
out of his seat and out the door before Momo could finish her sentence. He
really didn’t want to deal with her. She was just causing unnecessary stress in
his life. As if he didn’t get enough of that already. He ran through the familiar city streets, passing
all the familiar shops and buildings. A lot of grey in this city, he thought.
Minoru didn’t hate his city, but he wished there was more nature around. The
only nearby area with a decent amount of trees was the park. Normally, he’d
like to go lay down in the grass and watch the clouds go by on a Friday afternoon,
but today, he was in a hurry. He felt like something was compelling him to run
all the way home. After what Minoru had seen so far, he wasn’t sure what that
girl was capable of, so he took alternate routes and purposely round-about
methods to reach his apartment. When he arrived at his apartment on
the fourth floor, he inserted his key, turned the knob and" “Geez, you people are so slow. I
even had time to change clothes,” Momo said with a bored expression on her face.
She was standing near Minoru’s bed, wearing a free flowing white dress that
left her shoulders bare and was tied around the waist with some weird blue
cloth wrap. The dress stopped at skirt length, with the sleeves hanging past her hands, and she also had on long black
socks that came up to her thighs. Seeing her stand there in front of him,
Minoru realized how petite Momo was. She
can’t be taller than 5’3 or 5’4. “Damn it! How the hell did you get
here before me, and get inside?!” “Don’t worry about little details…” “I’m VERY worried! Now get out!” “But you said I could live here.” That stopped Minoru in his tracks. “I
never said that.” Momo sighed. “Just as I thought,
you don’t remember what happened after I healed you and I bound you.” “You bound me? Whoa, definitely
think I’d remember something freaky like that.” “Stupid, I’m referring to the kiss!”
Momo said with a smile. Minoru blushed at the memory. Her
body pressed against his. Her lips had felt good. “O-oh yeah, something like
that did happen. So you were healing me?” “Yep. And in exchange for saving
your life, you said you’d agree to any conditions I had. Remember? Living here
is one of them.” “…So there’s more?” Minoru didn’t
like where this was going. Momo
smiled again, something dark hidden behind those deep red eyes. “Do you
remember what happened after you were stabbed yesterday?” Minoru hadn’t
really thought about it until now. “Yeah, I felt a burning sensation throughout
my body as I lay dying. But I got up and was stronger and faster than ever.
After a short time, however, I was overcome with pain again, and I collapsed,
completely paralyzed.” “It’s
good you remember. Saves me part of the explanation. After you got stabbed, you
changed"a sort of transformation, but not really"let’s say you awakened as an
Akuma-jin.” “Akuma?
As in a demon or devil?” “ Yes, that’s what the power, or
should I say curse, is called. A person with those powers is called an
Akuma-jin.” Minoru’s head was spinning, but he didn’t
let it show. “So why do I have this curse thingy and what does it do? What does
all of this mean for me?” “People who are unfortunate enough to be in
your position are just victims of circumstance for the most part. As for what
it does…It kills you,” Momo whispered, a devilish smile creeping across her
face. Minoru panicked. This time, he couldn’t
hide his reaction. “Wait, I’m going to die?! When?” Momo didn’t share his concern. “Relax,
in addition to healing you also bound you. Among other things, it slows down
the progress and growth of the Akuma parasite.” “Wait, it’s a parasite?” Minoru was
totally confused. It all sounded like some fantasy novel. “Yes. I’ve been trying to explain
this in steps so you could understand. Imagine an intangible spiritual parasite
slowly eating away at your soul. That’s what the Akuma parasite is. My binding
will buy you more time to live, but there is no cure known to man. You’ll still
be killed eventually.” “Great. So how long do I have?” “There’s no way to know. It’s
different with each case. It seems the parasite gives its host access to
demonic energy in order for the host to keep itself alive long enough for the
parasite to finish eating the soul.” Minoru felt sick. “I’m not so sure I
can believe all this…and how do you know so much about this stuff anyway?” “Oh, don’t worry about little
things like that!” Momo said with a smile. “There’s still one thing I don’t
get. Why are you following me around?
You even transferred to my school and are now trying to move in with me,”
Minoru said with a serious look. “Because I’d like to learn more
about people infected with the Akuma parasite,” Momo answered matter-of-factly. “Then why not choose someone else?” Momo put a finger to her lips to
show she was thinking, then said, “Let’s just say I have a special feeling
about you. Besides, it’s too much fun messing with you!” She laughed an airy,
light laugh. “Aw, well ain’t that cute? Look, it’s
gotten late, and there’s been a heck of a lot of dialogue in this scene for my
tastes, so I’m going to bed. Could you leave now?” Minoru was tired, in more
ways than one. It was time for a rendezvous with his bed. “What?” “Get out,” he repeated adamantly. Momo looked as if she were about to
cry. “But, I have nowhere else to go…”she sobbed. “Fine, whatever. You can stay, just
don’t be a bother. I’m going to bed so good ni"“ “Let’s go to bed Min-chan!” Momo
was already in bed, wearing a black tank top and light blue shorts. “Don’t call me that! And do you
plan on sleeping in the bed together!?” And
when the hell did she change clothes again?! “Of course!” Momo said with a wide
grin. Ten minutes later, Minoru lay in
his bed, now occupied by an extra person, with the lights off. He wasn’t used
to having someone share the bed with him. He wasn’t so sure he liked it. Minoru
was, after all, a guy who likes his personal space. Don’t get me wrong, he thought, it’s
not like I totally dislike this situation, it’s just that…He looked over at
Momo’s sleeping face, her medium length peach colored hair falling over her
face. Her lips slightly parted. It’s just
that I might not be able to hold
myself back and keep acting like the gentleman I am. Besides, I don’t trust
this Momo person; she just isn’t normal. She somehow transferred into my
school, she can use telepathy, she erased Tomaro from existence"erm, “relocated”
as she put it, and last night she brought me home without me ever telling her
where I live. Momo turned in her sleep to face him. Minoru tried his best
to avoid looking at her breasts. Oh
well. Better sleep while I can. Minoru closed his eyes and allowed his exhausted
mind to drift off into a dream world. © 2010 Minoru KusariAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Minoru KusariMDAboutI'm in my late teens. I'm a pretty laid back guy most of the time, but I get really passionate about certain things. I like to play guitar, video games, draw and read. I love music. I've always liked .. more..Writing