![]() Chapter 10: Breaking these ChainsA Chapter by Minoru KusariChapter 10: Breaking
the Chains Started 2/1/13 Ding, dong.
Silence. I
wait a few moments before ringing the doorbell again. Ding, dong. Still nothing. After ringing the doorbell a few more
times, interspersed with periods of waiting so as not to be a nuisance, I get
ready to just return to campus and call it a night. I turn
around to walk back down the front steps of the house when I hear a faint sound
behind me. A quick look over my shoulder reveals that the door has been opened
just a crack. Creepy. I freeze for a
moment, almost as if I’m expecting an arm to shoot out from inside the house
and drag me in. Of course, nothing of the sort happens, so I decide to walk up
to the door and peer into the crack. I can’t make out anything inside the house
because the lights are off, but at the very least it doesn’t seem like anybody
is near the door. What
should I do? Go in? But this seems so suspicious. How the hell did the door
open if there’s no one around? The lights are off, too. Maybe I should just
leave, this is crazy. Ah,
screw it. I need to find out what the hell is going on around here, and
Professor Kusari may have some clues. Time to bite the bullet. And with that thought, I step into
his house, pushing the door open slowly. I seem to be in a small-sized living
room, but with the lights off and it being dark outside, I can’t really make
out any details. I shut the door behind me and fiddle around to find the lock,
but then decide against locking it after all. I mean, what if I have to leave
this place in a hurry for some reason? I don’t want to have to deal with the
lock in the dark on my way out. I summon my courage and call out in
the dark, “Hello? Is anyone home?” And of course, no response. I
prepare to call out again, but a sudden loud creaking somewhere in the house
causes me to lose my voice. My eyes have begun to adjust to the darkness, so
now I can at least make out the furniture and where the walls and stuff are,
but not much else. I hear another creaking sound. What is that? I’m getting a really weird feeling.
I can’t really explain it, but it feels like I’m being watched. From all over. My
heart-rate picks up as my eyes dart around the living room, searching for the
source of my trepidation. Even though it’s dark, if there is someone"or something"watching
me, I should be able to see them! What the hell is going on? I’ve become too afraid to even take
another step into the house, but I’m also hesitant to turn around and walk back
out the door. What did I come here for? Didn’t I decide to get to the bottom of
this mess? There are still so many questions I don’t have the answers to: What
happened to Professor Bradford? Why do only I remember him? What are those
creatures that swallowed him up, and why did they come after me? And most importantly:
what does Kusari know? He’s hiding something; I’m sure of it. I’ve come here to
find out exactly what. I swallow and take a couple more
cautious steps into the house, but as soon as I do, a chill goes straight down
my spine. It takes all my willpower not to yelp in surprise. What the hell was that!? I try to shake
the sensation that something just passed through my body. I have this awful feeling that I’ve walked into some sort of trap;
it’s as if I’m a fly stuck on a hungry spider’s web. Despite my best efforts, I can’t even move
anymore I’m so freaked out. Wait a minute, fear isn’t what’s got
me stuck; I literally cannot move a muscle anymore! My arms, my legs"it’s no
good! I can’t move any part of my body. The only part I can still move is my
face. Yeah, ‘cause that’s gonna be a
huge help to me right now. I continue to struggle for a few moments
in vain, my frustration quickly turning to intense panic. What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! Why can’t I move!? This is
just like when that monster paralyzed me the other day! Is another one of those
things gonna come and kill me while I’m stuck here like a sitting duck!?
Damnit! As I’m standing there ferociously
struggling against my invisible shackles, something Atum once said suddenly
occurs to me. He once told me that I have the ability to see things that others
cannot, and that’s why I am able to see those monsters; that’s why I still remember
Professor Bradford even when no one else does. He said I have the power to see
beyond some veil or something. At the time, I hadn’t really understood him all
that well, but now, after all that’s been happening recently, I think I may be
starting to get what he was trying to tell me. If I really have the ability to see
things that are normally hidden, then maybe I can get myself to see whatever
has me trapped here. If I can’t see what’s binding me, then I must just not be
looking hard enough. I let out a breath as I close my eyes for focus. I can
still feel something preventing me from moving, and it is making it somewhat
hard to breathe, but it certainly isn’t squeezing me hard enough to suffocate
me or anything. Besides the invisible restraints around me, I also still sense
that I am being watched from multiple viewpoints at once. I clear my mind and
try to “feel” out my surroundings with my mind’s eye, carefully tracing every
nook and cranny of Professor Kusari’s living room. As I traced over the room, I found
some small spherical objects spread out around the room. I could almost feel a
thread leading from my body back to each of them. They must be the things watching
me. I slowly open my eyes, and am
immediately taken aback by what I see. There are glowing red chains wrapped around
my body that seem to come from out of the
walls. The chains don’t feel like normal metal chains, but are instead warm and
pulsating, almost as if they were…alive. I take a quick look around the room to
find out what the spherical objects I sensed earlier were. I’m greeted by the
sight of several floating red eyes floating around the room, in the same places
I sensed the spheres with my eyes closed. Gulp.
I guess when I felt I was being
watched, it was because I was literally being watched. By floating eyeballs. Great.
I knew I should’ve left when I had the chance. I’m not sure what kind of
horrible death awaits me, but I’m not so sure I want to see it. Based on my
current predicament, it’s really going to suck. I shut my eyes again; this time
in frightful anticipation of…whatever is about to happen to me. The thing is…nothing happens. At
all. I just stand there waiting with my eyes closed, trying not to piss myself
before I die, but I’m left completely unharmed. I tentatively crack an eye open
when a familiar voice calls out to me, “Oh, it’s you, Violet. So glad you
could make it,” Professor Kusari says. His sardonic grin is almost audible. Suddenly the lights in the room come
on, and after blinking a few times while my poor eyes adjust to the sudden
change in lighting, I see him standing right in front of me. Kusari is
surprisingly not wearing his customary black lab coat today. Instead he is
wearing a black button-down shirt and black pants. He looks rather pleased for
some reason. I don’t know why, but seeing this guy smiling down at me just rubs
me the wrong way. Oh yeah, I know why, because I’m still freaking chained up! “What the hell is going on here!? And
what’s with these chains!? You better let me go! You’ve violated several laws
here, a*****e. I could get you arrested for this!” I scream as I attempt to
thrash about, which really just amounts to me wiggling around as I’m held in
place by the chains. The Professor’s look of satisfaction
changes to one of beaming arrogance. “Hoh? Is that right? And just how exactly
would you be able to explain this situation to the police?” I
hadn’t thought that far…“I-I,
uh…” “And besides, you’re in no position
to be making threats, I’m afraid. I could easily make sure you never set foot
outside of this house again. Then how would you propose to get me arrested, hmm?”
he says with his evil shark-toothed grin. “S-shut up!” He has a point. He could kill me or even just keep me captive in his
house for an indefinite period of time. “Furthermore, aren’t you the one who
entered my house without permission?” “It was unlocked!” I at least have that point. Kusari looks up as he rubs his chin
and says, “Ah, that’s right. I left it unlocked on purpose.” I’m really annoyed by him at this
point, but that makes me curious. “Why is that?” His cold eyes return to me. “So that
if we have any uninvited guests tonight, they will think twice about entering.”
He glances over at his front door then back to me. “Good girl, you left it
unlocked. Perfect.” “Um…what the hell are you talking
about?” I ask flatly. I’m really getting sick of how he’s having fun at my
expense. Kusari glances up at the floating
eyeballs for a second"so he sees them too after all"then at me. He lifts a hand
and holds it near my chest. “W-whoa, hey! You’re not gonna touch
me are y"” “Be quiet,” he cuts me off
absentmindedly, as if he is in deep concentration. I notice that his eyes flash
for a second, and then the next thing I know, he’s holding a chain-leash
attached to a collar wrapped around my neck. The leash and collar seem to be
made out of the same glowing chain stuff that is wrapped around my torso. “Um, I’m not really sure how to say
this, but…” I begin. “Yes? What is it?” Professor Kusari
responds. “What the hell is going on right
now?” “Walk.” Kusari tugs on the leash,
forcing me to start following him. We walk past the living room and head down a
narrow flight of stairs that seem to lead to the basement. “Professor? H-hello?” I call out to
him, my voice shaking audibly. He ignores me and continues down the staircase,
pulling me along with him. “Don’t bother screaming for help. My
basement is soundproofed.” Remember that whole trying not to
piss myself thing? I’m not so sure how much longer I’ll be able to avoid that. “What’s going on!? What the hell are
you going to do to me? I didn’t do anything wrong! Let me go! Why are you doing
this!?” I scream as I try and break Kusari’s grasp on the leash by slamming his
hand with my forehead. He doesn’t let go. Instead, he just yanks on the leash
again, forcing me to fall into him. He makes me stand up again and continues to
lead me down the stairs to my doom without breaking pace. “Why are you doing this?” I ask
again as a single tear falls from my eye. He looks at me over his shoulder and
grins like a predator that has caught its prey. “I’m afraid I’ll have to take
your questions after the lecture.”
© 2013 Minoru KusariAuthor's Note
Added on February 5, 2013 Last Updated on February 5, 2013 Tags: psychological, fantasy, drama, experimental, philosophical Author![]() Minoru KusariMDAboutI'm in my late teens. I'm a pretty laid back guy most of the time, but I get really passionate about certain things. I like to play guitar, video games, draw and read. I love music. I've always liked .. more..Writing