The Underestimated Love

The Underestimated Love

A Story by Mind Over Heart

Yes, there is nothing like your first love. Not because you experience the gush of all chemicals impacting your neuronal structure, because it’s highly capable of blindsiding you to the rest of other emotions that you may be experiencing.

However, this story of Mira Singh Rajput and Jay Fernandes is not about their first love. Jay was the first second love for Mira and about Jay, we don’t know. He was a charmer who wore his heart on sleeves, yet Mira just crawled in amidst his busy, glittery world. 

Mira and Jay had an invasive air around each other, which even bystanders like us refused to ignore even when they had barely started knowing each other. Was it for their above average physical traits, completing frame or resonating energy vibrations that these 24-year-old exuded? Mira and Jay were not one of our regular campus couples or at least not what we expected to be. Their interactions, meetings, walking trips, pass times and even extended friend circles were very different. Yet, every time we saw them together, it was a pleasant sight to eyes. The complacency in their presence, perfectly completing appearances, their rejoice for each other; displayed something unusual which none of us could comprehend.

Neither could Mira and Jay, hence their decision to drift was also so effortless and unanimated.

Mira was reigning over her first love and break up all this while. Still being drawn to Jay from the very first day of their meeting. Gap of 3 years from her first heart break did not get her wounds healed, she had her guards high. Was that the reason or was it that Jay never thought his chemistry with Mira needed a second thought. Hence, they drifted with ease and never looked back. Leaving the onlookers speechless to see two possibly right people getting apart.

Fast forward it by a decade and few years, now on other side of 30’s and both reasonably settled in personal and professional fronts. Jay squared up all facades and happily settled. Mira, not sure, certainly looked happy and busy with her demanding job and adorable 7-year-old.

Was Jay a closed chapter for her? Yea, of course he was, even 14 years back. However, every time she transited over London or visited the city, she secretly wished to run into him. She never knew why! Just to say ‘hi’ or ‘how are you’ or to just glance for one more time for a proper closure, which they never had.

A decade and half later, the day of their chance encounter. It was briefly after they connected back in some strange manner. They both were confident that meeting each other will be super easy. After all, no decisions or situations ever led them to disappoint each. Even Jay wishing the best for Mira, when she decided overnight to get married. Nor Meera ever led Jay see the silent tears she held up in her closed eyes, every time when Jay’s answers did not equivocate her heart. Nothing ever acerbated their seemingly unwavering feeling for each other.

So, what can possibly go wrong now. They were right. Only little curt on the estimations. M and J both felt an hour or two would be great to meet, great and again drift on same note. So was the air when they met at the airport, when Mira received Jay. Their time at the diner over simple bar food and beer was magical. Strong coincidences of the pub playing their favourite charts. Every second, coming like a wave that disperses several myths. Well, they sure had the same aura making heads turn despite the 14-year time lapse. The still perfectly complemented each other with their impeccable camaraderie and maturing looks.

The underestimation of hour or two hours went up to 7-8 hours, but to them it seemed like a time loop of 14 years. Gushing in the pride of each other and their perfectly blended chemistry, suggesting to them if there was more to what they left. After all, how many people you meet after 14 years and feel you have traveled back to exactly where you left. Finally, it was time to say bye, again.

They approached each other for a goodbye hug, which lasted no more than 30 secs or may be 40. Yet, those seconds revealed all the emotions which never lamented their tale or behind the fallen guards was the trust, lying low. Silently acknowledging in their heart, that perhaps it was love, even years back. Hence drifting in the wish that that’s the best for each other did not seem cruel. Jay and Mira parted again but this time with a promise that the until again won’t be 14 years apart. Perhaps the beginning of this wait was the perfect closure to their relationship, which otherwise had never closed.

© 2022 Mind Over Heart

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An interesting tale of a love that lingers but never stays. Sometimes things, or timings, are not quite right for a love affair to truly blossom. Sad, but also beautiful in its own way.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mind Over Heart

2 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 28, 2021
Last Updated on May 30, 2022