

A Story by Millie

One accident could tear them apart or bring them closer together


Dream. Is it? I'm not entirely sure anymore. When I wake up I'll know, but that all depends on weather I wake up.




"Bye, see you at school" she called back to him as they made there own ways home.

"Yeah bye, oh s**t we've got school soon" he commented back to her. She always tended to think that she was the forgetful one of the two. She walked out of the park with a smug smile on her face she adored spending time with him. On the over hand he felt something different, he had an ache when he was with her but had no reason to have that ache there was nothing going on between them. Or so they thlught.


She walked out into what seemed to be a clear road. Shocklingly out of no where a car appeared speeding defiantly above fifty miles an hour. Her eyes widened, she was unable to move and then she was nothing. He heard what appeared to be a crash and ran over. He couldn't believe his eyes what he saw he couldn't comprehend it in his mind it was not the truth.



"Ouch" I said getting up off the road. It was quite no cars in sight in fact there was no parked cars either. I must of tripped I thought.

"Oh god, what happened?" His voice sounded almost like an echo like he was calling to me not talking to me.

"Nothing I must have tripped" I answered. I could feel a strange substance running down my back. The weird concision of emotions flustered me.

 "Um yeah I think I might be bleeding I can feel something" I stated. He stood behind me to see weather there was any blood. He came back to stand in front of me with a dazzled look on his face.

"There's nothing there Amelia."

"You can call me Millie."

"Yeah okay, but you beer liked to be called Millie?" he inquired.

"NO I've never liked being called Amelia" I stated mildly confused. It's interesting finding out how much he doesn't know about me I thought.




"Oh my god please wake up, please wake up for me" I cried by her hospital bed. She never moved I've learnt this coma isn't like she's a sleep, it's like she's dead. For some odd reason I stay with her everyday I'm made to leave, I really don;t want to leave. Even though I don't like seeing her like this it's destressing, my friends they ask me constantly why I even care. I guess I care because I feel as though it's my fault. Just so I seem less like I'm a boyfriend I say she's my half sister. She'd kill me if she knew I lied to them. Millie's good like that.


"Hello, Mr King" the doctor walked so bloody cheery it was sickening I wanted to punch his face in. Millie my Millie was lying there and he looked happy about it.

"Hello, is everything alright? She's not gotten worse has she?" I asked eagerly.

"NO nothing she's alive but even in her coma she is unable to hear what anyone says."

NO she's getting worse and this joker here is puttting in false hope. "Oh and Mr King we, well I know that your not related in anyway" he broke that out so suddenly it was almost a shock.

"I'm not leaving her, she's closer to me than a sister" the doctor didn't say anything else "I only said I was her brother so she's not alone all the time." She does have family but they don't have the time to be here, their either at work or school they're never here for her. He gave me a strange look they turned away. Then he surprisingly told me "don't let anyone else find out."


I sat with her and spoke to her everyday just so she didn't feel like she was alone. "You know you lucky you don't have any of our teachers anymore. They keep telling me not to feel guilty, but I do Millie I feel like it's my fault. I know what your thinking, shut up it's my fault get a hold of your self boy. I don't know what it is but I feel something more for you than just a friend, do you get that? I wish you were better, Millie I wish you could wake-up for me."



It's been four days now and life it's not feeling real. Owen he's changed a lot since the last time I saw him. He's so attached he won't leae me alone, it is beginning to freak me out. He's nicer that the Owen I used to know, h cares for me he hates me being sad, he's more than a friend. I still miss my Owen the one who made me fall in love so many times. However there are parts of him that I don't miss at all. Owen always had this need to make me jealous (I know he was making me jealous the girl was the type he'd stay away from) it was horrible watching them. She blatantly wanted him, I felr sorry for her, he was only using her. It physically made me sick she use to stroke his hair on feel his muscles as he work, I had to sit near that. Talk about slaggy. Even when she was there he'd talk to me over her. He let me get so close to him when we were working in science he stand directly behind me. I could feel his chest on my back, his breath on the back of my head. He stood way too close for a guy who's taken.


Life after that trip is way to perfect for my liking I want to go back to when my life was s****y. Not completely s****y as it was just a small fraction of shittiness in ly life would do fine. I'm staring to feel little glimpses of pain in my arms as I sleep, almost as though I'm having jabs. I hate having jabs, after this I think I'll be use to them because the pain hopefully will go away. I also hear people talking to me. I heard my mum and dad last night but it wasn't quiet them, they sounded slightly different. I've heard Owen plenty of times he just keeps talking about school and how he feels guilt. In personal view I don't know what he;s got to feel guilty about nothings' happened. Nothing that I haven't got use to anyway.



All I see when i'm a sleep is her hurt. There's blood everywhere. The beautiful, innocent, loving girl she was just laying there on the floor the same as the day I found her on the floor half dead. I wish I was with her and it was me who is hurt lying in a hospital bed not her. How the hell did I let her get hurt. "I love her" I took a deep breath "I said it okay I love Millie Ann White" I shouted from the top of my voice. I was sat on my roof. I spent most of my time out there now that Millie, It even hurts to think about it. Millie oh my Millie she's the most beautiful girl I've ever know. She's got thick, silky dark brown hair that tends to sit on her chest when her hairs down. Her hair was matched perfectly by her brown eyes. She was tan only slightly though. She's ,ixed race that's why she can tan so easily. It made me  laugh when she's always complaining that she's too 'pale for a black girl'. But that's what she's like.


I hope she's alright where ever she's trapped weather it be in her mind or somewhere else. I love her so much it hurts it truly does.



He sat there and he cried though all hours of the night. His mind was ripened with guilt. Guilt that would soon consume him. He watched the sky turn from baby blue to a cloudy red as the sun went down. Before he knew it the sky was a midnight blue and everyone on the street was asleep. He stayed still the time for crying passed. It turned into anger, hate, disappointement, His mind built up so many worries and problems. Travelling mind came up with the insane idea to kill the man who ran his love over. He aspired to gather revenge no just for him self, but because of how much he cared for his Millie.


"AHHHHHHH" she let out a mighty roar. Back in the hospital she was having several needles stick into her as something speed up her heart rate. But back where her mind stayed she was screaming out reaching for something to hurt so that the pain would transfer. In the light of the September morning the birds tweeting annoyed her. She;d scream and scream so many times waiting for someone to come over and help her. She needed pain killers, ibuprofen something to make the pain stop. Every time she tried to move therw was something restricting her. Stopping her from making any movements at all.

© 2011 Millie

Author's Note

yeah grammar = crap please ignore :))

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I don't really care for the grammar i just care about the story

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1 Review
Added on July 7, 2011
Last Updated on July 7, 2011
Tags: Love, Loss, tragedy, fogivness, depravation
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Portsmouth, Copner, United Kingdom

I'm 16 (almost). I write to express conflicting emotions. This enable to let me release them without feeling like there mine by putting them in different scenarios. I enjoy writing, but music is m.. more..

f**k knows yet f**k knows yet

A Story by Millie

Intentions Intentions

A Story by Millie

One One

A Chapter by Millie