![]() Prologue 2nd DraftA Chapter by Mike Luoma![]() Getting there... pretty close to finished now![]()
Hello. My name is Alibi Jones. Do I really have to do this Aunt Anita? Really? Posterity? Okay. All right! Only because it's your birthday! Shhhh... I'm doing it! Hello. My name is Alibi Jones. I'm recording this for my Aunt Anita's birthday. Even though she won't tell me how old she is! Ouch! Hey! That's child abuse! What if I am? You always tell me I'm a very immature twenty-five! What? Oh, they can just edit this out. I don't want to... oh, for Pete's sake! Hello. My name is Alibi Jones. Uh, Jones isn't really my original last name, but it's what I've been calling myself for the last ten years. I didn't really want to use either my father or my mother's name. My Aunt Anita said I could choose my own. So I chose Jones. My aunt raised me. When she wasn't busy running the universe! She used to be the head of the SA, the Prime Representative of the Solar Alliance, Anita Capituna. She's not really my “aunt”, but I've always called her that. She's been awesome. And I'm not just saying that because it's her birthday! She's been like both a mom and a dad to me. My biological mom, Ruth Kim, is locked away in an institution. She's, um, what they call “criminally insane.” She snapped when I was about three. My father is long dead. He died when I was really young. My mom, uh... murdered my father. That's kinda where the whole “criminal” part of her insanity came in. You could say I've got issues! “Alibi” really is my first name. Got that and my slightly Asian good looks from my mom. Aunt Anita tells me I get my restless nature and my uncanny knack for getting into trouble from my father. I never knew my father, Bernard Campion. Everybody called him “BC”. Yeah, he is THAT “BC”. The one who ended the war and brought the alliance together to fight off the Eldred and the Ancient Enemy, Dolomay. Weird to have learn about the father you never knew in history class at school. No, you probably never heard about me. My father didn't even know I existed until the end. He met me the day he died. I kind of remember that day. You know how those are, memories from when you're very young are dim, but something that traumatic kind of sticks with you. I remember being in a giant church, and I remember her shooting him. I remember him falling. Kind of fucked up. I mean messed up. Sorry, Aunt Anita. That's ancient history now, almost twenty-three years ago. This is now! It's 2035, the world's a different place! The post-war baby boom helped us all move into space, as annoying as those kids are. I call them kids, ha! They're just a couple of years younger than me, but they act so entitled, you know what I mean? People went overboard with that whole “golden children” thing. Spoiled them all! Self-centered, arrogant... what? Sorry. They piss me off... Anyway, since the colonies are where the excitement is, that's where they've been going to find fame and fortune or something. I guess I'm just annoyed because I was there first! Don't get back to Earth very often. This is about as close as I get most of the time, Ceres Central. This is like home. It's where I grew up with my aunt. Been a few years since I was on Earth. My home base now is usually my place on Cat's Eye. Part of the old “Project” complex on the colony. It's actually Aunt Anita's old place. It's a good base of operations for what I do. What do I do? Let's see... I do a lot of things! It's kind of hard to explain. I fly ships. Fix things. I work mostly for the Solar Alliance Mediator Corps. We're kind of affiliated with the Solar Alliance Interstellar Force, SAIF. Except we're negotiators, not fighters. We help negotiate trade agreements between human companies and alien groups. Sometimes we help negotiate between different alien groups. I've done that a few times. I basically go wherever they tell me to go, try to listen to both sides even when they're completely alien. The boss says go, I go. It is kind of nice to have free run of Solar Alliance space in my Cruiser. Well, sort of free. I do have to go on my assignments! I get to travel deeper into alien space than most people. I've met the Dakhur, who kind of look like big cats. I helped them negotiate with the Flaze. They're the bony aliens we met back during the war. We met them and the Domo back then, the vampire race that died out. That reminds me, that's where I don't go, the dead worlds! That was the strangest thing to find out here. Remember when those aliens, the Eldred, all died at the end of the war my father helped win? They died en masse on a lot of planets out here! Whole planetary populations turned into rotting piles of corpses! Pretty sick stuff. So there are all these worlds, the dead worlds. You don't want to land on them. The Domo taught us that by their grim example. They tried to clean up and take over one of the old Eldred planets and ended up getting sick. I don't know if they ever found out what it was, but it seemed to effect just the Domo. They were an adaptive and kind of parasitic race, so they may have, uh, "ingested" something bad. Destroyed most of their race! Which was sort of okay. They were kind of creepy, anyway. Well, they were! You said so, Aunt Anita! They suck! Sorry. Anyway, their deaths served as examples to everyone else. No one lands on the dead worlds now. You don't know what you might run into. The Eldred had old weapons that had been handed down over millenia. They might have launched plagues and stuff as they died, using weapons that originally belonged to the Ancient Enemy. Of course, that also makes those planets potential treasure troves of ancient tech, if you can find a planet that isn't poisoned. The Eldred called their old masters the Ancient Enemy. Dolomay was one of them. When he died at the end of the war, that's when the Eldred died, because the Ancient Enemy were finally all gone. Somehow, the Eldred's existence was tied into the Ancient Enemy's, probably because the Eldred used to be their servant race. I don't know, maybe I do know more about the history of the end of the war it because my father was involved. And because Aunt Anita talks about it all the time. What? You do! Okay, not ALL the time, but still! Without the Eldred, things are a little crazy out there. They used to keep control over things. If they were around, I wouldn't have a job. No need for mediators when someone is simply in charge, you know? Some aliens have gotten pushy. The Tek'Tah are a good example of that. Ugly things, like trashcans with eye stalks and tentacles growing out of the top. They've been expanding their territories. The Mediator Corps has been trying to explain the concept of negotiation to the Tek'Tah. So far, they just don't get it! I've heard of other aliens, too, like the mysterious Devrizium – they don't show themselves to anyone. You know, we're really just on the smallest edge of the space the Eldred used to occupy. And after I finish this recording, I'm heading back out there! Got another job to do. It's supposed to be an easy one this time. Of course, that's what M'Bekke always says. I didn't think the Pope was allowed to lie like that! He's gonna see this, right? Ha! Well, that's kind of where things are at... um, Happy Birthday, Aunt Anita! © 2009 Mike Luoma |
Added on June 8, 2009 Author![]() Mike LuomaBurlington, VTAboutMike Luoma writes, designs and publishes science fiction novels and comic books, hosts the weekly Glow-in-the-Dark Radio podcast, narrates audiobooks and is the Music Director and midday disc jockey f.. more..Writing