There is Always Tomorrow.

There is Always Tomorrow.

A Story by M.E.Lyle

There Will Always Be Tomorrow

It's a funny thing about runners, they rarely know exactly where they are. It was like that with Jack on this cold morning as he ran through a misty like fog that surrounded the lake. He particularly liked days like this. Every step along the leaf covered pathway seemed quicker than the one before it.

Negative splits; run each mile faster than the one before it. It wasn't a conscious choice, it just happened. It's yet another mystery of the long distance runner never solved.

Around the corner a cute blond jumped onto the trail and ran beside him until she could no longer keep pace. She had secretly admired him. She would wait at the same spot everyday, jump in, and then fade back. She was getting better, however, and running farther each day. According to her calculations, at her current rate of improvement, she would be up to his level in about 15 years. It's a long time to wait to meet a guy, but she would if she had to.

Jack never noticed. He didn't notice a lot, which explains why, at age 23, he was still unattached.

He was an inner soul, keeping to himself most of the time. It was his way. He got nervous interacting with others, and found himself left out of most conversations. For this very reason he preferred the solitude of the long distance runner over the culture club group, where wearing the right shoes defined who you were. Jack would never pass that test. He believed in functionality over style.

Today was going to be the day, thought the girl. Today she would get him to talk to her. With all her confidence built up inside, she jumped in and joined the chase. Suddenly she realized she didn't know how to start a conversation with someone she didn't know.

She ran beside him as long as she could and then, as always, faded back. On a whim she shouted,

Hey, slow down a bit.”

He never heard her, never slowed down, never knew she was ever there.

She stopped, bowed her head and said,


She turned and slowly walked back.

Well,” she thought, “there will always be tomorrow.”

© 2023 M.E.Lyle

Author's Note

A nice little tale of longing.

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So many questions! lol Jack, 23 at unattached? Ha what year is this?? ;) Jack needs help. He's in his own little world. That girl could use a little help too! 15 years? Ohh no.... This was a fun little read this morning! Your last line caught me. “There will always be tomorrow.”
Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Of course, you know that, and this is just a story. Maybe, we need a part 2? :-)

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Interesting story. Enjoyed reading

Posted 1 Month Ago

It is an charming tale of two runners each with their own pace and purpose. You have beautifully captured the introspective nature of long distance running and the quiet struggle of social interactions.

Posted 1 Month Ago

No rush! Enjoy yourself, Jack! The hunt is always better than the capture, if there ever is one.
People are just in too big of a hurry to get things done.
What's the fun in that?
Plus, Jack's doing what he loves. Nobody should be able to interrupt that. If he was looking for something, he would be more attentive. Let him run!

Posted 2 Months Ago

Jack sounds like an only child to me. He has a one track mind and shows great courage and determination to be a winner at what he does best: Running! He is like the three monkeys all rolled into one. He sees nothing, hears nothing, speaks nothing, his sport is his life. The girl who liked to run beside him is unidentified by name. He is oblivious of her company and while she lives with hope that there is yet a chance Jack will notice her, it doesn't sound as though he will because he is not interested. A finely penned narrative which I so enjoyed reading. Thank you for sharing, M. E... Lovely work!

Posted 2 Months Ago

Tomorrow always gives us time to think of what to say and who knows, one day it might just fall out in the right order to make them stop and see what they could be missing.
If we keep thinking it, we might even begin to believe it! 😊

Posted 1 Year Ago

I think a few things here. I like it. I think you write well. The story is interesting and the plot holds your attention.

I also think it could be improved with a single perspective-I would choose the girl. All that information about runners turns out to be her research. Perhaps she is stalking?
Good start good stuff that could be so much more. Rewriting is our friend.


Posted 1 Year Ago

I loved the story my friend.
"She stopped, bowed her head and said,
She turned and slowly walked back.
“Well,” she thought, “there will always be tomorrow.”
The above lines. True and wonderful and thank you for sharing the amazing story.

Posted 1 Year Ago

the sense of story was great. There is always a chance to love someone and u can even get a better opportunity if he neglects you time and time again.

Posted 1 Year Ago

oh my goodness ... what a killer sad tale! your work drew me into both characters and just enough scene and setting to be easily filled in with my own details .. well sone .. very much enjoyed reading .. i like this guy Jack and his penchant for solitary ways .. to a point anyway ... hard to imagine not noticing the blonds ;))

Posted 1 Year Ago

I really like this story. Had me smiling start to finish. It's romantic without any true romance or tawdry sex. Jack's a self-contained, contented soul and she's a trier who's wise enough to be contented for a few years! Seems it's an unknown contest; he's hasn't a clue, she has but only a faint one! This sort of tale reminds me of ones written by an American short story writer one of our/my grannies enjoyed, specially Can't remember the writer's name. but think Henry. Oh well. Sad story about l eaves on a wall?

Your story has so many points: is very well presented and penned, is gentle and somehow - charming , plus has a sort of mysterious feel.

(The writes I couldn't remember was O.Henry! )

Posted 1 Year Ago

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12 Reviews
Added on January 20, 2023
Last Updated on January 20, 2023



Wills Point, TX

So now I am 34 plus 40. Use the old's easier. I'm an old guy who writes silly stories containing much too much dialogue. I can't help it, I just get stuck. I ride my bike trainer, our r.. more..

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