Weather Or Not...

Weather Or Not...

A Story by M.E.Lyle

Hmm, I ran over the weather lady.


Weather Or Not

"Hey Mr!" murmured the girl as I ran past. I brushed her shoulder almost causing her to stumble.

 I turned and shouted back,

"You slower runners really should keep to the far right. Don't you know the rules?"

I was totally zoned out somewhere else in space and time, as I zipped along at world record pace. I never saw her there. I was experiencing the mythical runner's high. 

It really exist you know.

That girl, who was she? She looked familiar, but where, when?

I thought and thought as images of her rolled round and round inside my pea sized brain, but alas, no luck.

My pace quickened again as I moved along.

Soon she was just a memory from the past, a dimming flash of light and then, just a blank page as if she never existed.

 That was that, I thought, until the next morning when I flipped on my tv.

"Today's high will be around 72 degrees with light southerly winds around 5 mph."

There she was in a bright yellow dress giving the morning weather forecast.

"I ran over the weather lady." I grinned. I almost felt a sense of pride.

I didn't think much about it after that.

 On Wednesday, just two days later, I was back on my usual trail, blazing new paths to faraway places when, from the corner of my eye, I saw a young lady sitting on the side of the trail.

She appeared to be crying, but I was in my semi-runner's sub conscious state of mind zone.

I ran by barely acknowledging her presence.

"Hey," she shouted, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, just a little broken leg or something."

She glared with evil eyes as I stopped and turned.

She looked at me and muttered,

 "Oh, but you don't care, do you?"  

She stood slowly and pointed her finger and cried.

"I hate you!"

I paused and then walked over to her.

She sat back down near an old tree and continued her cry.

I kneeled beside her,

"Hate is a rather strong term to use for someone you don't know." I replied,

Did you really break your leg? It looked like you were standing pretty well to me."

She hung her head and answered rather sadly,

"Might as well have, but, alas, the answer is no.

But my heart is quite broken."

She looked at me and then punched me in the gut.

"Guys, I hate them, they're all such jerks!"

"Hey, what did I do anyway?" I answered as I tried to gather in a breath of air.

She held up her cell phone and shoved it in my face.

"He broke it off, our engagement."

She pointed to the screen,

"He text me while I'm in the middle of a training run.

He breaks up with me while I'm running. 

What kind of idiot does that?"

She looked up at me and punched me  again,

"I hate you, and just for the record, I'm not slow."

Gasping for air again I managed a weak response,

"Oh, you remember that, do you?"

"Yes," she murmured, "it's all I could think about, talk about, have nightmares about."

Hanging her head again she muttered,

"I guess Chad got tired of it. I think he was looking for an excuse to get out of marrying me anyway."

She looked back up at me and clinched her fist again.

Cautiously I backed away, got up, and began to leave when she cried girlishly,

"Hey Mr., you can't just walk away, YOU OWE ME!"

I turned and surveyed her demeanor,

"You're not going to punch me again, are you?"


I sat down next to her.

"It's just...I loved him, I really really did this time."

She covered her eyes with both hands and continued,

"Look at me Mr."

Reaching over she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Saturday is New Year's Eve and look at me...all alone and...and, it's sad, isn't it?"

I looked at her as I tried to find something to add to this conversation, but I had nothing.

"What Mr. , got nothin to say?" she said while shaking my shoulder.

I leaned over and grinned,

"I'm not so great when it comes to emotional things, especially when it involves girls and all those confusing feelings they have."

She sat there awhile before blurting out,

"There's a race here at the Lake on Saturday. You should come."

She turned and placed her other hand on my other shoulder and shook me again,

" should."

She then placed the palm of her right hand on my forehead and shoved it back,

"And besides Mr. , you owe me.

Because of you I am without a date for New Years Eve, not to mention the fact I no longer have a fiance'."

I put the palm of my hand on her forehead and shoved her back,

"Maybe I will," I replied with a smile.

"And what about my lost date," she asked, "Are you gonna fix that too?"

I looked at her and sighed, "Hmm, maybe, sure, why not."

"Great!" she giggled, "Can we go to McDonalds? I just love their sausage, egg and cheese croissants. Their coffee is the best too."

She looked at me and wiped the tears from her face.

"I'm a cheap date," she replied, "not that I'm cheap as in not a nice girl kinda' cheap, know, financially wise."

"Sure," I laughed, "I like cheap dates and loose women."

"I'm not a loose woman." she replied,  "Didn't I make that clear?"

She looked at me and laughed, "Aw, you."

I stood up, grabbed her hand and we headed off down the trail.

"Yep," I said, "I was just messin with you."

And that, my dear friends, is how I met the weather lady, whether you choose to believe it or not.

We got married in June.

It was 93 degrees with a warm breeze from the south.

The skies were clear with zero percent chance of rain.

© 2016 M.E.Lyle

Author's Note

A little running encounter.

My Review

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A delightful little tale that many might take as overplayed fiction, but such tales as this often seem that way because they, instead, possess the ring of true life events set to page ... Facts are stranger than fiction and do not always heed to the man-made rules of how a story is to be constructed, played out, and concluded ... People will always embrace a lie (fiction) before embracing the truth (true events) ... Many of my stories are based upon true life events that really took place ... I have had folks comment that these events did not fit the way life works--those all too true and told as they actually took place events, that is, while they easily accepted and embraced the lies of fiction that I had written to page to be seasoned with the salt of truth ... I love a true story ... The problem is, there are not enough interesting events in most writer's lives to turn into a 100% true story, and so I season and embed bits and pieces of true life events within the lines of each and every story I attempt to tell ... It always makes me laugh to witness what a reviewing reader will choose to reject, and it is almost always a bit of true life event that they reject, forcing me to add in a few more lines of fiction (tell them more lies) in helping the truth told to sound more plausible to their lie loving minds ... LOL! ... Readers are strange creatures, indeed, especially those who view themselves more as critics than average readers who read for the pleasure that may be enjoyed in a tale told well ... And this, my friend, is the plight of a writer's life ... I have no clue if this tale of yours is truth or fiction, but it does possess the ring of a true life event that some may find all too true to be believed without a line or two of fictional lie added in to satisfy their lie loving hearts and minds ... Me, myself, I love a tale that is true no matter how ridiculous others may believe the unfolded events to have been ... Stranger things have happened in real life than have ever taken place within the lines of all the fiction ever written to page ... If I had advice to give it would be to say that you might want to consider using a different and easier to read font ... I am sure you chose this font because it gives the sense that you actually penned this story to page in a letter, diary, or journal, but for my old eyes it actually made it a bit harder to read ... Other than that, I do not have much to offer, except to say keep writing ... This was a romantic little tale that any woman would enjoy reading, and also more men than you may realize ... Romance is the spice of life, and it starts with a tiny spark at the right place and the right time whether (a typo I saw) people choose to believe it, or not ... To memorialize those wonderful moments in our lives causes old memories to live again, and old flames to rekindle in the fall of life ... Thank you for sharing this story ... I am banking that it is more truth than fiction ...

Posted 8 Years Ago

It all seemed rather compressed like a wish, a daydream. Women just don't react that way in my world. .. but I wish they did! Nice read. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

An odd kind of encounter, but it turned out well. When I was young, I dreamed about being so lucky.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Hehe, that was great fun to read. Loved the girl's lunacy but I wonder how she ever got a job in front of a camera when she randomly punches people - ah, well, maybe that's her special appeal ;-) In any case, this was highly entertaining!

Posted 9 Years Ago

What a great layout to this true life love story.

Posted 9 Years Ago

haha whether you like it or not, you end up dating the weather lady. your usual silly funny stuff, Mike :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2016
Last Updated on August 15, 2016



Wills Point, TX

So now I am 34 plus 40. Use the old's easier. I'm an old guy who writes silly stories containing much too much dialogue. I can't help it, I just get stuck. I ride my bike trainer, our r.. more..

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