The Meeting

The Meeting

A Chapter by MidnightBlood

The meeting room was a bit dark but there were torches on the walls in the room with burning fire lit on. In the middle of the room, there was a very long table with 6 chairs on the left side, 5 chairs on the right side and a special chair at the end of the table. The rest of the grandmasters were in the room waiting for the meeting to start.

As Lishita went into the room, a few eyes were staring at her. "What are you guys looking at?" said Lishita in a cold voice.

"(Surprised face) It's a surprise to see you here." said Rogue Willock, as he was sitting on his chair with feet up on the table and his hands behind his head. He was the tenth grandmaster and he's 19 with no girlfriend yet. He's very good at collecting and digging up information. His magic was on par with Lucas's. He has black hair and dark brown eyes with a scar on his left cheek.

"Hmph!" said Lishita as she sat on her chair, which was across Rogue's.

"Well, well, well. Lish did come after all." said Nicolas Anderson, who was sitting on the left side of Rogue. He's 22 and already married. He was the eighth grandmaster. He has short blue hair and two ear piercings on his left ear.

"She always comes when it's urgent." said Sebastian Sanders. He's the ninth grandmaster. He's 25 and doesn't intend to get married anytime sooner. He has dark blonde hair with blue highlights and wore dark shady glasses.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and Barock, Lin and Lucas came in through the door. Everyone began to sit in their seats properly as Barock walked up to his chair at the end.

Jerome Lakes, who was taking a nap, woke up. He was 24 and the second grandmaster. He was also the third top strongest of them all, together with Lishita and Barock. Because of his work (beside being a grandmaster), he didn't have enough sleep. He had long silver hair with grey eyes.

Myles Bussel, who was sitting next to Jerome, put away the book he was reading but kept his reading glasses on. He was the fourth grandmaster and was 35 years of age. He had long black hair with white streaks and dark black eyes. He had an eye patch on his left eye and he loves reading books. He was Barock's childhood friend and he's well known as The Unbeatable Water Swordsman. He's the only one out of the 12 grandmasters that can sword fight very well on and in water.

Simon Limmon was the sixth grandmaster and he's also Myles' cousin. He's around the same age as Jerome. He had dark brown hair with a side fringe and dark brown eyes. Every time when a girl stares at his dark eyes, she instantly falls in love with him.

Daemon Red was the eleventh grandmaster and he's a few months older than Lishita. He's a quiet guy and prefers working and going on missions alone. The only person that he talks to in the Mana, was Lishita and Barock. He had dark beautiful, violet hair and violet eyes. He always gets weird stares from girls and women, so he always wears a dark cloak.

The last of the Mana was Siegfried. He has no last name since he was brought up in an orphanage. He's often called Sieg because it's much easier that way. He has yellow hair tied in a ponytail and light brown eyes. He's 20 years of age. 

"Welcome, Grandmasters. I'm very happy that all of you came." said Barock. "Shall we start the meeting?"

"In the passed few weeks,  demons have been seen near some kingdoms. It is possible that their planning something." said Barock, in a serious face.

"What?" said Simon, surprised.

"The Northern Demons?" said Lucas.

"Yes." said Barock. There are two types of demons. The Northern and the Southern. The Northern demons are those that adores evil and hates humans, while the Southern are demons that live in peace with people and adores goodness.

"..." said Lishita.

"Well...there has been some rumors about that going around..." said  Sieg.

"Anyway, now that you all now about that, let's get to the main point." said Barock.

"I want each of you to protect and serve each of the 12 kingdoms. And I also want you guys to gather information about those demons and what they are up to. Send your gathered information via white birds and continue doing that until you hear further instructions. If those demons does something weird, inform me at once. Any questions?" said Barock.

He looked at everyone and and then stared at Lishita for a few seconds.

"What? I know what I have to do, okay." said Lishita, looking at Barrock.

"Now then, I will tell you which kingdoms is assign to who. Jerome, you are Sunlight Kingdom. Lishita, you are Midnight Kingdom. Myles, you are Chronos Kingdom. Lin, you are the Zodiac Kingdom. Simon, you are Darknight Kingdom. Lucas, you are Moonless Kingdom. Nicolas, you are Moonlight Kingdom. Sebastian, you are the Lost Kingdom. Rogue, you are the Bloodlust Kingdom. Daemon, you are the Darkless Kingdom. And last but not least, Sieg, you are Lightless Kingdom. I will remain here in Celestial Kingdom." said Barock. "Are there any questions?"

Nobody put their hands up.

"Okay, this meeting is dismissed!" said Barock.

© 2013 MidnightBlood

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Added on July 13, 2013
Last Updated on July 13, 2013
Tags: hidden, successor, girl, 12, meeting, magic, demons, fantasy



Campbeltown, Australia

I love reading mangas and animes! I also love playing games that involves fighting and adventures... I hope you enjoy the stories I write!!! more..

Evil Evil

A Poem by MidnightBlood