In My Arms.

In My Arms.

A Chapter by Mickey Hyde

(Seth's P.O.V.)

I slowly walked around the loft, which actually felt like a wide attic more than anything. It seemed warm, and kind of comfortable in a way. I liked it.

There was only one window, but it was big, and had a nice view of green land that lead into nothing but woods.

The raindrops were hitting against the window, and that was the only sound that filled the place.The scent of sawdust is everywhere. It reminds me so much of when my dad use to work with his tools in the shed. He use to let me help him, with anything it was, I use to help him build it. We'd work together from morning til dinner was ready, and mom called us in, her voice sounding so calm and happy when she called our names.I let myself remember it all, her voice, her face.

 I felt myself wanting to smile at the memories. My mother's voice sounded so distant in head. Was I losing her? Was I losing the memory of her?

I can feel my heart clenching at the thought.

I closed my eyes, and just focused on listening to the rain.

 I think I'm cold. Maybe from being soaked in the rain earlier.

I shook my head, lead the water from my hair drip away. Sighing, I went over and sat on the black leather couch. It was really nice, and quite soft. I layed back and closed my eyes again. Jamie was taking a little longer than I expected. I felt so exhausted, mentally and physically. Maybe closing my eyes for a bit wouldn't hurt....


(Jamie's P.O.V.)

I ended up taking a lot longer than I expected. I changed and grabbed a few things like blankets and a couple pillows, and some clothes for Seth to wear. My dad had a some stuff I'm sure he forgot he even had.

 I asked Corey to make a little bit extra for dinner, and thankfully he agreed and didn't ask any questions. Maybe he knew it was for Seth...

 I headed back to the loft,trying to not get as wet as before, which failed miserably. On the way there, I tried to calm myself, and talk myself through things. Maybe I should just focus on getting his mind off of everything so we can try to relax a little bit. We were safe here, for sure. Whoever had trashed Seth's treehouse couldn't possibly link him to me, and knowing that, it made me feel better.

When I went into the loft, I made sure to lock it, just to add to the comfort. I made my way up the stairs, trying to carry everything at once. I really didn't want to make another trip.

I dropped both pillows on my way up, and I'm sure I dropped a few shirts.

 "Hey, um, Seth, can you help me? I'm on the verge of -" I stopped talking when I glanced over the blanket and towels to see that Seth was sleeping on the couch.

 I smiled.

He seemed peaceful, just like the last time I watched him sleep. I wonder if he was dreaming.. Maybe his dreams could take him away from this nightare right now.

 I placed the blankets and things on a coffee table, and went to pick up the other few things I had dropped on my way up.

After putting everything away, and covering Seth with a sheet, I went down to clear some of the boxes out of the way that lead to the bathroom downstairs. I'm sure I should clean that place out as well.

About an hour later, with most of these boxes pushed to the corner, the storm was finally passing.I managed to clean up alot down here with an old broom I found and one of these boxes just so happened to have a bunch of cleaning supplies. I had to admit, I was rather happy with it all. It took my mind off of everything.

Smiling to myself, I went back to the house and went to get dinner for me and Seth.


(Seth's P.O.V.)

Mmm... the rain stopped. Maybe that's what woke me up.. Sucks though. It was so soothing.

Or maybe I woke up because of the smell... Gosh, what was that? It smelled amazing.

I slowly let my eyes drift open, and was a little bit surprised to see that it was night outside. The tv was on, but the volume was low and playing somerandom commercial.

 The coffee table in front of me had a plate of food, and a can of soda next to it. I inhaled it all, and felt my stomach growl. I didn't realize how hungry I had been.  I looked around, hoping to find Jamie somewhere, but she wasn't anywhere in sight.

I stretched, and saw as a white and back sheet fell off of me. Had she covered me up?

  I heard something drop behind me, and quickly turned around to see that it was Jamie, who had dropped something as she held a plate of food in one hand and a bag od something in the other. I heard her mutter a quick and quiet 'd****t', which made me smile and chuckle.

 Her head snapped up and she looked at me, her hair tied up in a messy ponytail, and her cheeks flustered. She looked adorable just like that.

"You're up! Right on time. I just brought dinner. It's one of Corey's own recipes, very good." she said, her voice sounding almost hopeful for approval. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. I noticed she had brought towels and clothes.

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that. I really appreciate it," I said, getting up and facing her. For a moment we stayed just like that, looking at each other as a small smile played on both our faces. A second later, she looked down at the bag she held and said, "I brought you some random books from the house, and a few comic books Kragen left here. Just to make it feel a little bit more comfortable for you. Thought you'd like it."

Jamie walked over to the couch and placed the bag down on the floor. I couldn't help but feel kind of pecial because of it. I didn't think she would do that, or remember that I liked to read a lot. I smiled and said thanks as my eyes had drifted back to the food on the table.

 "Sit, we can eat, maybe watch a movie?" she asked, glancing towards me as she sat on the couch and tried to fix her hair. She blushed, and I smiled even more.

I sat down again, trying to move myself a little bit closer, just to be near her. I felt so much better that she was still here, and helping me get through it all without any questions or expecting any kind of  explaination. She sure as hell deserved one though.

I tried to think of what to say, or how to start the convorsation. How could I say it all without her worrying so much?

I just didn't know.

 "Look, Jamie, about today-"

"No, Seth. It's really okay. We don't need to talk about it right now. Let's just try to make it better for it now." She said, trying to assure me. She smiled, and with just her smile, I felt better than better could ever get.

That night, she never left my side. We ate our dinner, and it was amazingly delicious. I really couldn't remember the last time I had such a good, hot homemade meal.

After we ate, we watched some cheesry 80's movie on T.V.. It was nice though, being able to be with her, just us. It felt great.

 She fell asleep on the couch, just as I did.

And the greater thing? She fell asleep with her head on my shoulder.

 Nothing big, but to have her this close, and for it to be so peaceful for us both, it was amazing.

Having her here, through all of this, was amazing.

She was amazing.

And for the first time in a long time, I slept without a worry on my mind with Jamie right there in my arms.

© 2011 Mickey Hyde

Author's Note

Mickey Hyde
Feedback gives me a lot of motivation :D *cough cough* .. Lol, hop you guys liked it.

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Agh, so sweet.

Reading this story makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside, in hopes of true love actually happening. ^-^

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 5, 2011
Last Updated on August 5, 2011


Mickey Hyde
Mickey Hyde

Hello there .-. I'm Mickey Hyde. The most freakiest, most random, most awesome girl you'll ever meet :D Interests: Writing, music, directing Music: Nirvana (Huge fan, R.I.P. Kurt Cobain. Grunge .. more..
