![]() Run.A Chapter by Mickey Hyde
I stared up at him for a moment. This was Seth's father?
I thought for a moment, wondering if he was harmless, or if I ws just making things up in my head. That made me smile, thinking I was and possibly over-reacting. Then, falshbacks hit me hard, the day when the red truck had been following us. It made me jolt the way Seth had looked that day. I looked to my right and glanced at the truck. The thought of everything being okay had quickly left my mind. Clearly, everything wasn't. "Listen here, I know you're friends with my boy. If you see him, you tell him it's time to come home." He gave me a stern look. I felt a heated feeling of over protectiveness flow through my veins. "No. I won't." I said to him. His eyes immeadiatley glared right into mine, and I made sure I stood my ground. "Well, if you won't, I will." He said and swiftly turned his back to me and then headed to the main office. I let out a sigh, but it certainly wasn't one of relief. I had to get to Seth before he did. _____ (End of Jamie's P.O.V.) ____ (Seth's P.O.V.) The teacher was talking too much. Way too much. It's giving me such a damn headache. I was stressing too much. I had too much on my mind. I had to make sure I had enough food for the rest of the week, even though I know I don't even have enough for tomorrow. I don't get paid until two weeks from now, and the job at the library is barely cutting it for me. There was a broken piece of wood at the cieling of the treehouse that was causing a leak, and it had gotten most of my clean clothes wet and muggy. School was what it was, a headache. I knew everything they were talking about and teaching, every single thing. I'd gone over all of this stuff before they had even assigned it as homework. I could be doing so much right now.. A thought flew into my head, making me wonder what it would be like if I were still at home. 'You'd be dead.' a voice inside had whispered to me. I knew it was right though.. Had I stayed, I knew he would've killed me. Mentally; Physically; Emotionally. I wish I could hug my mom right now. Just one hug, one touch. Just something to let me know I'm okay, something to comfort me. I wanted my mom. I needed her. I missed her so much. She was the only thing that had saved me from all of this. She was the only thing that mattered. Why did she leave me? Why couldn't she stay.. wasn't I enough? No. I wasn't. I was someone no one wan- I was snapped back into reality when my teacher called my name. "Seth?" I looked up. "Someones at the office for you. Grab your things and head over there. You'll be gone for the rest of the day." I gave her a confused look. My heart started beating faster. My head swam with thoughts as to who it could be.... I had a feeling who it was though. I knew who it was. I didn't bother about stopping by my locker to get anything, as there wasn't anything worth stopping for. Nothing worth stopping for. Which is why I ran as soon as I stepped out of the class room door. © 2011 Mickey HydeAuthor's Note
Added on January 21, 2011 Last Updated on January 21, 2011 When A Smile Hurts
By Mickey Hyde
By Mickey Hyde
By Mickey Hyde
By Mickey HydeAuthor![]() Mickey HydeAboutHello there .-. I'm Mickey Hyde. The most freakiest, most random, most awesome girl you'll ever meet :D Interests: Writing, music, directing Music: Nirvana (Huge fan, R.I.P. Kurt Cobain. Grunge .. more..Writing