So That's A No?

So That's A No?

A Chapter by Mickey Hyde

It was monday now and school was just letting out when Lauren and Jamie headed to their lockers.

"Ugh, I so don't want to do this report," Lauren said as they slowly walked behind the crowd of everyone who aswell were trying to get to their lockers and out of the building.

"Me neither, but at least we have some time to complete it," Jamie shrugged her shoulder and stepped out of the way of a group of cheerleaders who obviously weren't going to step out of their own way for anybody else. "Hey, want to make plans to go check out a movie saturday?" Jamie asked Lauren as they arrived at Jamie's locker.

"Um.. Actually I kind of already have plans.." Lauren answered awkwardly, hoping that she can change the subject. "You know, actually I have to get going, my mom needs a ride to my Aunt's." Lauren leaned in and gave Jamie a quick hug before turning and losing herself in the crowd.

"But, I thought you were coming to my house..." Jamie's question faded as she saw Lauren already too far gone to hear her.

'Weird..' She thought to herself as she turned back to her locker and saw Daniel, her new locker neighbor, standing as close as can be to her.

"Hi," he said to her as Jamie silently cursed Seth. 'Why'd he go and do that?' she asked herself as she glared into her locker. Ever since the whole move and all, Daniel has done nothing but hit on her and continue to ask her out, although she has made it quite clear, several times, that she isn't interested.

"Hello Daniel... and goodbye." she said to him as she grabbed what she needed and closed her locker as quickly as she could before Daniel started again.

"It's only a matter of time, my sweet!" she heard him call out to her and then he laughed rather loudly, drawing much unwanted attention to them both.

She groaned and continued walked away from him and towards the door.

"Want me to punch those nerd glasses off his face?" Kragen asked as he joined Jamie before she opened the school doors. He had to walk a little faster than normal to keep up with her..

Jamie laughed and rolled her eyes as she slowed down and she looped her arm though his.

"So, what are you doing this weekend?" he asked her as they made their way to her car.

"Well I tried to make plans to go to the movies with Lauren, but she totally blew me off," Jamie explained, thinking back to how her friend acted when she asked.

"Weird, Oli blew me off too. He said he made plans to go hang with his dad to a baseball game on saturday." He said as he kicked a small rock on the ground.

And then things clicked in Jamie's head.

"No way!" She pushed Kragen excitedly and caused him to stumble a little.

"Gee, thanks." He glared at her.

"Their dating! Oli and Lauren are totally... dating..." Realization sank in and she felt a little weird. Sure she was happy, well if it is true, but it was weird to picture them together.

"Hmm..Okay, interesting, wanna treat your bestest of friends to some pizza?" He grinned, obviously not caring.

Jamie rolled her eyes and continued towards her car.

"Is that a yes? Or a no?" Kragen asked, still standing in the place that she left him.

"That's a yes!" Jamie smiled.

"Oh, dude seriously?" Kragen asked, excited that she actually gave in so quickly. He made his way towards her.

"No, not really." She said straight faced and chuckled at him as his smile turned to a frown.

"Well, I need a ride home," He looked to her as he walked to the passengers side.

"Fine, hurry up, I have to go to the library to check out some books for the repo-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever." He mumbled as he got in.

She smiled and got in herself, planning the rest of the day out after she dropped Kragen off.

The Library was the first stop.

© 2009 Mickey Hyde

Author's Note

Mickey Hyde
Who likes Seth? ;D


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Added on September 30, 2009


Mickey Hyde
Mickey Hyde

Hello there .-. I'm Mickey Hyde. The most freakiest, most random, most awesome girl you'll ever meet :D Interests: Writing, music, directing Music: Nirvana (Huge fan, R.I.P. Kurt Cobain. Grunge .. more..
