Just Go

Just Go

A Chapter by Mickey Hyde

Seth had been running for a good thirty minutes before stopping and forcing himself to slow down and catch his breath.

"It's okay.. he can't find me now..." he spoke to himself, huffing and trying to breath slower. He took a look around, trying to figure out where exactly he was now, until he realized he was only a half mile away from a well hidden and abandoned park.

He'd go there for night, and wake in the morning early enough to get to school on time saying that it was only about three miles away, and with some some short cuts he could get there in half the time.

He walked into darkened woods, taking out his small flashlight and shinning it on the ground he walked on. Flashing the light further on as he spotted an old tree house.

"Looks like it can break any second.. but it's worth a try.." he muttered out loud to himself as he made his was to his shelter for the night..


It'd only been thirty minutes until eight a.m., the time Seth would usually be up read to go on the bus. But right now, he was barely waking up, just now hearing the sound of his watch alarm go off.

"S**t." he cursed, getting up from the floor of the treehouse where hs spent the night on the floor, sleeping on two of his jackets and using his bookbag as a pillow.

He quickly paked his things, jackets, water bottle and a book, before carefully sliding down the ladder that lad up.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, he took off as fast as he could, running towards the main street that led to his school the quickest. Seth knew it was also the way his dad came to the gas station, but he figured he wouldn't be out this early. Until he heard the familiar roar of the trucks engine.

Freezing in his place on the sidewalk, he turned slowly to see his dad leaning out of the driver's window as he sped up to Seth, who just now took off running faster than before.

"Seth! Stop! Seth, I said stop boy!" His dad screamed.

He knew he was going to get it if he didn't move quick.


"Oh hell! Where's my bag?" Jamie asked herself as she ran into the kitchen and immeadiatly started scanning the countertops for her bag.

"Looking for something Miss?" Corey asked as he looked over at her above his reading glasses.

"Yea, my bag? Seen it? I'm running so late right now!" She glanced at the stove clock and saw t aht s he only had about ten minutes to get to school now.

"Ahh yes, it is in the living room." Corey replied as he continued reading his morning paper.

Jamie quickly rushed into the living room, looking for the big, black bag until she finally found it behind the couch.

"Ugh!" She let out a fustrated moan as she dug in her pockets for her car keys while jogging to the door. "Bye mom, bye dad!" She yelled into the house, not waiting for a response before she closed the door and went to the driver side of her Pontiac Grand Prix her parents bought her when she got her liscense.

She quickly shoved her book bag into the backseat and shut the door after climbing in.

"Come on!" She said trying to get her key into the ignition after dropping them twice.

After accomplicing the task, she tried to think of the fastest way to get to school, and figuring it out, she sped off while buckeling her seatbelt.

Half way there, she had been turning a corner and reaching for her coffee after turning the music up louder. Jamie stopped at the stop sign, looked both ways, and then took a right turn after seeing that the road was empty and no cars were even alive.

Nodding her head to her rock music, Jamie took a sip of her steaming coffee Corey sent with her, but it all stopped as she collided with something. She slammed her breaks, spilled her coffee over her pants, cursed, then turned her car off to see what exactly she hit.

When nothing was visible, she leaned closer to her window, trying to see over the hood of her car, thinking it was most likely a dog or something.. and that thought alone made her stomach turn.

The least she was expecting though was a guy to jump straight up. Jamie shrieked, caught off guard and very stunned to see that it had been an actual human she'd just hit with her car, and not a dog.

She rushed to open the door, fumbling a bit when it didn't open at first, but as soon as it did, she stepped outside and looked at the him, realizing it was Seth Gorrin.

"Oh my, holy 'effing God! Holy damn, are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh s**t I'm so dead! Oh god, nothing is broken is i-"

"Get in the car!" He yelled at her as he ran to the passenger side.

"What-" Jamie tried, still standing outside the car as she bent down to see him shutting the door in a rush.

"Get in!" He grabbed her nearest hand and pulled her in. "Hurry, just go!" He said, panicking as he looked into the rearview mirror to see his dad's red pick up truck turning a corner and coming towards them at a much higher speed then he should have been.

Jamie was confused, but did as he said and quickly started the car again, making sure to leave before the truck caught up to them.

She didn't know what was going on, but by the look she saw in Seth's eyes when he looked at that truck behind them, she knew it wasn't good........

© 2009 Mickey Hyde

Author's Note

Mickey Hyde
Thank you for reading!


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Added on September 30, 2009


Mickey Hyde
Mickey Hyde

Hello there .-. I'm Mickey Hyde. The most freakiest, most random, most awesome girl you'll ever meet :D Interests: Writing, music, directing Music: Nirvana (Huge fan, R.I.P. Kurt Cobain. Grunge .. more..
