Day One

Day One

A Chapter by Mickey Hyde

Hey Jamie! Yo, wait up!" Seventeen year old Oliver Smith called out to his friend, Jamie Luthor.

She was walking up the few steps to the school doors, but turned when she heard her name. When seeing him, she smiled right at him and waited for him to come.

"Well, well, well if it isn't my dearest Oli!" She exclaimed as he went to her and picked her up in a bone crushing hug.

Oli was a sweet kinda guy, one who was always the gentlmen. He was simple too, always dressing in a pair of blue jeans and a band t-shirt, slicking his blonde, spikey hair to the side as he always did.

"And if it isn't my lovely James'!" they laughed when he bent down and kissed her hand he was holding.

Just then, their two other friends Lauren and Kragen came up to them.

"Guys! Ugh, I've missed you both so much!" Lauren said as she hugged both Jamie and Oli.

Today was the first day of school for their junior year. Lauren had spent the summer in Paris with her mom and aunt, Kragen spent his drumming in his garage, Oli worked at the super market, and Jamie spent her days at the pool. This was the first time in a few months they were all together.

Lauren is sixteen, just like Jamie and Kragen is seventeen same as Oli. The four of them had met when they were only the age of seven when they were playing on the swings at some park, and ever since, they've stayed friends.

"We've missed you too! How was Paris?" Jamie asked, giving her friend another kiss on the cheek.

"It was magical-"

"Meaning she met some guy," Oli put in as he and Kragen chuckled, earning a glare from Lauren as she went on.

"Really, one of these days we all need to get a vacation and go. It'd be so fun! I know you guys would enjoy is so much!"

With Lauren going on about how much she loved her summer, they all turned to walk inside, but as Jamie was turning someone caught her eye.

She paused for a moment, seeing a boy she didn't recognize. But it wasn't the fact that she didn't know him that caught her attention... it was the huge bruise that was covering his eye.....................


He felt so many stares as he walked by everyone in the halls, even the teachers were staring he noted.

Just get to your locker! He thought to himself as he made his way down the hall and past the gym.

Just as Seth found his locker though, the well-known jock, Lucas Kayler walked by with his 'gang'. They went straight to Seth, pushing any freshman out of the way, and shoved Seth into the locker door, pinning him against it.

"'Sup Gorrin?" Lucas said with a sleezy grin. Looking past Seth's head, he stared at the well-painted blue locker. "Ooo this yours,bud? Ha, it isn't anymore!" Lucas laughed in Seth's face, who held a bored expression.

Now having gotten to the breaking point, Seth broke free from Lucas' grasp and pushed him in to the wall. Lucas didn't seem to like that much, so he rammed himself into Seth's stomach and pushed him against the wall.

Now having caused a scene, the two fighting boys were now gathered by a huge crowd who were hooting, clapping, and yelling.

"Come on Kayler!" A boy called out from somewhere in the crowd.

In the midst of it all, Seth somehow managed to get in a good punch to Lucas' stomach, making him huff and stumble back a bit.

But then, two of Lucas' friends came and yet again pinned Seth to the locker. Regaining his strength, Lucas walked over to him and raised his fist high, prepared to give a blow to Seth's face.

"Why don't we add some color to your face, huh?" Lucas grinned.

"Or why don't you move your fat a*s away from my locker, d****e." A females voice called out from behind Lucas. Seth's eyes immeadiatley went to the girl as the crowd became quiet and Lucas' slowly turned around to look at her, his fist still raised above in the air.

None other than the famous Jamie Luthor stood there, with Kragen, Lauren and Oli standing ehind her, guarding her back.

© 2009 Mickey Hyde

Author's Note

Mickey Hyde
Comments/Reviews please? :D
-Mickey Hyde
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Added on September 30, 2009


Mickey Hyde
Mickey Hyde

Hello there .-. I'm Mickey Hyde. The most freakiest, most random, most awesome girl you'll ever meet :D Interests: Writing, music, directing Music: Nirvana (Huge fan, R.I.P. Kurt Cobain. Grunge .. more..
