Dealing With The Devil

Dealing With The Devil

A Story by Michele Rae DeJean

A talented young boy meets a man with an offer he refuses. Another accepts.


      The sun shone brightly with no clouds visible in the sky as I meandered down the road. I was done with most of my chores and had time to kill. I kicked a rock and as it hip hopped around I ran up to boot it down the road again. I’d already walked to the neighbor lady’s house, she kept treats in the freezer to give me when I brought her mail to her. I had been doing it for a month. Her driveway was long and she said she had trouble walking to the box.  

     Suddenly a beat up old pick up roared past me. I watched as it came to a screeching halt in front of me. It stopped so fast it was scary. Then it just sat there, like it was waiting. The truck was faded blue with spots of rust on the sides.

     I slowly walked up to the vehicle as it sat there beckoning me. The passenger door opened as I got closer. Should I walk up to it? Probably not. Yet I went there anyway. I was curious.

     I looked inside the truck when I got next to the door. An old man was sitting inside and he glared at me. He had dark gray hair and a long beard. His eyes were almost black and he looked angry.

    “Hurry up, I don’t have all day.” He said and then turned to look forward.

    “I’m not looking for a ride Mister.”

    “Are you getting in or not?”

     It seemed rude not to accept so I got in. “Thank you sir.”

    “Don’t call me that. Just shut the door and put your seat belt on.” He snapped at me and put the old beast in gear and continued down the road.

    “Where are ye headed to?” He asked after a silent minute.

    “Home.”  My answer seemed to piss him off.

    “That ain’t tellin’ me much.” He stared at me with fire in his eyes.

    “Sorry Mister. I live at the end of this road on the right.”

    “Do you know why you’re here?” It didn’t really sound like a question.

      I hesitated and then said, “Because I was walking on the road?”

     “What’s your name boy?” He looked at me like I was an idiot.

     “Donovan, sir.”

     “Well Donovan you have a lot to learn. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood today.”

     “Yes sir, thank you.” I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to answer. If this was his good mood I sure didn’t want to see his bad one.

     “When I was a boy there weren’t these iron horses on the roads.”

     “I ‘spose not sir.” I assumed he was talking about cars. “Thanks for the ride.”

     “Shut the door boy. It’s time for me to go.”  He looked daggers at me with his fiery black eyes and gave a little nod.

      He was scary and I wondered why he stopped to pick me up since I wasn’t hitch-hiking. I watched the truck as it went down the road and then I walked up the driveway to my house. I could see my mother watching from the window. She wasn’t going to like me taking a ride from a stranger. She really wouldn’t like it if I told her I didn’t have a choice really, or how scary he was.

    “Who was that you got a ride home with?”

    “I dunno.” I avoided her eyes and went out to the barn to do the last of my chores.          

    “It’s dangerous to ride with strangers!” I could hear her yelling at me as I quickly scurried out to feed the horses and goats.

     We had one old horse that had been my father’s when he was younger and a pony that a neighbor gave us for me to ride after her son grew up. He wasn’t much older than me but he was a lot bigger and too big to ride the pony. I ride her several times a week, often to the lady’s house I bring the mail to. She gives my pony apples when I eat the ice cream treats. She is very nice. I like to go there when my parents are fighting. I think she knows but she never asks me about what goes on at home.

     I felt lucky that night because at the dinner table mom didn’t tell dad about my getting a ride home with a stranger. If it had been one of our neighbor’s it wouldn’t have been an issue at all.

     When I woke up the next morning, after I ate breakfast, I went out to the barn to feed the animals. While the horses were eating I brushed them. Then I saddled up mine and rode her out in the pasture for a while and then I headed to the neighbor’s house to bring her the mail. It came early on Saturday. I asked the mailman once why it was so early on Saturday.

    “I get to go home as soon as I am done and don’t have to go back to work until Monday,” he smiled at me when he said that and waved and went on to finish delivering letters.

     When I got to Mrs. Webster’s I noticed the blue truck that had picked me up the day before was in her driveway. I wasn’t sure if I should go up to the house. That man was pretty scary. I decided to be brave and walked up to the door with the mail and knocked.

    “Good morning Donovan. Tie your pony up and come in for a treat. I have a visitor I would like you to meet.”  She smiled broadly and walked away leaving the door open. I tied Trixie up to a post on the porch. I took off her bridle and tied her up by her halter so she could eat the grass while I went in the house. I was never sure how long I would be in there. Sometimes we visited and read stories together from the books she had.

     As I walked in the old man gave me a long hard stare. I could tell he remembered me and I sure knew who he was.

    “So this is the young man who has been helping you out. Nice to meet you son, my name is Daniel. Mary has been telling me good things about you.” He smiled and held out his hand.

     I knew this was the same man I met the day before but he was acting so different, he was being nice. I shook his hand and sat down at the table where Mrs. Webster had put a plate with a piece of pie for me. I warily ate the treat while Daniel and Mary watched me.

    “Daniel would like to hear you play the guitar. I told him about the lessons I have been giving you and he thinks it sounds like you have some real talent.”

     Mrs. Webster taught me how to play the guitar and we sang songs to go along with the music. “You have an angelic voice young man. Some day you will be famous.” I really enjoyed her admiration. I didn’t get anything like that at home.

     I was hesitant to play in front of the man who had shown only disdain for me the day before but I really did love to perform and this was an opportunity so I took it. After I was done both of them were raving about my performance.

    “Young man, that was excellent. How would you like to go to work for me?” His black eyes piercingly gazed into my soul it felt like.

    “Thank you sir, but I still have to finish school.” I lowered my head and avoided looking in his fiery eyes.

    “You’ll be sorry! I can make you famous!” Daniel railed at me all the while trying to scare me.

    “I’m sorry but I would rather be good than famous. If I am good I will get famous.” I answered and ran out of the house. I quickly untied Trixie and put her bridle back on. I rode her as fast as she could go back home. I said nothing to my parents about what happened.

     Monday when I was in my English class my teacher told us she had a special treat for us.

    “Today we have the author of a tale of a deal he says was made with the devil. His name is Mr. Webster.” The old man walked into my classroom and smiled right at me.

     “Good Morning students, I have got a deal for one of you. Donovan already turned me down but I’m sure someone else would like to be rich and famous. Raise your hand if you are interested.”  Justin raised his hand first, and slowly everyone except for Donovan put theirs up as well.

     “Since you were first I pick you young man.” He pointed to Justin and the rest of the class sighed in regret.

      Donovan went on to be an amazing songwriter and retired after a few years as he got tired of the life of a rock star. Justin went from nobody to famous rapidly though no one respected his talent the way they did Donovan who claimed a place in rock and roll history. No one is sure what is going to happen to Justin. 

© 2014 Michele Rae DeJean

My Review

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I enjoyed reading this!

I'll just give you a few things that I picked up, that in my opinion you could change.

I kicked a rock and as it hip hopped around I ran up to boot it down the road again. (it might sound better if you added an 'and' between "around" and "I")

Suddenly a beat up old pick up roared past me (perhaps you could change this to "beaten up")

I looked inside the truck when I got next to the door. (maybe say "when I reached the door")

I ‘spose not sir.” I assumed he was talking about cars. “Thanks for the ride.” (for this bit, You don't actually say anything him reaching his home or him getting out, it was a tiny bit confusing!)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 27, 2014
Last Updated on October 27, 2014
Tags: Halloween Story


Michele Rae DeJean
Michele Rae DeJean

Eugene, OR

I am 55 and live on a 12 acre mini-ranch in Eugene that I started buying 6 years ago. I live with two wolf dogs and have 2 twelve year old cats I got from the local shelter when they were kittens as w.. more..
