Time and space were evident in this reality. Everything runs on the dark and mysterious rails of this idea. The people of this universe treat it with respect and dignity. No one dares to try to control it and only a few dare to test it. The society isn't as large as most would assume, given the wide galaxy filled with million upon millions of planets. Most of the people are very sheltered. Knowledge is the thirst of humanity. Created by the gods billions of years ago, the galaxy was at first over-populated. Evolution took place and wars raged on. Now is a time where the average population of a planet consists of 1-2 million people. Magic and wisdom sores the airs of these planets, binding with the utmost powerful space and time. Therefore there are many magic-users, most of which go by the name Tiempomancer. These mages have the power to travel and bend time at their will, although it is quite uncontrollable, they have learned through ancient books to tap into it's flow and become part of it.
On the most lucious and populated planet, a war broke out among the people. Usually Wars aren't very good, considering the low popularity. At the beggining of the war, a tribe called the Warpers stole an ancient artifacts from a temple built to one of the gods. This artifact was supposed to be shared by the world. Given there are only 3 tribes on this planet, it soon became a religious warfare. The Warpers believed the gods told them to take this artifact as their own, for they were the 'Blessed' ones. The opposing tribe, the Tiempos, believed it was their sacrade duty to guard this artifact at all costs. Both ended up calling war, which lasted centuries and still exists today. The third tribe stayed neutral throughout this madness, they have no official name; most of it's members are of legend and old. Very knowledgable, they hold the ancient books in their libraries, keeping it safe from the damaging effects of warfare.
From the Warpers side was born a young man, name Nilfiir. His mother died giving birth, and his father remains unknown. He has grown up with his grandparents, studying in the arts of Time-Warping. After he finished school, he went straight to the Towers of Sorcery, where he soon became a tiempomancer. Deciding that he disagreed with the warpers on alot of their methods, he took side with the Tiempos. Staying out of warfare, tending to his own buisness, for years he has studied on the arts of Time-Bending (Warping/Whatever). Today he is a middle-aged, and more experienced, tiempomancer.