![]() Henry Carter and The ObserverA Story by Michael Huffam![]() When Henry Carter comes down on his luck, a man mysteriously appears and gives him a chance at love. He learns then of the morals and meaning of love.![]() It was fifteen past 6, which
made Sandra a half-hour late to see Henry at the Aroma Café. It was late
afternoon and the sun was fading down in the trees, where barely any light was
coming through. Henry was checking his phone since a minute ago, and no
messages from Sandra of being late. Henry and Sandra have been
dating since they were in the midst of college, and hit it off since their
first full conversation they had. Their first date, first kiss, and the first
time they said “I love you” was the greatest moments he has had in a long time.
He took something out of his jacket breast pocket, a small black box. He opened
it, and what revealed was a diamond ring, shining an orange ray with little of
the sunlight left shining on it. He talked to his father about this decision;
he told Henry “The Only way you know is when you’re ready is when you want to
be totally selfless, never thinking about yourself but of her” Henry always had thought of
her, in every way possible. He slightly put his head up,
and saw Sandra walking through inside the door. Frantic, he quickly closed the
box and put it back in his breast pocket. He signaled her and Sandra saw it,
where her eyes lifted from some kind of trance. He began to walk over to her.
He kissed and hugged her, then looked into her eyes, and something didn’t see
right when he looked into them. They were not the same bright glow he used to
see everyday. He raised his eyebrow. “Is something the matter Sandra?” Just then Henry could feel
Sandra’s spirits dropped down. Her arms felt weak, and he could sense something
was wrong. “I need to tell you something Henry…” “What is it? Is something
wrong?” he asked. He motioned Sandra to sit down at the nearest table. They
both sit down, and Henry tried to grab her hand for comfort, but she pulled her
hand back. Henry didn’t like this at all. “I’m so sorry Henry…” Sandra
began. She had her head down, her voice gloomy. “I know we have been together
for years, but these last few months haven’t been what it usually has. You been
so fixated on this book you’ve been writing, having to give up your job because
of it and well, you haven’t been the same.” “What are you trying to say
here Sandra?” said Henry, his voice anxious. “To the point, I see. Fine
I’ll just drop the bombshell then. I’ve been seeing another man Henry. One that
can support me and make sure we can work out also financially. I can no longer
be you with Henry, Goodbye” That was all she said to
Henry, and then she walked right out of the Café and entered in the passenger
seat of a high priced car, where a man with slicked back hair wearing a also a
high priced suit. The Car drove off, leaving Henry in the Café, holding onto
his chest, where the black box was. It was now twilight, and
Henry was walking down the streets of the city, sulking grimly. He could not
believe what had just happened. The woman he had fell in love with, couldn’t
live a life with him with just love. She needed someone who had more than one
suit and an expensive car, living in a penthouse condo. She needed someone with
money. I am going to have money, thought Henry. I just need to finish my novel,
and I’ll have enough money to have two condos. As many times Henry thought
about that scenario, he knew it was slim to none chance his novel will be a New
York Times Bestseller. You needed a book with great characters, thrilling
conflicts, and great moral. All he wrote so far was when a man down on his luck
met the love of his life. That would be a great bestseller, if he just got a
good plot to go with their love, then he would be in business. But now he knew how the man
in his novel felt, down on his luck with nothing he had to live for. He had no
future, no love, and soon no place to live. Henry is ready to just go back home
and work for his father’s auto shop. “Hello there, kind
gentleman,” said a voice from behind Henry. Henry turned around and saw a
man in a brown trench coat over a black suit, wearing a black bowler hat with a
white band going around it. He looked a little younger than his father, but
still older than Henry. His facial features were round, his cheeks and chin,
with a small stubby nose. He wore a faded brown mustache, almost hiding his
upper lip. He also had a very long black cane with the head the shape of a
lion. Henry had never seen such a character, one with such a strange vibe. “Hello, do I know you?” Henry
asked. “No, not yet that is. You my
good man, look like a man down on his luck.” he said with such formality. Henry gave a crooked frown,
and said, “You can say that. Women problems. I think you can fill in the rest.” The man raised his head and
nodded “Yes, yes, the women you loved, the one you were about to propose to
left you for a man that can support her. Correct?” Henry’s face lit up, but in
surprise. “How did you know about that? Who are you?” The man raised his hand to
calm Henry down. “Now, now, my good man. You don’t have to worry. They call me
by many names, but the one I am known best for is The Observer. I have been
watching you Henry Carter, and I’m offering to give you another chance at what
you just lost.” Henry turned his head in
confusion. Who is this man? What did mean by giving him another chance at what
he just lost? “What are you talking about?”
he asked, in an undetermined tone. The Observer smiled and said,
“Come with me kind sir, and I’ll explain everything” and he walked into the
Alley he was standing behind. Henry was a little cautious
at following the man into the alleyway, but if he was talking about what Henry
thought he was, he felt taking the risk. He followed the man in the alleyway,
walking in a fast pace to catch up with the man. He caught up with him, and
slowed down to see where he was. The alley was much longer than Henry expected
it would be, for the fact of the two buildings weren’t that big. What caught
Henry by surprise was the lights in the Alley were turning on when they
approached them. They probably have motion
sensors, he thought. The Observer stopped, right in front of
a wooden door, with markings on it that looked like it was from the Victorian
era. The Observer tapped on the door with his cane, twice on top and twice on
the bottom. The door opened, and the Observer stepped aside and said, “After
you my dear boy.” Henry nodded to thank him and
entered through the door. Inside was a light gray room being illuminated by an
unknown light, with two doors at the end of the room, with a chair in the
middle. “Please sit down, Henry.”
said The Observer. Henry did what he was asked and sat down on the chair, which
creaked when he sat down. The Observer walked past him a few feet away two
doors, standing between them. He stood there with his cane holding him up,
giving Henry an intriguing look. He then raised his head and told Henry “Mr.
Carter, I am a being who has been watching you for a long time now. I’ve seen
how many times a chance of love has crossed your path and it has rejected you
time and time again. From your first crush of Sally Parton…” How did he know about her?
I haven’t seen her since 6th grade! Was going through Henry’s thoughts, but The Observer
continued. “… To today with Sandra being
with another man, one that can satisfy her needs. But here I stand to you for a
chance I guarantee will end wonderfully. I, my good man, am giving you at
another chance at true love.” Henry’s eyes lighten up, his
heart skipping a beat. How could this man do it? How can he give him another
chance at love? Henry didn’t understand this at all. The Observer smiled, as if he
knows what Henry is thinking and feeling; excitement and doubt. “Behind these doors are two
wonderful, beautiful women, both who will fall in love with you during some
time. All you have to do is choose one of the two and you will live a wonderful
life, with her by your side. Now all you have to do is nod and I’ll show you
your first option. So what will it be, Mr. Carter?” Henry was in a hypnotic state
from the words that just came into his head. This man will give him the chance
at eternal love. No more girls breaking his heart for selfish reasons, no more
trying to be someone else to get their attention, just love on day one. Henry then got away from his
thoughts and back into the gray room, and nodded. The Observer smiled brightly,
his cheeks rosy. “Very well then. Henry, meet
Anna Beth, the woman behind door number 1…” he said, and leaned over to the
door on the left and opened it. As the door opened, a wind gusted over him, a
warm crisp wind with a scent of honeysuckle. Henry closed his eyes as the wind
came to him. Once the gust of wind stopped he opened his eyes, and in front of
him was a woman in a white laced dress. Her facial features are beauty beyond
words. Her blond hair as bright as her dress, with dazzling blue eyes, dark and
radiant of color. She had a perfectly slimed body, fitting inside the dress
wonderfully. Like being controlled by a puppeteer, he rose from his chair, and
met eye to eye with the woman next to him. She smiled at him, with perfectly
white teeth shining at him. “Hi, I’m Henry,” was all he
could say. He’s never seen such a beautiful woman. Her eyes glistened and she
said “Hello Henry, I’m Anna Beth. It’s so nice to meet you.” Her voice was
bubbly, very optimistic. “So why don’t you tell me
about yourself, Henry. You seem such an interesting man.” She said tilting her
head in curiosity. Henry let out a deep sigh and
said “Uh, okay… I went to college right here in the city, lived in a small city
a few towns away, I love watching classic black and white movies, big fan of
Frank Sinatra, prefer wine over beer really, and"” “You drink? That’s so bad for
your body Henry! All that Alcohol destroying your body. Such a bad beverage…”
she said, cutting him off. “Well there’s nothing wrong
having a drink to let loose, don’t you think? Wine was such a reliever for me
after midterms in high school.” Anna Beth’s eyes widen in
shock, mouth pried opened. “You did underage drinking, Henry? What a wrong
thing to do!” Henry’s shoulders rose,
giving out a nervous laugh and said “Well at some point everyone has done
something wrong and stupid in their life. Surely you have done something wrong
or stupid in your life?” Anna Beth slightly shook her
head and said “Oh dear lord no! Always followed my parents’ rules and orders,
did everything by the book at school and my life, never drank, smoke or did
drugs. Heck I never got a parking ticket!” and ended with a high pitched laugh.
Henry laughed back, not knowing why he did. “Well it was wonderful
talking to you, Henry! I hope you will pick me, for I will be the smart
choice.” She said with a wink, and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and went back
to the door in a mix between of skipping and walking. She went inside the white
light, and the Observer closed the door. He looked over to Henry and asked
“Well? What do you think?” Henry tilted his head and
straighten it, letting out a deep sigh and said “She quite a beautiful women,
that’s for sure!” The Observer chuckled, but
stopped and stuck out a finger and said “Ah, ah, ah! There is still one more
option for you, Henry! Meet the girl behind door number two, Roxanne,” The Observer leaned to the
door on the right and opened it, revealing only a room covered in pitch black
shadows, and he could hear high heels clicking closer and closer. Then a women
entered the room through the shadows, her beauty speechless as Anna Beth’s, but
in a totally different aspect. She wore a black stain dress, the straps hanging
over her shoulders. She had charcoal black hair, waving down in swirls. Her
facials features had such promiscuous look, making her irresistible. She had
dark brown eyes, having a small sparkle inside them. Her body was shaped like
an hourglass, filled with fantastic curves. She trotted over to Henry, inches
away from him, and gave him a crooked smile, tracing a finger over his chest. “Hey there handsome, I’m
Roxanne. But you can call me Roxy. What can I call you?” she said. Her voice
was a little deeper than Anna Beth’s high voice, but just a hypnotic. “You can call me Henry, just
Henry… Roxy.” He said. “Well ‘Just Henry’, do you
like to have fun?” she said, her finger still tracing over his chest. “Well, I like to read a good
mystery novel, listen to some Nat King Cole occasionally, and" that’s my
stomach you’re pressing.” Said Henry, whose breaths were going fast and short. “I’m sorry, it’s just so
flat! Feels a little muscular. You work out ‘Just Henry’?” she asked, her voice
lingering at the end. “Just healthy smoothies and 3
mile jog every other day, really…” said Henry who was getting nervous when Roxy
was laying her perfect fingers over to his arms. “You must lift weights too,
your biceps are hard as a rock” said Roxy, sounding satisfied. “Thank you, Roxanne… You
don’t look bad yourself.” “Thanks handsome. Well I gotta
go back in my room now, but I hope you pick me…” she was saying and leaned over
to Henry’s ear and continued saying “For we can have some fun later on…” and
pecked his ear with her lips. This made Henry jump a little. She then trotted
back into her room of dark shadows, the door closing by itself. The Observer laid his arms
out, his eyebrows sticking up, asking “So my dear boy, what door will you go
in? The door on the left where sweet Anna Beth waits behind; or the door on the
right, where the unpredictable Roxanne is in? Which one will it be?” Henry then straightens his
stance, his eyes full of determination. He knew which door he will choose, and
has no regrets of continuing with his acts. “I know which door I will
choose, Mr. Observer. The door I choose is this one,” he said, turning around
to the exit door, walking to it. “You choose to leave? Why
would you do such a thing?” said the Observer, astounded with eyes wide. Henry turned back to the
Observer, smiling. “You said you’re giving me another chance at love, but I
cannot choose either woman. Anna Beth, as beautiful as she is, she is a perfect
woman. That’s the problem; being around a perfect woman will make me feel
flawed, and the love will soon die. Everyone must make mistakes at some point. “As for Roxanne, she would be
too much of a guilty pleasure. Such a gorgeous woman she is, almost drawing you
to her beauty. But I couldn’t fall in love with her, for she just wants lust.
You must want the person spiritually to be in love with them. So if those are
the choices, I’m going to take the third door.” The Observer’s eyes slowly
went back to it’s normal size, no longer wide and gave him a calm smile and
said “Very well then, Mr. Carter. I can respect your choice. You may leave.” Henry nodded, gave him a wave
goodbye and opened the door, leaving the light gray room. He returned to the café,
taking a sip of his late night mocha espresso. Henry thought of current event
that just happened to him. Many men would give their left arm for just a kiss
by those women, but he choose to decline for even holding one of their hands.
But he saw for they would be for him in the long run emotionally; not
financially or physically, that they wouldn’t satisfy his needs for love. Just then he felt a hot sting
on his hand. He let out a yelp and waved his hand to cool off. “Oh my! I’m so sorry! God I’m
such a klutz!” said a woman next to him, cleaning up the brown liquid on the
table. “It’s ok, it was an"” he said
and then looked at the woman, and lost his words. It was a woman around his
age, with auburn hair running down from a headband that covered most of her
head, pale skin brightening the lightly dimmed room, her emerald eyes staring
down at him. “"accident” he finished, and
wiped the coffee off him. “Man, I’m sorry, I don’t know
how to control myself when I conduct to an invisible orchestra” she said with a
chuckle. “That’s okay,” said Henry.
“Can I get you another Coffee?” She smiled and said “Of
course! I’m Amanda, and you’re…?” He took out his hand and said
“Henry. Henry Carter.” “Nice to meet you Henry. So
you always give people coffee when they spill it on you?” Just then Henry and Amanda
had a conversation that lasted for hours, a long enough one that didn’t ended
until the coffee shop closed down. They talked about all kinds of things.
They’re lives in college, the concerts they went to, the crazy parking ticket
encounters, etc. As they got out of coffee
shop, Henry noticed it was very late, with Amanda looking concerned, tucking
her coat for warmth. “You need someone to walk you
home, Amanda? I don’t want a lady going down the streets alone.” he asked,
giving a crooked smile. She smiled back, pulling her
hair back and said “That would be nice having someone watching my back,” and
took his arm. Henry walked down the streets with Amanda, gazing upon the dim
lights of the city. A wind then brushed over his cheek, and he turned his head
to where the gust was headed. Just then he saw The Observer across the street
from them, grinning at him waving his bowler hat at Henry. I guess you can find love
in the most strangest places at the most random times, Mr. Carter, said a voice inside Henry’s head, a chipper old man’s
voice he heard not long ago. He smiled at the Observer and nodded to him,
giving him a goodbye motion. The Observer smiled back and out back his bowler
hat, turning away and walking into the dark alley, leaving the newly formed
romance of the two alone in the streets. Amanda had her head pressed onto
Henry’s shoulder, who can smell the sweet lavender scent in her hair. The two
walked through the city, feeling weightless, ready for a new adventure to
start. Together. © 2010 Michael HuffamAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on March 10, 2010 Last Updated on March 10, 2010 Author![]() Michael HuffamMedway, MAAboutHi I'm Mike Huffam, aspring writer of fiction. I try to make stories that make it sound and feel like a good blockbuster movie or something, get the reader interest going! I might show you some stuff .. more..Writing