The Descent

The Descent

A Poem by Mica

Poem about essentially losing your sanity – inspired somewhat by the song "Personal Demons" by Rufus Rex

Madness swirling
twisting, twirling.
There's no escape,
this is your fate.

Falling farther,
faster, harder.
No end in sight,
no way to fight.

Losing your mind,
drop at a time.
Slowly you're gone,
life force withdrawn.

Never the same,
lesser became.
You're you no more,
new man in store.

No turning back,
can't leave this track.
Mad you will dwell,
welcome to Hell.

© 2012 Mica

Author's Note

Written during the SATs in my test booklet, probably because it felt like my mind was melting... >_>
If/when we get those back, I'll probably have to fix some things here, because I wrote this up a couple days after the test and could only go off of what I had remembered writing, which wasn't much, which is why the first two little parts are a bit different than the final three.
Basically, this is draft numero uno in a long line of at least one more draft at some point, so be nice please ^-^

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ahhhhh i really love this :D clearly there was nothing better to do during SATs, so this makes perfect sense :3
greatttt poem :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 8, 2012
Last Updated on May 8, 2012
Tags: poem, descent, madness, sanity, mind, lost, hell, fate



New England

I don't write much. I try, but in the end, I can never express my feelings well enough to be heard. I'm hoping to change that, maybe through the writing of poems. I'm one of those people that gets .. more..

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A Poem by Mica