CHAPTER 5: At the Door

CHAPTER 5: At the Door

A Chapter by Mgyk

“Someone please tell me we’re getting close �" I don’t care if you’re lying,” Statik moaned, holding a hand to her head. “I’m so tired of wandering these damn tunnels.”

                Reever looked back at Statik. “You alright?”

                “No!” she replied hotly. “I’ve got a headache the size of Renard, I swear the smell is getting worse, I only managed three hours of sleep on a cardboard bed �" shall I continue?”

                Crew looked over her shoulder at Statik for a moment before continuing on. “Be happy your sense of smell isn’t as good as mine. I imagine your headache is tied to your hangover �" which you wouldn’t have if you didn’t try to drink as much as I do. And,” Crew glanced at Statik once more, “enjoy the fact you can sleep.” Crew sighed. “I’m beginning to wonder if this was a good idea.”

                “Only an hour or so of wandering and you both are ready to stop? Here I had such high hopes for you both.” Reever crossed his arms, “Shouldn’t we be happy the rebels aren’t that easy to find? Maybe it means they know what they’re doing?”

                “Or we’re chasing something that doesn’t even exist,” added Statik as she leaned against the tunnel wall. “Can we not stop a moment? I’m pretty sure we’re far enough away from the bar anyway.”

                Crew rolled her eyes, which also meant that the light followed her eyes. “Yes, princess, we can rest for a few minutes. Do let us know when Your Delicacy is ready to move again,” Crew Leader teased as she walked over to where Statik was standing. She had a sly smirk on her face as she saw Statik’s annoyed look. However her expression changed as she caught sight of something etched into the wall next to Statik.

She quickly motioned for Reever. “Reever, come here �" I don’t know a lot about chess, but is this what we’re looking for?” He trotted over to where Crew and Statik were standing and attempted to investigate the wall.

Reever laughed. “You know what? I think … I think it might be. But does this mean we’re close �" or that we’re standing right in front of it?” He thought for a moment before reaching out to run his fingers along the etching. As soon as his fingers touch the symbol, the bit of wall Statik was leaning against slipped into the floor, making her fall quite hard on the ground. Crew couldn’t help but laugh as Reever held out a hand to help Statik up.

“I bet that helped the headache, didn’t it?” Crew chuckled.

Statik frowned as she stood up, ignoring Reever’s hand. “Laugh all you want �" had I not wanted to take a break, we would’ve completely missed this.”

“She does have a point,” Reever admitted.

“Every so often, it happens,” Crew agreed. “So, the rebels are going to be eager for new members, right? We aren’t walking into a trap? Or our death?” she asked Reever who didn’t look so certain.

“One can only hope,” he replied. “Shall we?”

Crew reached into her coat and pulled out a flintlock. “Might as well �" they more than likely know someone’s here now.” She stepped through the door way, followed by Reever, with Statik as the last one through. As soon as she stepped through the door quickly shut behind her, making all three turn around. “I guess that’s narrowed our options of which direction to go.” She glanced at Reever before facing forward once more, her finger resting lightly on her flintlock’s trigger. Statik was now running electricity through her fists as well, creating red sparks around her hands. Crew’s eyes did not manage to brighten anything in front of them, making her worried �" her eyes had always been a reliable source of light �" the fact they didn’t light up anything … did that mean they were walking in a large area of nothing? Was that even possible? Under Renard just to have some massive empty space? She reached out a hand to the side and felt a wall, yet when she looked to where her hand was, the red glow didn’t show anything but her hand. All she could think was that it was like her coat, where it seemed like light was absorbed into it, rather than reflecting off.

The trio continued walking a few moments longer until Crew called a halt.  “This is ridiculous. I feel like we’re walking in a void. I feel something when I reach out … and yet I can’t see anything. The sheer silence hurts my ears.”

“I agree,” said Reever. “It’s like we’re moving, but we’re not going anywhere.”

There was silence for a moment until Crew Leader broke it. “Where did Statik go.”

Reever looked surprised. “What?” He quick turned around. “Bloody hell, how long has she been gone?”

“Can’t have been that long …” Crew groaned. “Damn it �" this has merely been a way to keep us busy.” She turned, facing the direction they had been wandering in. “The question is, do we continue on the way we have been, or try the other direction, and see if maybe that’s the right way. Can’t believe I’m asking, but what do you think, Reever?” Crew turned back only to find Reever missing as well. “Oh come on!” She yelled. “If I find the one responsible �" they won’t live long enough to even realize what happened!” her threat faded away into the black space around her. The mark on the right eye began to spread in her fury �" however she didn’t have long to fume before someone attempted to grab her from behind, covering her mouth to prevent her speaking.

Except they did not realize her coat would also fight back, and the person who attempted to grab her couldn’t help but gasp in surprise, giving Crew enough time to grab them and flip them away from her.

                “Oh yes!” She yelled, “Do not expect me to be as easy a capture as the other two!” In response others attempted to grab her, each one easily thrown off. “You’re not even making this a challenge!” Crew roared into the dark. A smile crept onto her face �" how long had it been since she’d had such excitement like this? She didn’t even need her pistol for this, it was so easy. Those trying to capture her finally realized merely tackling her wouldn’t do any good and one of them had decided to try a chain to wrap her arms, making it tighter and tighter. Crew tried to get free, but the weight and pain from the chains made it hard to move �" she continued to struggle until someone slammed something quite large against the side of her head to forcefully knock her out.

                Before she fully faded into unconsciousness she merely mumbled, “You’ve no idea … how much you’ll regret that …”

© 2014 Mgyk

Author's Note

For some reason, I always dislike the chapter. Perhaps I should cut it out, and merge it with the prior or the next chapter. Not sure.

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Added on June 14, 2014
Last Updated on June 14, 2014