Beorda chapter 5-11

Beorda chapter 5-11

A Story by Meyoko

Beorda continued


* ~ 5 ~*


            The girls sluggishly went downstairs to breakfast.  They tried not to mention out loud their great adventure last night as they made their way to the dining hall.  Melissa couldn't stop thinking of her rabbit; she couldn't sleep for hours last night.  She tossed and turned, and couldn't get comfortable at all.  They entered the dining hall, an empty one.  Looking around, the chairs were all down, tables were set, and the cook was still making noise in the kitchen from the smell of it.

            "Wow," Jay stated as she looked around totally aghast.  "We're actually early.  I guess there's a first for everything."

            "Well, you know that now we could probably sit together," Megan stated making her way to a table next to the window.

            "Allow me, Miss," Melissa teased as she pulled the chair out for Megan.

            "Here you are, Madam," Jay also said to Desiree.

            They all laughed and joked as they became comfortable in the soft chairs and the warm sunlight.  Quietly, they all leaned in as they started talking of the night before. 

            "Do you think we should go there again tonight?" asked Desiree.

            "I'm not sure," Megan said warily.  She really didn't think it would be such a good idea.  If they went there to often, they might get caught.  "I mean, I could've sworn I heard something out there last night after we had gotten back.  I think that something was following us."

            "I think that it's all in your head and it's just your nerves," Jay subtly stated.

            "But we have to," Melissa pleaded.

            "What's all this?" a voice called kindly from behind.  It was Madame Nicole, the cook that was hired all the way from France.  She was a kind spirit, loved being around people, and had a special fondness for the girls at the school.

            "Good morning," the girls said in unison.

            "Bonior, mi petites," she said smiling, with rosy cheeks and large hazel eyes.  "Why are you here so early?"

            "We just got up early, I guess," Megan stated.

            "Usually, the girls don't get up till nearly half past eight."  All the girls leaned over in their seats to see around Madame Nicole.  Leaning against one of the walls was a large grandfather clock that only read half past seven.  Sitting back up in their seats, they all smiled at each other.

            "Well, what will we do for an hour?" Melissa asked.

            "Why don't you go out and get some fresh air," Madame Nicole suggested.  "Morning air is the best air you can possibly get all day.  It's all so crisp and new.  I'll call you back in at eight o'clock before the others come in for breakfast that way you won't get into any sort of trouble.  But, go through the back door in the kitchen, it's quieter."

            Anxiously the girls went to the back of the kitchen, the bottoms of their shoes clicked against the hardwood floor.  Usually the back door was where the milkman left the thirteen bottles of milk and the baker left his loafs of his best bread for the girl’s meals.  Running out, they made their way to the front of the house.  The sun was barely rising and dew was still on the grass.  The air was crisp and new, just as Madame Nicole had said.  Only a few birds were singing their morning praises.  The girls ran and tumbled.  They giggled and ran.  Quickly, they all decided to run to the forest.  This time, it looked like an ordinary forest though.  Sunlight came through the leaves, like a regular forest does.  Everything was peaceful, as a regular forest should be.  They came to the clearing where the shack was.  Melissa instantly ran to it and threw open the door.  There, under the table was indeed her rabbit.

            "Alright, can we go now?" Jay stated, smugly standing in the doorway.  She was still taken back that her friend still slept with a stuffed animal.  Her only memory of sleeping with something was when she was about four, only she couldn't quite remember exactly what it was.

            "We might want to put your rabbit back in the room, so we better head back quickly," Megan suggested making motions to hurry up.

            All agreed as they decided to race back to the back of the building.  But Megan stopped abruptly as the others continued to run.  Looking behind her into the bushes, there was a looming pair of eyes.  The pair seemed to belong to a shadowy figure that resembled a wolf.  A bit startled, Megan froze and stared into the eyes.

            All is well, I'm watching over you, and she heard a voice say in her head.  She looked around, no one was there.  She looked back to w

here the looming eyes were in the thick bushes.

            Were you talking to me?

            But it was too late, they had already vanished.  Megan's body tingled, her blood rushed, and her heart pounded in her chest and quickly went into her throat.  This had to be a bad omen, things like this just don't happen, especially to her.  And yet, this appearance by this mysterious figure intrigued her.  Bringing her back was Desiree's voice from the back door, calling for her to hurry back.  As fast as she could, she ran back to the school and right past the others, straight into the bedroom.

            She sat motionless on her bed with her head in her hands.  She was trying to convince herself she hadn't seen what she had seen.  It wasn't real; of course not she tried to convince herself.  It must be that book, she thought as she looked at the book on the nightstand.  It was about four children who discover a world of lions, witches and other mystical creatures.  In one part, there were wolves and they were the "Secret Police," of this land of Narnia.  It just had to be that book.

            The others soon came in to place the rabbit on the bed and then go back down.  As Desiree and Melissa headed back down, Jay stayed back with Megan.  She kneeled in front of her and stared her in the eyes.  She could tell something was wrong.

            "Why did you stop out there?"

            "It's nothing," she replied trying to smile.  She glimpsed out the window to the sky for an excuse of some kind to get Jay off her back.

            "Something's wrong, and you're not telling me," Jay stated, trying to get Megan's attention back.  That really got to her if she knew that something was wrong with one of her friends only she didn't know the whole story.  It didn't help the fact that the friend wouldn't tell her either unless she sat there with them or antagonized them until they busted.

            "I don't really want to tell anyone.  Besides, you'll think I'm insane."

            "Try me," she said smiling.

            "If I tell you, don't tell the others," Megan stated rather unsure still.


            "I felt that I was being watched again, just like last night.  I turned and saw a pair of wolfs eyes in the bushes.  Then, like telepathically, I heard his voice in my head telling me that he was watching me and that it was alright.  But I wasn't sure that it was the wolf talking to me, I mean that's just impractical.  So I turned, and not a single person was there.  But when I turned back, the eyes weren't there anymore.  I swear it's that book I'm reading."

            "It might be," Jay stated.

            "Just don't tell the others.  I'll try to tell them in my own time, especially if it happens again."

            "Alright, I won't.  We better get downstairs though."

            Both girls quickly headed down the three flights of stairs heading straight to the dining hall.  The other students were just showing up a few at a time, which also meant that Ms. Witherton would be showing up soon.  Megan and Jay went over to the window table where they found their other two companions. 

            "Where were you two?" Desiree asked.

            "In the bedroom," Megan replied.

            "Are you alright?" Melissa asked worried.

            "I'm fine, Missy," she said as sweetly as possible.

            "Ah, girls," they heard Madame Nicole call out.  She waddled quickly to the table.  "I was starting to get worried, I didn't see you come back in," she whispered.

            "We're alright," Jay stated.

            "What's for breakfast?" Melissa asked anxiously.

            "Blueberry Belgian waffles, with eggs, toast and bacon," she beamed.

            "With orange juice?" Melissa inquired innocently while the others giggled.

            "Oui," Madame Nicole answered as she waddled her way back to the kitchen.

            Looking back at her friends, Melissa turned bright red.  She knew they were giggling at her.  The only excuse she could come up with was that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and also her favorite one.  They continued to giggle and waited for their breakfast.  More and more the dining hall started to fill up.  More and more they started to feel out of place.  But they made sure that today they kept to themselves, no matter how tempting it was to irritate the other girls. 

            "Megan," Melissa started as she sat her fork down and wiped the corners of her mouth.  "I saw a book on your night stand."

            "What about it?" Megan asked picking up her glass of orange juice.

            "I've read the first one in that series and I was just wondering if I could read it when you're done?"

            "That depends."

            "On what?"

            "What will you trade me?"

            "I brought a book about these little people that live in the ground and something about a ring of power that must be destroyed."

            "Alright," she replied hesitantly and arching an eyebrow.

            "What kind of books do you read, Desi?" Jay asked, still chewing.

            "Romance novels mainly," she replied.

            "You and I are going to get along just fine," Jay stated smiling.



* ~ 6 ~ *


        Selena watched intently as Jasper grinded something in a wooden bowl and began to chant a mantra.  Sitting still and being ever so quiet, she was able to feel everything around her.  The horses were asleep; everything was still outside in the pale light.  That was until Selena heard a rustling in the grass outside.  Turning towards Nynx, she asked if she would go and make sure that no one was out and about.  When she left, she turned back to Jasper, still working on the potion.

            "I know that there has to be a price," she stated bluntly as she stood up.

            "Nah," he replied playfully as he stopped working on the potion and stood up as well.  He sat it down gently and came closer to her.

            "Everyone always has a price," she whispered.

            They stared at each other.  Selena was uneasy; she had never been nor ever wanted to be this close to Jasper.  Jasper on the other hand, was enjoying the company.  He looked deep into her emerald eyes.  He didn't want money, he didn't want ingredients for his potions, and Selena knew it.  She knew that he had wanted her for a long time, but she would never give him the satisfaction of having her.  Her heart had always belonged to another, but of course, that never meant she couldn't partake in the occasional flirting.

            "A kiss," he whispered back, shocking her a bit.  "No more, no less.  Plus, I'll cover for you while you're gone.  That is a perfect price for all that I'm doing for you, you must agree."

            Slowly, she came closer to him.  She was hesitant, and because of that, she found his lips on hers first.  With closed eyes, she saw colors and her mind was blank. 

            Lingering by her lips, he whispered as he caressed her cheek, “That’ll do."  He turned back to the potion and started working again, as if nothing had happened.  Selena, however, turned towards the horse for comfort.  Petting one of the older ones tenderly on its warm nose, she felt as if she had betrayed her secret love by kissing him.  She knew that she shouldn't have done it because that was her first kiss, and she felt as though she had wasted it. 

            Nynx came up to her, assuring her that no one was out there.

            "Are you sure?" Selena asked concerned.

            Just as Nynx was about to answer, a thud came from outside.  Both girls looked at each other in shock.  Walking to the entry of the stable, they looked around.  Everything seemed still and quiet.  A light breeze floated through the branches of the trees with fall leaves dancing upon it.  Selena walked a few more steps out.  A twig snapped in the darkness making her jump.  Turning back, she didn't see Nynx in the doorway anymore.

            "Nynx!" she called out into the darkness.  No answer.

            "What is it?" Jasper asked as he came out, rather startled.

            "It's Nynx!" Selena gasped.  "She's gone!"

            "Well," he started as he came over to her, trying to remain calm.  "She couldn't have gotten far.  Besides, Nynx isn't the type to just leave."

            "I didn't get far," a voice stated from the side of the stable.  They turned to see Nynx holding a black figure by the ear.  "I found this spy at the side of the stable." 

            She pushed the figure forward, making it lose its balance and fall right in front of Selena.  She bent down and removed the hood of the black garment.  There was Gideon.

            "Gideon, what are you doing out here?" Selena asked.

            "Well, I could ask you the same!" he stated standing and brushing himself off.  He gave a glare to Nynx as he rubbed his ear that was beat red.

            "I asked you first, Gideon."

            "Fine, I saw you fly out of your window when I was heading inside from practicing..."

            "How do we know that he's not a spy from your brother?" Nynx cut in.  “I mean he is after all his apprentice.”

            "I'm not, I swear!  I was worried, and just wanted to make sure you were safe!  So, what exactly are you doing?"

            A look of flattery came over her face.  "Well," she started eyes bright and cheeks blushing.  "Thank you, dear Gideon, you are a good friend.  We are making a potion to create a portal to find the Four Daughters.  This way, my brother doesn't have to go away."

            "Ah," Gideon said somewhat shocked and amused.  He looked over at Jasper, who was still lingering in the stables entry.  Jasper snickered and then turned back inside.  A chill ran down his spine that warned him that something just wasn't right.  They all stood there in silence until Jasper came out with a small bottle. 

            "You should go," he said bluntly to Selena.  "You don't have much time.  Place this candle on a rock that's in a clearing and act as though you are pouring the potion into the flame.  The portal should open then and will take you to where the Four Daughters are in the mortal realm.  Be careful, the portal won't stay open very long."

            Selena turned to Gideon, who stood by Nynx with his arms crossed.  "Do you want to come?"

            "Nah," he said looking down at his feet.  "I should be getting to bed anyhow."

            Standing up on her toes to kiss his cheek, she whispered in a smile, “I’ll see you in the morning then."

            He smiled as he watched her fly off with Nynx into the starry sky.  As he turned to go, he saw Jasper yet again in the doorway.  He never liked him; just something about him didn't feel right to Gideon.

            "To bad she only kissed your cheek," Jasper chuckled heading back into the stables.

            "What's that supposed to mean?" Gideon asked intrigued as he followed.

            "Nothing much," he said sarcastically.  "It's just that I had the pleasure of having Selena's first kiss.  Selena seemed to enjoy herself, and I'm not feeling that bad myself.  I believe that she has finally found someone."

            Gideon looked away in pain.  Maybe she just wasn't thinking, he hoped.  It wasn't fair, it just wasn't fair.  How could she love Jasper, he was a trickster anyhow and wasn't very faithful when it came to relationships.  Gideon turned to leave for his bed, despair had set in and he was thinking of just completely giving up.  How could he possibly compete with Jasper; he was well built and had a mysterious air about him that got all the girls going.  And here he was, a rather hefty yet extremely kindhearted male fairy, yet he knew that no one would love him.  Jasper knew he had won.

            Meanwhile, Selena and Nynx had made it to the perfect spot in somewhat of an open area amongst the thick, ancient trees. There in the center was an aging, moss covered rock.  Seven smaller speckled rocks were place around the larger rock in a circle.  Nynx lit a small candle that was on stand, and carefully placed it on the top of the rock.  Selena took the potion, and slowly started to pour it into the dim orange glow.  In an instant, sparks started to pop out.  Purple smoke floated out into the sky around it.  A circle formed to the side of the rock, with swirls of light purple and dark.  With some hesitation, Nynx took Selena's hand and walked over to the portal.  Closing their eyes tightly, they jumped.

            The rush of it all over took them.  It felt as if they were falling though an abyss.  They screamed a bit and gasped as they held each other.  Then suddenly, as though they were coming out of a tunnel, they saw a light at the end.  Falling through, they found themselves by an old shack.  Not having enough time to look around, they slipped the letter under the door, and headed back though the portal.




* ~ 7 ~ *


            Just four more minutes until I’m out of here, thought Megan.  Sighing in boredom, she gathered her books and neatly stacked them in front of her on the desk.  This science class was extremely boring to Megan, there was no "life" in it at all and yet the week had gone by quickly.  The teacher of this particular class was a very short, elderly lady, with thick rimmed glasses, and she had a crackled voice.  Most of the time Megan just pretended to take notes and pay attention.  But in reality, she was still wondering about the mysterious eyes.  She drew in free-hand the pair in one of her journals she needed for another one of her classes.  It was very detailed, almost as if they were there right in front of her again.

            I'm still here, I never left you, and she heard the same voice say.  Jumping, she looked around at the floor, the ceiling, and her classmates.  All of them looked at her as if she was mentally disturbed. 

            "Is there something wrong, Miss Samberg?" the teacher asked peering over the top rim of her glasses.  The bags underneath her eyes were rather large, with large wrinkles.  When she arched one of her eyebrows, her forehead formed several large indented wrinkles that looked like the ripples of a river.

            "No, of course not," Megan replied as the bell rang for lunch.  She gathered up her books and joined the group of girls heading out the door.  Lingering in the hallway a bit, she waited for the others.  Looking up, she could see Melissa coming downstairs.  To her right, Jay was walking with Desiree.  Finally all together, they headed upstairs to drop their books off.

            "I absolutely hated math class," Melissa stated as they headed upstairs, nearing their rooms.  Math had never really been her stronger subject.

            "My classes were all boring," Desiree stated.  "I almost fell asleep in every one so far, and it’s barely noon!”

            "I actually enjoyed my Spanish class," Jay stated quite proud of herself.  It was a large accomplishment of hers; she usually loathed school all together.  "What about you, Megan?"

            Opening the door to their room and going in, she didn't answer. 

            "Megan," Melissa started quite worried and concerned.  "Are you alright?"

            "Yes, I'm fine," she replied a bit hastily lobbing her books on the bed.

            "You sure don't seem like it," Desiree stated leaning on the closed door.

            "You haven't told them have you?" Jay looked accusingly at Megan.

            "No I haven't," Megan bowed her head becoming quiet.

            "Well, now would be the perfect time," Jay added. 

            Megan started to tell them, somewhat hesitantly, about the pair of eyes she had seen amongst the brush outside.  She told them of the voice, the tone and the way that it made her feel.  But then she added that she had heard the voice again at the end of science class.  Then she explained that the only reason she didn't tell Melissa and Desiree at the first sighting was that she didn't want them to think that she was insane.

            "That's odd," Desiree stated quietly.

            "What do you think it could be?" Melissa asked.

            "How are we supposed to know that, Missy?  I mean really?" Jay asked.

            "Well, I don't know.  It was just a question," she stated avoiding Jay’s eyes.

            "Yeah, well, it was just a question, Jay," Desiree chimed in, watching Jay roll her eyes in annoyance.

            "I'm not really sure either to tell you the truth," Megan replied.  "But whatever it is, it's trying to get in contact with me and seems to be looking out for me, or at least that's what it told me today.  Then again it might be looking out for all of us, I mean since you're my friends."

            "Maybe it has something to do with the shack," Jay added.  "I mean nothing like this happened before we went there the other night and this morning.  Maybe that's why it was abandoned."

            "I doubt it," Megan stated.  Megan wasn't one to believe that easily in supernatural events.

            "We better get down to the dining hall before Ms. Witherton comes up here," Desiree stated as she opened the door. 

            "This all stays between us though," Jay stated.

            "Of course," Melissa stated.

            Slowly, the girls headed out and down the stairs.  They were all thinking about the eyes now.  Jay knew it had something to do with the shack; she had a hunch about it.  Usually when she had a feeling like this, she was right.  Desiree thought that it had something to do with Megan's conscience; something must be on her mind heavy enough to alter her reality.  But when it came to Melissa, she could only think of nightmares as a possibility and the fact that she felt utterly ridiculous about the statement Jay had made about her question.  Entering the dining hall, they immediately went to the table they had sat at for breakfast.  Lunch wasn't even out on the tables yet, but they could smell the soup from where they sat.  All of them looked at each other, questions brewed in them but they dared not to ask the aloud due to the occasional eavesdroppers at other tables. 

            "Don't we have a walk after this?" Desiree asked, breaking the silence.

            "I think we do," Jay replied looking up at the others from her twiddling her fingers.

            "Well, what classes do you have after the walk?" Melissa asked, trying not to think of Megan's problem.

            "I have art," Megan answered.

            "So do I," the others stated in unison.

            "At least we have one class together," Melissa said, trying to be as cheerful as possible for the four of them.  She was still somewhat uneasy at the sharp statements that Jay had made about her question.  She really didn't know how to act after being treated like that.  She figured that if she just stayed quiet that she wouldn't be treated like she was stupid or anything.

            Soon, Madame Nicole was serving soup with the servants to the girls.  The servants really didn't look much older than the rest of the girls.  One girl pushed the cart with the bowls and a pot of soup on it.  Megan assumed that they must be children of the staff. 

            The four of them continued conversing about their classes and their opinions of everything so far.  One thing that they were sure that they weren't looking forward to was at the end of the day.  Usually, after all of the classes, and dinner, the girls gather in the large living room downstairs.  It starts out with socializing and getting comfortable.  But then, like a depressing storm, it is taken over by Ms. Witherton.  She begins to read from a book she has selected, usually a "classic."  As far as they had heard from gossiping girls, tonight’s selection was going to be a great classic by Charles Dickens.  But, sometimes once a week, the girls would get free read, and that was the only thing to look forward to.

            Ms. Witherton came into the dining room and announced that it was time for the walk.  Quickly, all of them grabbed a light jacket, and forming into two lines, they headed out the front door.  Melissa and Desiree made sure that they were behind Jay and Megan.  All of them walked an unpaved path that had twists and turns through the whole seventeen acres they had.  The school wasn’t located close to any town or parks, so they had to amuse themselves while they were on the walk, usually playing "I spy."  Our four companions however found it completely pointless; at the speed they were walking, it really wouldn't count for a type of exercise.

            After about forty-five minutes had passed, they headed back to the school.  As soon as the group entered the door and everyone started to take off their coats, Megan, Jay, Desiree and Melissa immediately ran upstairs.  Going into their room, they grabbed their art pads and also a book entitled, The Transition of Art.  They walked out together and looked for the art room on the second floor.  The art room was at the end of the longest hall of the second floor.  They entered with smiles to see a tall thin woman.  She had beautiful blue eyes and a loveable personality.  Pottery wheels were at the back of the class, as were large blocks of clay.  While the girls sat up next to blank canvases, Melissa curiously went over to the clay which seemed to beckon her to touch it.  It was cold, giving easily under her finger, which made her smile a bit.

            "Excuse me," a soft voice came from behind her.  Melissa jumped to see the art teacher standing there.  She assumed she would be cross with her, but she stood there with a simple grin on her face.  She was a small woman, with somewhat of an Irish accent and complimentary hazel eyes.  "What is your name?"

            "Melissa," she answered quietly.

            "Well, Melissa," the art teacher continued.  "My name is Mrs. Jacques, and that is not our lesson today.  But I would love it if you would find a place among your classmates so we could get started."




* ~ 8 ~ *


            Siebel sat on the gracefully carved railing of the balcony.  The sun had been up for almost an hour.  The pastel clouds were fading and giving away to the white wisps of clouds.  Dew was still on the autumn leaves and the somewhat icy grass.  Smoke came out of his nostrils as he watched Carnac in the court yard.  He was training, mainly with his sword, with Khersha assisting.  They had been out there since dawn practicing.  Metal clashed, moans of frustration could be heard, and Khersha was trying to make moves on Carnac.

            Selena will not like this, Siebel thought.  He looked over at her; she was still asleep in the bed.  Covers were everywhere, and her body was sprawled out across the bed.  She must be exhausted from last night.  I wonder what happened; she didn't even wake me up to tell me when she got back, how rude!

            A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.  He flew over to it, perching himself on the elegant chair next to the door.  Slowly the doorknob began to turn and Siebel blew a bit of fire in the direction of the intruder.  But to his surprise, it was Gideon.  The fire had only singed his clothes a bit and part of his finger.

            "What was that for?" Gideon whispered, scowling at the little dragon as he entered the room.

            My apologies, Gideon, thought Siebel.  So why have you decided to visit us this fine autumn morning?

            Sitting down on the trunk that was at the end of the bed, Gideon sighed.  Siebel went to him, landing delicately on his lap.  He innocently looked at him, sensing that something was troubled him.  Gideon avoided his glance by looking over at Selena.  She was even more beautiful in sleep, so much more relaxed and unaffiliated by all that was happening around her. 

            What's wrong?  Who do you want me to roast? Siebel playfully asked.

            "Jasper," Gideon muttered under his breath.

            Jasper?  Why?  What has he done?

            "He's got Selena," he whispered lowering his wings.  "They're in love."

            Selena... Jasper... Are in love?  Then the little dragon began to laugh.  That is the funniest and most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!

            "But it's true!" Gideon pleaded in a louder whisper.  "Jasper told me that Selena gave him a first kiss last night while he was helping her."

            I think he's trying to ruffle your wings!  He knows, as well as all of us, that you love Selena and would do anything for her.   

            "It's that obvious?" Gideon looked back at Selena.  She was still laying in that angelic way.

            The little dragon flew up to sit on the bed right in front of Gideon.  The young fairy lad looked at him with worried eyes.  He didn't want to lose the one thing in his life that he actually genuinely loved.  He hoped that there might just be a chance that he could have with her. 

            Don't worry, Siebel thought as he hopped on the covers over to him.  She wouldn't like a guy like Jasper anyhow.  You have to remember she's not like most of the giddy girls around here.  I'll still roast him for you, but it'll cost you a bag of bugs!

            Smiling, he stood and started to go to the door.  He decided it wasn't worth waking her up over; he'd just wait till later.  And if not later, then it wasn't really important at all.  A rustling sound came from behind him.  Turning, he saw Selena sitting up and trying to focus on him.  Siebel was still sitting there, quite comfortable on the warm covers.  Gideon smiled weakly and walked back over to the bedside.  Drowsily she smiled back.  Her hair was a mess, and her eyelids still looked heavy.

            "What are you doing in here this early?" she sleepily asked as she motioned for him to sit down.  She ran her fingers through her messy hair and rubbed her face one more time.

            "Well," he started as she stretched.  He smiled because to him she looked so unremarkably cute.  "I came to ask how it went last night."

            "It was fine," she replied hugging her knees to her chest.  "We left the note on this run down shack.  When I came back finally, the whole place was asleep.  And what about you Siebel?  You flew off out of my pocket before I got to the stable." 

            Chased mice, ate bugs, watched smoke rings, the usual he answered uninterested.

            Selena giggled a bit.  He loved it.  Her eyes lit up and her nose wrinkled a bit, it meant so much to him to see her smile.  But he couldn't really smile if he knew she was with Jasper.  If she was, it would devastate him; he couldn't possibly live with it.  But for the sake of his close friend he would grit his teeth if it was true.  There was a nagging in the back of his mind that made him think that she possibly couldn't love him at all and it was nothing more than just a hopeless dream.

            "I had something else to ask you, Selena," Gideon said reaching for her hand.  "Are you and Jasper... uh... you know... that is... because if you are, I'll completely understand and whatever you do... because I want you to do whatever makes you happy…"

            "What!?" Selena cut him off, half amused and confused, drawing her hand back. 

            "Well, Jasper told me that you and he were together now since you kissed him."

            "No, that is simply outrageous!  That was the payment for the potion he gave us, that's the only thing that he wanted and refused to accept anything else, ridiculous and immature really.  Besides, I'm interested in someone else." 

            Gideon jerked his head up to stare into her eyes.  Nodding, she knew what Gideon was going to ask. She watched as Gideon sighed, his face looked brighter now.  It was as if that answer had possibly eliminated all the grey in his world.  He was hers finally.  Gideon leaned in and he embraced her, he almost didn't want to let go.  His wings twitched a bit as they laughed.

            Sitting up, he took off his necklace.  The chain was a single strand black leather, and at the end of it was a pure silver feather.  He placed it gracefully around her petit neck.  She gasped as she took the silver feather in her hand.  The chain was so long that the feather came to the middle of her small bosom.  She went to her dresser.  There in a trinket box was a woven band of brown worn leather.  It had a just one charm on it, a golden looking mushroom.  She put it around his wrist and watched his eyes.

            "This will bind us," she whispered.

            "I'll never take it off," he whispered back.  She leaned back on her pillows and he lay on his side beside her.  "We better get out of here soon," he added.  "They will be expecting us for breakfast, you know."

            "Yes," she replied in a sigh.  "I know, but in a way, I just want to lie in bed all day.  But something is telling me that I can't and I hate that.  Do you realize that I only have four days to set everything in motion?”

            "I do, but where will the Four Daughters stay while all this is going on?"

            "The stables," Selena answered sitting up.  "That's the only place that I could possibly think of."

            "They could stay in the wine cellar below the stables; they would have a better chance of not getting caught.  Besides, it's wide enough to train down there; one of us could go down there when we're not busy to train them."

            "Alright then," she said as she rolled out of the other side of the bed.  Her silk night gown hugged her curves and came just to the mid of her thigh.  Gideon's jaw almost dropped had he not had to swallow at that point.  Playfully Selena giggled, pulling up a cover to cover her body from his ever curious eyes.  "Now can you please get out while I get dressed, good sir?!"




* ~ 9 ~ *


            "Now, I'll give you a topic and I want you to draw the first thing that comes to mind," Mrs. Jacques smiled.  She stood there and pretended to ponder what topic she would say.  Anxious faces met her eyes and she smiled more.  "I want you to draw," she started, “something that you can't do without right now and then somehow breaking away from it.  So, it would be like I am addicted to this orange, so I would draw an orange.  Then I would draw seeds next to it. So the topic  is an attachment and a breakaway.  Go!"

            Pencils hit the blank canvases for the sketching lines.  Paint brushes were next.  The lovely sound and sight of a paintbrush to the canvases made Mrs. Jacques smile and she watched intently.  She went around critiquing everyone's work and helped the ones that were stuck.  She was still in the front rows and wouldn't get to where our group was for awhile.  Jay was painting a picture of her face.  Half was sketched as a boy version of herself, which was the version most people saw.  The other half she started to paint was the vulnerable girl that no one really saw.  Megan was drawing books she was reading.  The other half was adult books she would read later on in life.  On the canvas next to hers was Desiree's.  The canvas stood bare in front of her.  She was never really felt attached to anything, so she couldn't possibly draw anything in her opinion.  Melissa however started to draw the rabbit she slept with every night, but added wings that symbolized that one day she would have to give it up.

            She didn't realize it, but one of the other girls was watching.  The girl hadn't started herself, but she was observing and acting as though her painting was going to be top notch.  She came closer to Melissa, planning her next move.  That was one thing that Melissa couldn't stand, she hated when people lingered behind her, making her feel as though they were breathing down her neck and shoulder.  Usually when that would happened, she felt as though they were just waiting for her to make a mistake.

            "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen," the girl stated.  Melissa turned in her chair.  The girl wasn't that much taller than her.  She had jet black hair, with large brown eyes, and a petit frame.  Diana was her name, or so the others called her.

            "I don't think you should be talking," Melissa replied setting down her paintbrush with a deep exhale.  She really didn't feel like taking any type of negativity from any of those rotten boarding school brats on top of the comment from Jay earlier.  "You haven't even started yet, so you can't really compare mine to yours."

            The other girls were quietly talking amongst themselves. Every once and a while, they would look back at the two.  Mrs. Jacques was midway through the classroom; however, she hadn't quite caught on to what was going on.  She made her rounds from one girl to another, bobbing her head up and down frequently to look around the classroom.

            "Yes, but I can tell art when I see it, and that is no artwork at all.  Besides, I'm waiting for an image to come to me, that's the one thing that sets me apart from you.  That's why my daddy says that I'm going to be great one day, because I'm a visionary.  What is that supposed to be, that thing you sleep with?"

            "It's not a thing... it's my rabbit," Melissa replied quietly, looking back and half smiling at the sight of it.  She had remembered sleeping with it for as long as she could remember.  It was warm with sunshine one day; she recalled when she had lost it in a garden of wild flowers.  Three other girls comforted her and helped her look for it.  Before bed, she remembered that she and the three girls slept in a large bed that could've easily held more and a soothing male voice lulled them to sleep.  As she had gotten older, she assumed it was when she was in the orphanage, waiting for her foster family to come and get her.

            "That's pathetic," she snorted.  She put her hands on her cheeks and mimicked a toddler pose.  "My name is Melissa and I still need to sleep with a rag doll."  Melissa started to turn blood red.

            "Hey," Jay said loudly as she stood up.  "Lay off."       

            "And what are you going do?  Are you actually defending this baby?"

            "For the last time," Jay stated as she gritted her teeth.  "Back off."

            "The little baby can't defend herself?" Diana asked maliciously as she turned back to Melissa.  She had already begun to laugh with the other girls.  Her group was a bit larger and all of them feared her.  Diana was an evil girl that would torture anyone she could until she got her way.  Picking up her paintbrush, she acted as though she tripped causing her to paint to go all over Melissa sketch.  “Oops… Wait that was an improvement.”

            Melissa stood up and went in front of Jay.  She stood there, feeling mainly Jay's strength behind her.  Squinting her eyes, she seemed to look straight through Diana.  Diana took a step back, pretending not to be unsure of what was going to happen.  Then, Melissa acted as though she was going to turn away. But suddenly came straight back, fist doubled and delivered such a blow to Diana's mouth.  As if in slow motion, she watched as Diana fell back onto the ground.  Melissa seemed shocked; she didn't know where that had came from.  On the other hand, it felt quite good.  Diana laid there, holding her now bloody lip and staring at Melissa.  But like a dreadful storm, Ms. Witherton swooped in. 

            "Ms. Witherton," Mrs. Jacques said quite shocked, she hadn't even heard her come in, let alone see her come in.  "I saw the whole thing," she continued.  "Melissa was only defending herself..."

            "No she wasn't Ms. Witherton," Diana stated as she cut off Mrs. Jacques.  She had already started tearing up and preparing herself for a big scene.  "She's been harassing me all afternoon.  I'm beginning to not feel safe at all in this school."

            "Now we can't have that, now can we," Ms. Witherton stated with a huff towards Melissa and her group.  She looked around; all the girls had their jaws dropped and couldn't help but watch what was going to happen next.  "All of you, back to work.  I will send some ice for your lip, Diana.  Maybe you could be excuse from this class to go lie down for a bit and rest.  As for you four, come with me."

            "But Ms. Witherton," Mrs. Jacques pleaded.  "I think you're being a bit too harsh and you haven't even got all sides of the story, let alone all the information."

            "You forget your place, Mrs. Jacques," she stated in annoyance, not even looking in her direction.  She never really liked Mrs. Jacques; the girls thought that it was because she wasn't hard and cold like the rest of the staff.  But Mrs. Jacques was warm and bright, never telling anyone that they couldn't do anything and didn't degrade them.  "You best remember it soon, or you'll be finding another!"  And with that, she led Melissa out by the ear, with Desiree, Megan, and Jay following. 

            This time it was actually quicker to get to the large office, which really wasn't the greatest highlight at this point.  Coming into the office, she threw Melissa by the ear over to the desk.  The other three just stood there by the large door after the ancient lady with fire in her step locked it shut.  Jay was enraged, she knew it was wrong for her friend to hit another person, but on the other hand it was in her defense.  Megan also felt a rage building inside her, but it was more towards the fact that she wanted to give Diana a piece of her mind for hurting her friend.  Desiree was ready to explode, this wasn't proper discipline and Diana did have it coming.  Desiree only wished that she had hit her instead.  They all watched as their friend leaned against the desk with fear, her eyes longing for them to come to her.  The lights were dimmed already due to the giant velvet curtains being closed; the fire was blazing.

            "I warned you girls, didn't I?" Ms. Witherton asked, flames dancing across her.  She was trying to remain calm, but this untamed anger was lighting flames in her eyes.  "I try to be a lenient, understanding person.  But I find it difficult when I have ruffians like you four in my boarding school.  You had no right to act out the way you did, young ladies do not act like adolescent boys!"

            "But you don't understand," Megan called out.

            "I don't care what you have to say right now," the irate dean yelled.  "Your side of the story isn't important right now."  She went over to the wall and brought down the Board of Education.  Slowly, she strolled over to where a fear stricken Melissa was still standing, away from the others, mouthing the word 'no' while shaking her head.

            Taking a breather, she asked, “Now, can you tell me what your problem with others is?"  Ms. Witherton stood there, stoking the board almost in a sick affectionate way.  "Answer me!" she thundered. 

            The girls stood there. 

            "We don't have a problem with others," Desiree stated on behalf of the girls.

            Abruptly, the dean jerked Melissa over the desk and hit her with the paddle.  She cried out.

            "Liars! Answer me girls," she yelled as she lifted Melissa's skirt and laid her arm across the girls back, bracing her against the desk.

            "We're not lying!" Jay called out.  She and the others stepped forward in an attempt to get closer to Melissa. 

            Another smack.  Another cry.  Another flinch from the others.

            "We can do this all afternoon girls," she stated.

            "Stop it!  Get the hell away from her!" Megan yelled as she made her way over to the dean to give her a piece of her mind.  Letting go of Melissa, she hit Megan across the face, knocking her back into Jay and Desiree.

            She got hold of Melissa again.  Another.

            "Please," the other girls pleaded.  They watched as she repeatedly hit their friend and knowing they couldn't do anything about it.  She seemed to enjoy it in some sick way.  It lasted for a while, the sun was starting to set, and reading time would be soon.  Melissa was numb; black and blue.  The others were mentally limp.  Suddenly, she acted as though she was going to put down her skirt, when she hit her once more.  But something caught her eye, a mark in the small of Melissa's back.  A shock wave covered her face.  It cannot be, she thought.  Finally, one last smack.

            "All of you are to go to your room," she stated as she pushed Melissa towards the others.  "Since you are not cooperating, you all are to stay there until I say so, is that clear?" The girls silently responded.  "Your teachers will be notified and you will receive all of your work at the end of the day.  The only meal you will have is dinner.  Let this be a reminder for you the next time you decide to lash out again.  Now get out of my sight."

            The girls slowly went up stairs.  Jay had Melissa lean on her.  Megan and Desiree situated themselves behind them to catch their friend if she fell due to the pain.  Once inside, Melissa flopped onto her bed with her stomach down.  Tears silently dripped from her burning eyes.

            "That b***h!" Jay stated as she punched the closed door.  All the other girls stared at her in shock.  "Oh, you know you were thinking it too... I just said it first," she added.

            "That was unjust," Megan stated.

            "I bet that other girl got off easy, since she played the victim and all," Desiree added, as she shook her head in despair for her friend and anger because of Diana.

            "I want to leave this place," Melissa sobbed into her rabbit, as Desiree smoothed out her hair and Megan examined the damage.  Her stomach turned at the sight.

            "Why don't we?" Jay asked as she flopped herself onto her bed.

            "Where would we go?" Megan asked.

            "Our shack," Jay answered.

            "We couldn't possibly," Megan stated.

            "It's better than this place," Desiree noted.

            "Only if Missy can make it tonight," Megan stated, looking down at her.

            "I can," Melissa whispered back.



* ~ 10 ~ *


            The night air was stiff.  All was still and quiet.  The moonlight was dim; the crickets were hushed by the calls of owls.  The girls were packing up quickly.  Ms. Witherton had come by after all the other girls were ushered off to bed to lock the four in their chambers.  Anything that they thought that was a necessity, they crammed it into their sacks.  Gathering all their things, they made their way down the lattice once more.  One by one, the cold air licked them, giving them shivers down their spine.  To their surprise, Melissa didn't seem afraid this time coming down the lattice, she just took it nice and slow.  As soon as all four were on the freezing ground, they made a mad dash to the forest just as before.  Coming in sight of the shack, they slowed to a walk.  Desiree went up to the broken door and moved in aside.  She entered the dark room and lit a candle on the table.

            "What's this?" Megan asked as she bent over to pick up a piece of paper from the floor.

            "It wasn't here this morning," Jay stated.

            "Read it," Melissa said as she eased her way down into a small chair.

            Taking a breath, she placed it on the table for all to see in the faint candle light, Megan read,


        "Greetings four Daughters,

We are in need of your assistance.  Beorda is in grave danger, a great evil is rising.  On the back of this parchment, you will find a spell.  Say it when the moon is clear and it will bring you to us.



                         Selena and Nynx


        P.s. If you are the true Four Daughters, all four of you will have a birthmark on the lower part of your back, one dragon wing.  Don't be alarmed, all will be explained in time."


            All of them stood there silently looking at one another.

            "This isn't real," Melissa stated.

            "But what if it is?" Desiree asked.

            "I say we do it," Jay stated grabbing the paper and going outside.

            Megan followed her.  "It'd be great and I'm all for it, but what if it isn't real?"

            "We still could try," Jay replied turning over the paper.

            "Nothing bad could possibly happen," Desiree stated as she sat down her pack.  "It is after all just a piece of paper."

            "Fine," Megan gave in half smiling.

            "Go ahead, Jay," Melissa said excitedly as she watched the moon come out from behind a wisp of gray cloud.

            Jay looked at the paper and tried to pronounce the odd language,



Mec lit foa feree elmra tap

Isk suay mor si lec tip

O ya keta ro tae teb mel tap

Ato avero enta cae tip


A sudden whirl of air wrapped around them, as if they were in the eye of a tornado.  Their hair flew everywhere as they huddled together.  Their feet were leaving the ground, they started to scream.  One by one they flew off in a different direction, each crying out for the other.  Around and around they flew; higher and higher; faster and faster.  As some of them opened their eyes, color flashed before them.  Then, as if someone had flicked a switch, they started to decend and the wind died away.  The girls found themselves laying face up in the softest grass they had ever felt.  The sky was a pure blue with only white clouds in sight.  The trees were old and twisted, abundent with autumn leaves.

            "Did that really just happen?" they heard Melissa ask.

            “No Missy, it was all a dream,” Jay stated sarcastically.

            "I'm pretty sure it did," Megan stated as she sat up and scanned the surroundings.

            "You know the weirdest thing about all of this is," Jay started as she sat up as well.  "I felt as though I actually understood what I was saying."

            "On the letter, it said that these daughter people would have birthmarks on their backs," Desiree cut in.  "Do any of you?  I know I have one, but I didn't think that it was a birthmark.  I always thought it was from when I fell out of a tree when I was seven."

            "I have one," Jay stated as she stood up and showed it proudly.

            Megan stood and reluctantly began to lift her shirt.  Slowly she pulled down her skirt, but then stopped.  "Missy, show yours first."

            Melissa slowly got up and pulled up her shirt, then pulled her skirt down a bit.  There, on her lower back was the birthmark, just as Desiree’s and Jays.  Megan decided to continue and exposed hers.  All of them were quiet and stared at one another.  Could this actually be real?  Could it really be happening?  Things like this just didn't seem to happen out of nowhere to four young strangers.

            Melissa scooted over to Desiree and pinched her.

            "Ouch!  What'd you do that for?" she yelled, slapping her back playfully.

            "To see if we're dreaming," Melissa stated rubbing her arm and smiling.

            "I suppose that means that we're the Four Daughters," Jay stated.  "Which also means that we're sisters… wouldn't it?"

            "Yeah," Desiree answered quite stunned.

            "Do you remember anything before the foster homes?" Megan asked.

            All of them replied negatively, even though for all of them it wasn't actually the case.  Most of them only remembered fragments of flashbacks, but they weren’t going to offer to say what they could barely remember if they weren’t exactly sure of the memories.  They sat in silence for what seemed like forever.  Each of them couldn't fathom all of this; it was all happening to fast.

            "Weren't you the one that said nothing bad could happen?" Megan asked to shatter the silence that was actually getting on her nerves.

            "Well, this isn't bad," Desiree stated, walking around and looking at the trees.  She then glimpsed over at Jay who was sitting on a large rock with little stones that formed a ring around it.

            "At least we brought our packs with us," Melissa stated as she took hers off to go join Jay on the rock.

            "You did," Desiree stated.  "I left mine at the shack."

            "Me too," Megan chimed in picking up the smaller rocks and examining them.

            "Mine fell off in that wind," Jay stated as she leaned back on Melissa.  Then jumped off of the rock and going to the side of it.

            "So what are we supposed to do now?" Megan asked, looking around again.

            "Well, we could go look around," Desiree suggested.

            “At least we don’t have to take that quiz now,” Melissa giggled with the others, however, Jay shot her a ‘shut up and get real’ glance.  Melissa turned the other way, trying not to let the remarks of her new sister get to her.

            "We could play with these," Jay stated. 

            The girls looked over at her.  In both of her hands were long swords.  They were beautifully done, golden hilts and proper lengths for her height.  Not to mention the sheathes protecting the weaponry, that were pure tan leather, with emerald leaves embroidered into each of them.  She put them on her back, making them overlap each other so she could pull them out at the same time.  Megan bent down and picked up a sword also, but also little pouches that were laying next to it.  On a tag, tied at the top, read the words: "Explosive Powder."  She grinned mischievously as she put them into her jacket pocket.  Desiree also took a well crafted sword, but also a pair of daggers that she could attach to her clothing to keep them hidden.  Melissa, finally getting off of the rock, found her weapon of choice was a bow and a quiver of arrows.  The arrows were wooden, with the sharpest point at the end that was made out of steel.  The feathers were yellow and very soft against Melissa's cheek.  The bow was also made with leaves carved into it, coming down the wood work to the end.

            "Well," Jay stated as she stood on the rock striking a gallant pose.  "Let's set up camp and scout out the area."



* ~ 11 ~ *


I unom vie roet tan la tip

I unom oner mor arec lec tip

I unom doga ta atema tip

Wo mec rea obro fe tip


        She stood there by the mirror, and watched as the reflection of the moon grew dark.  The whole glass, up to the trimming, turned black.  She had called him, knowing that she fulfilled the most difficult part of her duties and soon would go home to him.  It had been so long since she had been home, in her beautiful master suite. 

            "It was them, my lord," she said in a deep, seducing voice.

            "Good," a deep, alluring, male voice came from the black mist.  "Everything is being set in motion.  And yet, you let them slip through your fingers."

            "What do you mean, my lord?" she asked, barely changing her tone.

            "Just as I have said," he answered.  "If you want the future of Beorda to have a new order of power, you need to pay attention to every detail, especially since you carry my child."  The black mist seemed to manifest out of the mirror.  Closer and closer it seemed to crawl to her, but she wanted it to.  The form wrapped around her body, she gasped.  Finally standing behind her was a man, no longer the black mist she had conjured.  He passionately grabbed her around the waist.

            "Enuma," she whispered in a sigh.

            "You must remember that you carry our child, Agora," he whispered in her ear.  "You better find them, soon.  I know that they're not in this place anymore, I can sense it.  Don't mess this up, Agora."

            Long ago, Enuma, the god of all evil in Beorda, was in the land.  He was charming, witty, and handsome.  As he roamed the desolate eastern land where there were barely any villages, he longed for a mate.  He happened to stumble by a seducing, fairy of the dark arts, Agora.  She had originally came from the Elder Realm before it was destroyed.  Her father, Jokai, was the well know sorcerer in those places of old.  Agora took an interest in Enuma, he was dark and alluring.  He took her to the Dark Moon Tower one day.  Once there, he promised that all of it would be hers, the power, the land, all she had to do was one thing.  She must provide an heir, boy or girl that would start the new world order.  She became pregnant with his child, and he gave her power.  But after finding that she was pregnant, and being so pleased, he also sent her to the mortal realm.  There she was supposed to keep a watch out for the Four Daughters.  Enuma knew that they were the only force strong enough to stop him.  He tracked them down over the course of sixteen years, after their parents had put them in the mortal realm.  Finally, he found them and told them of a special school that would be beneficial to their education.

            He stroked her wings once more.  She loved it; she was limp under his touch.  Her wings twitched, and then fluttered uncontrollably.  They stood there for a moment, caught up in each other.

            "I won't fail you," she whispered back as he sat a hand on her stomach.  Then, as she turned to look into his eyes, he disappeared in a cloud of hazy blue smoke.  She was alone again.  The mirror was normal again, everything was fine.  A small clock was ticking on her desk.  A owl hooted from outside in the dark.  A knock came to the door.  "Come in."

            Little Diana came in.  Softly, she closed and locked the padlock to the grand door.  Diana proceeded to make her way to the figure.  "My lady," she bowed and morphed into her actual self.  She was a fairy of the Dark Moon Tower as well.  Lady Mitylene, daughter of Sopatar and Derma, priest and priestess of the Dark Moon Tower.  Standing she looked at Agora.

            "What did you want, Mitylene?" she asked annoyed.

            "Was it really them?" she asked watching her lady turn back into mortal form.

            "Yes, it really was.  Enuma was pleased, but it seemed like he was talking in riddles.  He said that they weren't in this place, and that he couldn't sense them.  But then, Enuma has never really been able to sense the coming or going of good."

            "That's odd," Mitylene stated, flickering her wings a bit.  "So," she continued smugly, "how did the precious four take to pain?"

            "Just as we had thought," she stated hanging the board back up.  "The one is weak, but the other three have a bit of fire hidden away.  But I don't think that they know, so they really wouldn't be much of a threat." She paused for a moment looking out the window.  "I wonder what he meant.  Mitylene, I will go and unlock the door, while I slip back into my quarters, you will see if they are asleep."

            Morphing back into her mortal state, she said, “Yes, Ms. Witherton."

            Both of them quickly headed to the room.  Trying not to make that much noise, Ms. Witherton turned the key in the hole ever so slowly.  Then, stuffing the key into her pocket, she briskly walked off.  Diana quietly walked in and looked around.  Unsure of what she saw, she came closer to the bed.

            "Ms. Witherton! Ms. Witherton!" she screamed, “They’re gone!"


© 2010 Meyoko

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Added on September 13, 2010
Last Updated on September 13, 2010



Oak Harbor, WA

Hullo ^^ My name is actually Melissa but I go by a lot of different nicknames. My parents were originally going to name me Meyoko, but had a different idea at the last moment. I listen to everythin.. more..

 Beorda Beorda

A Story by Meyoko

Dark Froest Dark Froest

A Poem by Meyoko