Be Strong

Be Strong

A Story by Megan

This is a short story I wrote a while ago. This is my first attempt of writing a romance story of some type. I have written parts of this same story from Chris's point of view.



    Pacing back and forth, glancing at the clock every thirty seconds, I was making my friends more nervous than they probably needed to be. We’re all sitting in this danky, hospital waiting room, waiting to hear the news about Chris.

“Liz! Will you please just sit down. You are going to wear a hole in the floor,” Ana said.

“I’m sorry but I can’t sit. I don’t understand what is taking them so long.”

“From what I heard about the accident, it appeared that Chris was hit with the full impact of the other car and he sustained major injuries,” my friend Jon said while staring down at the floor.

“I saw the accident! You don’t need to tell me. I saw him code in the damn ambulance! But it has already been 12 hours, they should be done by now or have at least come to update us.” I screamed.

Everyone went back to staring off into space. It has always been the four of us, me, Chris, Ana, and Jon against the world. We all grew up in the same neighborhood. Our houses were lined down the street from each other. I remember when I first met Chris.


I was playing in my driveway and we just moved to the neighborhood. It was a hot, sunny day at the end of July. We moved just in time to get settled before I started school. Chris was rolling down the street on his roller blades, helmet on his head and pads on his elbows and knees. When he passed my house he actually crashed onto our front yard because his blade got caught on one of my dolls that fell out of a box I was carrying.

“Are you okay?” I dropped the box, ran over and asked him.

“Yeah, I’m good.” He replied.

“I guess it’s a good thing that you are wearing those pads and helmet.”

“I only wear this stupid stuff cause my mom makes me.” He pouted.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Chris. What’s your’s?”

“Elizabeth, but I like to go by Liz. Do you live in this neighborhood or are you just passing by?”

“I actually live next door. My mom doesn’t like me going too far from the house.”

We sat there and talked for a while, until my dad came out and told me to get back to unloading the moving truck. I stood up and wiped the grass off my yellow sundress and then reached my hand out to help Chris up. It took a lot of stumbling but I was able to get him back to standing on two feet again.


Him and I have been close ever since that day. From first grade all the way to our senior year. He has been my best friend and been with me through all the hard times. Ana and Jon joined our grouped a couple weeks later when we started school and we all ended up walking home together.

Normally it’s Chris holding my hand while I get bandaged up for doing something stupid. Over the years it’s been falling down on the playground and busting open my forehead so bad I needed stitches or sliding down a rusted pole that cuts up my leg and we try to bandage it ourselves since our parents weren’t home. I have never had to be the strong one but today that changes. I know that Chris is going to need a lot of support and help recovering from this accident. I just hope that he has the opportunity to get better and go off to college like we’ve always talked about.

After waiting for another four hours a doctor finally comes out, “Who’s here for Christopher Wilcox?” All three of us stand up at the same time. “Are any of you family?” We shake our heads like we have all lost the ability to form words. “I’m sorry but I can only give information out to family.” The doctor said.

“Wait! We’re his very best friends. His parents have been notified but they travel for work and are currently trying to get here from New Orleans. I told them that as soon as I knew something I would call and let them know. Please. How is he?” I pleaded with the doctor.

“Christopher, suffered traumatic injuries to his head and the left side of his body. He had a brain bleed but we were able to stop it. His shoulder was separated but we did reset it. He had major internal bleeding but we were able to stop everything that we saw. He is being kept in an induced coma so that his brain can have time for the swelling to go down and we will be doing scans every three hours to watch the swelling and make sure that it does not get any worse.” The doctor said.

“So he is okay?” Ana asked squeezing Jon’s hand.

“For now he is stable.” The doctor replied to her.

“Can I see him?” I asked shakely.

“Each of you can see him but one at a time.”

“Liz why don’t you go see him first and I will call his parents and give them the update. Hopefully they will be here soon.” Jon whispered to me.

On shaking legs I forced myself to follow the doctor down the hall, into the elevator, up three floors, down another hall and into the ICU. He leads me over to a door ajarred and waves me in. I slowly push the door open quietly so not to disturb him and walk in. Stunned I freeze just inside the door. The boy laying in the hospital bed does not look like my best friend at all. He has a tube coming out his mouth and two tubes sneaking out of the blankets down the side of the bed. His face is covered with scrapes and bruises. His left arm is in a sling and his right hand is in a white bandaged obviously covering some cut he sustained in the accident. I just want to run from the room straight out of the hospital and break down but I know that I can’t, I must be strong for my friend who has always been strong when I needed him.

I make my way over to his bedside and pull up the chair so I can sit as close to him without disturbing him. “Hey you. How’re you feeling?” I whisper close to his ear. I know he can’t respond but maybe he can hear me, I have to believe that. “Ana and Jon are down in the waiting room talking to your parents. They should be here soon, they got stuck in New Orleans by some crazy storms. But I’m not going anywhere. I will be here for you every step of the way.”

I reached my hand up so that I can hold his right hand even though it’s in a bandage. His fingertips are poking out of the bandage and I run my fingers over them so I can feel his skin. Chris has been my best friend since I first moved here but he has become to mean so much more to me over the last year. I remember the moment I first realized that I was in love with my best friend.


We were hanging out with Ana and Jon doing our usual Friday night routines. We went to the Varsity football games because I had to since I was a cheerleader and they came to keep me cheer me on. They would always sit to the side of the student section not wanting to stand the whole game but still wanting to see me on the sidelines.

During the last quarter some of us cheerleaders were able to sit on the colder nights, I sat between Ana and Chris while Jon sat on the opposite side of Chris. The game was in the fourth quarter and our team was up by three touchdowns. “Liz how long do we have stay? We already know who is going to win.” Ana whined.

“We can go whenever, I don’t have to go back down and cheer. I doubt anyone will miss me if we sneak off.”

We got up and gathered all our things and headed up the steps of the bleachers. Once we got to the top we ran into some of the other kids we sometimes hung out with and stood there for a few minutes talking. “I have to pee. I’ll be right back.” I whispered to Ana after a couple minutes.

When I was walking out of the bathroom I spotted my three friends waiting for me and smiled thinking that I had the best life. But then the queen bee b***h decided she was going to make her appearance. Stacy, the captain of my squad and the only one who seemed to strongly hate me in her little group, walked up to me and demanded, “Liz, where do you think you are going? We have to stay for the whole game, you know I told the whole squad this yesterday at practice.”

“Stacy, you may have said that but I asked Norman and she said I am welcome to leave anytime after the last quarter and I sat down. You are not my boss and I don’t know what your problem is with me but get out of my way.”

“I have a problem with you thinking that you are better than the rest of us and thinking that you don’t have to follow the rules like the rest of us.”

“Stacy stop causing problems. Just get over the fact that she has the guy you like.” Shyann stepped up to defend me.

“Wait a second. What did you just say?”

“She’s jealous that you’re dating Chris and have been ever since freshman year.” Shy informed me.

“Seriously you have been hating me all these years because you think I’m dating Chris? He’s my best friend and I’ve known him since I was in first grade. Besides he’s dating someone else right now.” I informed everyone.

“I see how you both hang all over each other. Don’t lie to me you’re his girl and everyone here knows it.” Stacy spat at me.

“You know what fine, you don’t believe me whatever that’s your choice.”

Walking away, I heard them whispering behind me but decided to ignore it and deal with it at practice on Monday. Once I reached the group they were all watching me warily. “What?” I asked.

“What was all that about Liz? Stacy looked like she was yelling at you again.” Chris demanded.

“Stop okay. I can handle Stacy. I have been for the last three years.”

“You shouldn’t have to take that. She shouldn’t be allowed to talk to you like that.” Ana chimed in.

“She’s the only one who’s mean to me. All her friends try to convince her otherwise.”

“Well you better let me know if she ever takes it too far. No one messes with my girl.” Chris said after he threw his arm around my shoulders and started guiding me out to our car. I started to think about our friendship and how we act with each other while we drove over to the diner we liked to stop and get some pie and ice cream at after the games.

Sitting in the back with Ana, I leaned over and whispered, “Do you know if Chris is still dating that Emily girl?”

“Um, I think so but I’m not sure. I think he changes girls every week until the girl he really likes realizes his feelings for her.”

“What do you mean? What girl? I know him. There is no special girl for him?”

“You know for someone who’s his best friend you’re completely blind. Although I guess I can’t be surprised since you are the girl that he truly wants.”

“That’s not true!” I screamed too loud. The boys turned around and looked at us.

We both smile at them until they turn around. “Sssshhhh. Damn girl do you have to be so loud.” Ana said.

“Sorry. But there’s no way he feels that way about me.”

“Liz come on you are the only one he sees every day, texts constantly, and the only one he would leave a date to save.”

“What? When did he leave a date to come save me?”

“He didn’t tell you. The night that Steve went to far and tried to force you to have sex with him. He was out with some girl but when you called him he didn’t even think twice about leaving her in the middle of their date.”

“I remember that night, even though I wish I didn’t and I don’t remember him telling me that he left his date to come give me a ride home and stay with me.”

“He didn’t want to make you feel bad. That boy has always put you before anyone else.”

“I guess I never saw it.” I whispered.

I turned to look at the window and try to gather my thoughts before we got to the diner. I thought back to all the times that Chris was there for me and how he was always so willing to help me with anything. I looked over at his profile and studied him. It was in those minutes before we reached the diner that I realized I was lying to myself and everyone around and that I did love Chris. But I was currently dating Dan and I didn’t want to hurt him.

“What do I do, Ana?”

“Well, now that you finally realize your true feelings maybe it’s time you act on them.”

“But what about Dan and the girl Chris is currently dating. I don’t want to hurt them.”

“Why do you do that? You have got to stop putting other people’s feelings before your own. If you don’t you’re going to end up in some bad situations.”

“Stop just because I care doesn’t mean anything.”

“This is high school everyone gets hurt at some point.”

“Exactly. What happens if we do date and then decide we don’t work and then we lose our friendship. I can’t lose my friendship with him.”

“Will you relax. This isn’t some guy you just met at the beginning of the year in English. This is Chris, the boy you have known since the first day you moved here. The boy you have gone to school with for the last eleven years.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Just don’t over think it. Listen to your heart and follow that direction.”


I wish I would have listened to that advice sooner. It has now been four months to the date that I realized how I felt and I still haven’t told him. How can I be so stupid. I am someone who knows that life is too short to not just go for what you want. I just hope I’m not too late and I can still tell him.

“I love you Chris. Please stay with me. I need you. I should have told in the car on the way to the diner. But I will tell you every day if you just stay with me.” I pleaded quietly. Tears silently rolling down my cheeks I rest my head on his pillow next to his head and cry until I can’t cry anymore.

I woke up to the sound of a tapping on the door. Looking around I remembered where I was and I looked back at Chris and he still hasn’t moved. The tapping started again and I realized that someone was at the door. I stood up and quickly went to answer it. It was his parents. They pushed past me and went to their son’s side.

I spot Ana and Jon standing next to the nurse’s station. I walk over to them. “I’m sorry guys I fell asleep.”

“Don’t be sorry. We both know that when he wakes up your face is going to be the first that he wants to see.” Jon said while patting me on the back.

For the next two days, since it’s Christmas break and schools out, it’s the same routine, Ana and I go together to the hospital and Jon meets us there and we take turns with Chris’s parents sitting with him and talking to him. I take a couple minutes at the end of each day to spend with him alone and tell him how much I love him and give him a kiss hoping that he will wake the next day. Finally after the fourth day, his parents told us that the doctors are going to bring Chris out of his coma but warned us that he might have some memory loss.

We all wait together for him to wake up. It wasn’t until a little after noon that his mom started sobbing because Chris opened his eyes. He looked around at all of us and then his gaze rested on me. I slowly walked over to his bedside. “Hey you, how are you feeling?” I ask him quietly.

“Wh-Wh-Wh-Where am I?” he asked.

“Chris, you are at the hospital. You were in a car accident a few days ago.” I slowly tell him.

The doctor walks in with a nurse and we all step away from the bed. They start checking his vitals and asking him questions to check his memory. So far everything seems to be normal. It wasn’t until he was fully awake and everyone gave us a few moment alone.

“Okay, since we finally have a moment to ourselves. I want you to be honest with me. How are you doing truly, no bravery?”

“I’m overwhelmed. I don’t remember the accident but the doctors said that’s normal. I also have something to ask you.”

“Okay go ahead but before you do I have to say something that I should have said four months ago. I love you.”

“Oh. Well then that makes my question harder. Who are you?” He slowly asked me.

I jump from the bed shocked. “You don’t remember me?” He shakes his head. “Do you remember the two people I was standing with earlier?”

“I think his name is Jon or James something like that and we live near each other, the same with the girl who I think is Ana or Amy.”

“That’s right they are Jon and Ana. You remember them but not me?” I ask stunned.

“I’m sorry. We seem to be close with how protective you have been over me since I woke up but I had to ask.”

“No don’t apologize it’s not your fault. You suffered a very traumatic experience.” I assure him without showing my heartbreak. “Do you remember my face?”

“I do. I see you a lot when I think of Ana and Jon. But I don’t remember your name or much of our relationship it seems. Are we friends? Boyfriend/Girlfriend?”

“We’re the best of friends but you should remember soon. Maybe this is only temporary.”


We sit in silence for about five more minutes and then his parents came back in. I said my goodbyes and went to meet Ana and Jon in the waiting room. “Hey guys, I want to go ask the doctor something real quick. Can you just meet me at the cars?”

“Sure.” Ana said.

“Doctor, you said that Chris may suffer some memory loss from the brain injury. Is it possible that he only has memory loss about one person?” I asked.

“He didn’t say anything to me. But, yes it is possible for someone to have memory loss about a certain person or place. Did he say something to you?”

“He doesn’t remember me. He asked me who I am. Is it possible this is only short term or is it permanent?”

“That is very hard to say. The brain is the hardest organ to understand. We will keep an eye out. Do you have some pictures of the two of you that you could bring? Maybe that will jog something loose .”

“Okay I can do. Thank you.” I turn to walk to the elevators.

How can he forget me. We‘ve been through so much over the years. He was there for me when Steve tried to rape me, when my parents got a divorce and my mom died of breast cancer.  Even when my dad’s latest girlfriend tried to kick me out. I was there for him when he broke his leg in middle school, his dad first started traveling for long periods of time for work, and his first break up.

Celebrating the holidays was difficult. This year I spent more time at my house with my dad and his girlfriend then with Chris and his family. I went to see him on Christmas eve but he still didn’t remember me and I finally felt like it was time to step back and give him space. But now school is starting back up and I don’t know how this is going to go. We have all the same classes together because that’s how we planned it. I guess here goes nothing.

Walking through the doors to hall B where all the small freshman scramble around to get their books and then to hurry to their classes so they’re not late. Weaving through all the students to get to hall C where my locker was always was a challenge. Once I get to hall C it’s a totally different scene, students aren’t scrambling to gather things and get to their first class instead they all huddle by someone’s locker and talk about their breaks. It’s much more relaxed and mellowed. I spot Ana and Jon standing next to my locker and then glance to the one next to mine and see him there. Taking a deep breath and gather courage to walk over there.

“Hey guys.”

“Hey Liz. How was your break? We barely saw you.” Jon welcomed me.

“Yeah my dad decided it was time that I spend the holidays with him since it’s my senior year and all.” I told them peeking a look over at Chris to see if he knew I was lying. He wasn’t even looking at us but his shoulders were tense. “What about you guys? How was everyone else’s break?”

“Mine was the same. We went skiing over Christmas and then New Year’s we went to our cabin in Montana.” Ana said.

“Mine was boring as always. We just hung out at the house, had multiple parties to accommodate all my parents friends.” Jon added in.

“What about you Chris?” I asked hesitantly. Ana looked at me and knew something was up. I hadn’t told them that Chris doesn’t remember me yet.

“It was just a calm year. My parents forgoed on the family trip so that I could rest and be ready for my last semester of classes. Nothing special. I’m gonna head to class.” He started to turn but then miss cheery Reilly came over and hugged him. He jumped back like someone shocked him which helped my ego, but then I saw that he recognized her. “Oh hey Reilly. How are you?” He asked her.

“I’m great of course. This is our last semester of high school and then we are free. How come you never called me over break. I was starting to think you were serious when you told me you wanted to break up before break started.”

“I was serious actually Reilly. I don’t want to date anyone right now.” He said that last sentence glancing at me. “Reilly I thought you understood that. I don’t mean to be rude but we are done. I’ve gotta go.”

“Are you serious? Well fine. I guess it’s a good thing I hooked up with Ryan on New Years.” Reilly shouted so the whole hall stopped talking and looked over at us.

Chris turned around and looked at her. Before he turned back around to go down the hall he looked over at me and shook his head. Like he knew I wanted to shut her up. Maybe he did remember some things.

“I’ll see you guys later,” I said to Ana and Jon, “Chris! Wait up!”

“Liz, I need some time alone before class.” He said.

    “Okay well can I at least just walk and sit with you. I haven’t seen you since Christmas eve and that’s the longest we’ve ever gone without seeing each other since we met. And I was just wanting...”

    “I know.” He interrupted.

    “To just be with you.. Wait. Did you just say you know?” I asked stunned.

    “Yeah. I know. That’s kind of why I’m upset. I remember you now Liz. It all came back to me on Christmas. But you never called or even came back over to see me so I thought you were mad about something I couldn’t control.”

    “Chris stop.” I grabbed his arm and pulled him to a hault. “You remember me then why didn’t you call me? I only stayed away because you asked me to and I didn’t want to upset you while you were still healing.”

    “I know what I said. But if I remember correctly you never were good at following directions.” He said with a half smile.

    “Yes that’s correct. I guess it’s my fault. I’m sorry. I just felt scared because..” I trailed off.

    We finally reached our spot, the bench underneath the far window in hall C. We always sit here at the beginning of a school day so that we can take a minute before the teachers start their long lectures. This bench has always given us a place where we can sit and talk and watch the rest of the students go about their lives.

    “Because what?’ Chris said breaking me out of my thoughts.

    “A lot of things have changed for me over the last couple of months. I don’t know if I should say this but your accident has shone light on the fact that life is too short for the second time for me. But I can’t lose you. I know we have been friends for a long time. But in the fall I realized that I love you and I need to say that. I know I said it in the hospital to you but I just need to tell you now that you know who I am.” I rambled on.

    “I know you love me, Liz. I wouldn’t be your best friend if I didn’t know this.”

    “Wait. How long have you known?”

    “Probably before you even realized it yourself.”

    “So what does this mean for us?”

    “What do you want it to mean?”

    “I want us to be together. I can’t continue loving you the way I do and think about you being with someone else or think about the fact that we are perfect for each other and are not together.” I admitted.

    “Well I think we can do that.” He joked.

    “If you knew my feelings for you this whole time, why did you not say something and why did you continue dating Reilly?”

    “I didn’t want to scare you off. I honestly don’t know why I stayed with Reilly but I ended it with her before break because I was finally going to tell you how I felt on Christmas day.”

    “Chris sometimes your logic don’t know but you should have definitely said something earlier.”

    “So now that we both agree that we will be good together, can I give you this?” He hands me a small box wrapped in red paper with a white, ribbon bow.

I gently take it from him and our fingertips touch and I feel that spark that keeps happening we touch. We looked up at each other and I felt pulled to him. I leaned toward him and moved my eyes to his lips then up to his eyes again. Knowing what I was going to do his lips met mine half way. The kiss was everything I thought it would be, soft and sweet.

Pulling back I realized my eyes were closed and when they opened I saw hunger and want in his eyes. I have only seen that look once and wish I could forget it but on Chris it pulls me to him that much more. Ana bounding over to us and pushes me into Chris’s chest, inevitably breaking our connection for the moment and reminding us where we are.

“What’s that?” She asks looking at the gift in my hand.

“I don’t know yet. I haven’t opened it yet.” Looking down at the gift in my hand, I grab the end of the bow and tug so that it unties. Then I tear off one corner ripping the paper off. Chris grabs the ribbon and paper out of my way. Keeping my eyes on the gift so that I don’t get distracted again. I see that it is a small jewelry box, Chris has always laughed at me for my jewelry fetish. Opening the lid of the small, velvet box I peek inside and see his class ring sitting in the slot. I look up at him confused.

“I told you that I was going to tell you how I felt on Christmas. This was how I was going to do it. I was going to give you my class ring and ask you to go out with me for New Year’s Eve.” He said answering my unspoken question.

“You want me to have your class ring?” I ask awed by his romantic gesture. I have always seen him be sweet and romantic with his girlfriends and wished that I had someone would treat me that way.

“Yes I want you to wear my ring and show everyone that you are finally my girl.”

Laughing, I jump forward and wrap my arms around his neck. “Yes! Of course! Can you help me slide it around my necklace?”

While Chris helps me attach it to my necklace I glance up at Jon and Ana and see them both smirking at us. “What are you two smirking at?” I ask.

“You two are soo cute.” Ana squealed.

“It’s about damn time.” Jon said at the same time.

Everything finally felt right again. I have the guy of my dreams and two amazing friends that have been with me through everything. I don’t think anything could ruin the rest of the school year. This is a great way to start the last semester of my senior year.

© 2016 Megan

Author's Note

Any advice is welcome.

My Review

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Thank you Megan for sharing the amazing story. A good life. Friendship and good people near. I like the good description. You took the reader with you with your words and thoughts. Thank you for sharing the excellent story.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 28, 2016
Last Updated on September 28, 2016



Lincoln, NE

I recently graduated with my Bachelor's in English. I am 22 and discovered my love for writing just these past few years. I haven't published much but hope to change that. I live in Lincoln, NE right .. more..

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