First Look(Demo)

First Look(Demo)

A Chapter by Hari

This is just the demo or first look.There might be some spelling or gramatical errors,first chapter coming soon!


     Aegis Of The Legion(First look)



Nero:So is this all true?am I really the chosen one?Or am i going insane?

Metatron:Well this is as true as it can get,so is there anything u want to ask me?

Nero :Err.. ok,  can u tell me whos gonna win the champions league this season?

Metatron:Really?Thats your question.U do know that I am an almighty being, right?

Nero :Well thats the first thing that popped in my head

Metatron:Children these days.So lets see, tell me what do u know about the creation of this universe?

Nero:Is this a trick question?
Cause scientifically it all started with the big bang , but now i feel obliged to tell u that god created it.

Metatron:You know about the big bang ?Wow i must say am impressed, at first  you seemed to be a bimbo, but u show promise.

Nero:Actually one day while i was googling the name of the actress in the sitcom The big bang theory i was redirected to the page on the actual big bang theory

Metatron:nevermind ill give u that one.So its actually true the universe started with the big bang theory but your kind has still not deciphered all the events

and phenomemons that occured after or because of it.Now listen carefully to what i say.

(At this point of time hari was mindlessly grazing at the sky)

Nero:what..... err.... yea... kaley cucuo.. i mean the big bang theory,tell me more am listening

Metatron:Really u do know i can read ur thoughts, right?Am standing right in front of you, telling you some of the biggest secrets of the universe and you are

busy fantasizing about kaley cucuo

Nero:Sorry,and by the way reading someones thoughts is a serious violation of ones privacy, tell god that

Metatron:Says the guy who has stalked millions of girls on facebook

Nero:Hey if i wanted to listen to someone talking about how stalking girls on facebook is bad  i would have gone to my councellor.werent u gonna tell me some secrets

or something?

Metatron:Ok but listen carefully now,billions of years ago a big bang did occur it sent matter in all directions at varying speeds.According to humans there is nothing

faster than the speed of light.However during the big bang the speed at which some parts of matter travelled were much greater than the speed of light.

Nero:Yea but nowadays the technology is so f*****g advanced i probably think that someone must have discovered this.Are u sure?I think we must google it.

Metatron:U dont f*****g get it, do you?Am metatron the advisor of god i know everything that occurs in the world and everything that occured since its inception.

Seriously,out of all th people in this world god had to choose you to be the next prophet..Why couldnt he choose someone like opera or dalai lama

Nero:Hey man chill,u only told me that i can ask questions.

Metatron:Ok new rule you cant ask stupid questions,understood?

Nero:Yea,now can u please continue?

Metatron:So as i was saying there are speeds faster than that of light,however when something has a velocity greater than that of light it actally breaks a dimension

and enters into a new dimension.Man has yet to discover these unknown dimensions and i highly doubt man can ever find them.

Nero:And why is that so?

Metatron :Because the only was to enter these dimensions is through your brain.

Nero:I still dont get it.

Metatron:Well you see the only way to break these barriers and cross into a new dimension is by intense meditation and concentration,as only your soul and not your

physical body can transverse through dimensions.

Nero:But there are many sadhus,yogis,monks,etc. that have meditated and reached a so called nirvana.

Metatron:Yes your right but many have failed and crossed into unknown dimensions and after u enter a dimension its nearly impossible for a soul to return back.

Nero:so your telling me that god didnt create this universe?

Metatron:yea your absolutely right.Actually god was created by the big bang so were other godly creatures who have mastered the art of travelling across various

dimensions.Soon after the big bang the universe began to expand and various galaxies were formed one of which was your galaxy, the milky way.During this time

your planet was begining to show signs of life.It had everything in its favour,it was at the right distance from the sun with a non toxic atmosphere and nutreints

that would favour life.Also during this time many godly creatures formed due to the big bang had mastered the art of travelling through such being was

'Dennis' who after travelling across many dimensions and galaxies came across your planet.At this time earth was covered mostly with water which was a safe haven

for unicellular as well as certain evolved tiny creatures like shrimps.the little land that was there was covered with shrubs which were actually sea plants that had

adapted to survive on land after the sea water started receding.when dennis observed these being he found out that all of these creatures were interdependent on each

other and that all the events that occured were a part of a cycle in which every element had a minor yet significant role to play.


© 2014 Hari

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Added on June 26, 2014
Last Updated on June 26, 2014



Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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